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  • Early@ 4am. 1Dec2013 When I sent my planes out this time I went back in time, return to normal time. My planes return. Flight should of taken couple of hours. It took second. I tapped to get more passengers a message appeared. Time travelers cannot collect passen blah blah. Contact support more blah. I checked settings, auto time on and correct. Tapped on the coins to collect but a message appeared. Time travelers cannot blah blah... So the time cheat is out. Game more boring now. Got onto this forum to let you know what you just read. I'm just left to uninstall the game now. From my Tablet. Friend code ' a79kjs2 ' won't be any good now. I've still got code 50pgj4 on my other old phone. The game won't update as the memory is to full to allow for the update. I can still play it. But It keeps saying daily limit reached. Code still works but what's the point, I can't send anything back.
    Airport city. Fun for a while. But not anymore.
    Files deleted. Program uninstalled.
    It has come to my attention that my code 50pgj4 is being used as user name by others. Not good as I will get all the contacts not the person using it as a username. I found this out after I had upgraded my HTC for a newer much newer 1.5 months from launched Samsung phone. Kept my HTC on a sim only so I now have 2 airport city games. The code is still mine and so is the advanced time idea.
    Newer info.

    I have the desire s. On this phone even if you have closed an app, its still running in the background. instead of restarting your phone as i said yesterday. For Desire S users, not sure if this would work on other phones. but try doing this. After you have closed the Airport city game. Goto home main screen. Goto Settings. Goto Applicaions. Goto Running services. Goto Airport City. Select STOP. if you have 2 stop them both. You now shouldn't need to restart you phone.
    From the Main screen Goto Settings. Goto Date & Time. Then advance your time.
    My friend code is ' 50pgj4 :)
    On sunday17june2012. I experimented.
    .They may bring in an update to stop this from happening. What im about to tell you.
    My phone is the desire s. Little experiment i tried and it worked. So how does the game track your time? some buildings give you coins after 20mins ,some after 1 hour, some are 1 day. The game uses your phone to track the time you have to wait. If you advance the mins or hours. You can restart your phone, reload the game and collect the coins that you would of been waiting for. If you just change the time this little trick maynot work. I did this all afternoon. But the more buildings you have the more you can collect when you restart your phone, then Advance the mins or hours, then reload your game and collect the coins. When this is found out a new update may stop this from happening.
    Desire S phone
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