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  1. Renthorin

    Help What is this strange icon in the notification bar?

    It's in the far upper left. Looks like a small circle or dot??? It only appears a few times a day and for no particular reason that I can tell. It goes away as soon as I swipe down on the notification bar. I have GPS off so it's not that, though it does look like the inner part of the GPS...
  2. Renthorin

    Help Speech-to-text intermittently not working

    With no particular reason, my speech-to-text intermittently stops working. I use it to text (Handcent), fill in search fields in my browser, and find destinations within Navigator. Seems like less than half the time I get "Please try again when you are connected to the network." Well....when...
  3. Renthorin

    Help Cloud icon with question mark??

    I tried to search and I even read the manual (skimmed really). Every once and a while I get a white cloud with a question mark in the upper left corner of the screen. I assume my phone wants to connect to the cloud but can not? I didn't know I had set up any accounts to connect to the cloud...
  4. Renthorin

    Renaming my phone?

    The name I want to replace is "Verizon Wireless". You see the name when you wake your phone at the top of the unlock screen and you see it at the bottom when you drag down the menu bar. Not a huge deal but I like to rename my phones so they are mine...not Big V's. On my X I was rooted and used...
  5. Renthorin

    So I went for it and bought the N2

    got it on lunch yesterday at BestBuy for 199.99. It is a change from my beloved Droid X. I loved that phone but the screen was going and it was over 2 years old. I'm waffling over whether the N2 is too big and I should have gotten the S3 but I'll give it a full week to convince me that the...
  6. Renthorin

    A question about the photo quality

    Greetings all. This is my first post so I apologize if this has been asked/beaten to death already. The wife and I both have our beloved Droid X's but they are on their last electronic legs. My screen flickers and goes out any time the phone gets colder than about 65 degrees....bleh...