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Could This Be the HTC Incredible HD?


Android Enthusiast
Mar 2, 2010
West Pittston, PA
HTC's buttonless slate spotted in the furry wilds -- Engadget



Also, the 1 year anniversary of the Incredible is coming in 3 months, so maybe? And it's picture is getting taken NEXT to an Incredible. Let the speculation BEGIN :D
The Incredible HD was renamed as the Thunderbolt. This appears to be the Incredible 2, as of now.

By the way, this is already old news ;)


Dang, thought maybe the Incredible HD being TB was just a rumor, and never confirmed that it was the successor / HD version. And I checked the HTC forum, and Verizon forum so I didn't repost, but didn't think about the "Other Phones" forum. My bad.
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Really?? I have had my Incredible since day one and have NEVER used the optical track pad.

REALLY?? I have had my since June a I CONSTANTLY use my optical track pad.

So how do move the cursor just a couple spaces at a time? That'd frustrate the hell out of me. I won't wan a phone without some sort of trackball/d-pad/trackpad/etc, but it probably wouldn't be a deal breaker.
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