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  • > have a zte warp 4g< trying to root this slow sob but no one will help! I don't want to screw anything up..can you please help me! Lol
    Ppl say towel root works I don't own the device
    I know but I been reading your posts and you seem pretty Damn smart, so figured I'd see if you could help is all;) thank you
    Sorry about that when the warp 4g was jellybean towel root would work but since it upgraded to kitkat have kept up with any root methods
    Hey, does video work from any camera app for you on the Spirit ROM (or any of the KK ROMs for that matter)? Ive tried a few and they all seem to have trouble with it (crashing)...
    Thats my favorite too but it crashes for video on the KK builds... unfortunately.
    Whats the problem with the camera on KK anyway? Do you think that will be fixed? You seem more in the loop...
    Not sure I think it might be the coding perhaps u might wana ask the dev of the kitkats he's going to probably tell u the same
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