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Ready to move on


Android Expert
Jan 14, 2011
Back on January my Nexus 6 crashed and died. It got stuck in strange factory reset mode before finally just dying. I had no intention of replacing my Nexus 6. To me it was the perfect phone. I was going to keep that phone until it fell apart and then I was going to purchase a new frame, no matter the cost my Nexus 6 would survive. Unfortunately my wife thought and said otherwise especially after spending $75 on a new battery only to have the phone go through two days of melt downs before dying. I was convinced a new motherboard would have made everything better.
What's a motherboard repair for your phone going to cost?
I don't know I responded, maybe $60-$80
What happens when the screen gets cracked or needs to be replaced she asked?
Maybe $25-$30
How much to replace the speakers when they go?
She was quite and said so basically we are looking at spending anywhere from $200 and upwards to keep your phone running with repairs cost?
We were on the same page I thought she understands
You're getting a new phone.
I tried to argue a motherboard would be cheaper and the phone was still in pretty good shape.
We went back and fourth before she said no and that was it. When it comes to financial matters the wife has final say.
So I got the LG G6 and let me say out of five not so wonderful choices the G6 barely stood among the options. Mostly I got this phone for the price $500 out the door.
It wasn't my Nexus 6 but I was going to give it a try maybe it would grow on me
Within a few days of getting apps started to crash
Then came the random restarts, the phone freezing up, the touchscreen and the finger print scanner both not working and now my phone is suddenly reducing brightness to zero.
There are also some issues with phone calls.
I got this phone brand new. I should not be having these problems. I am tempted to do a factory reset but I got to the point with the nexus 6 where I was doing them daily. I hate having to go in and reinstall everything all over. I am ready to ditch the G6 and move on. My only problem is there isn't really anything else I wasn't on the market. I think my only real requirements would a screen size 5.7 or larger and a headphone jack. I am .Thinking of maybe ordering something off Amazon that will work with T-Mobile. The headphone jack is a must.
I really loved my OnePlus 5T but due to crappy coverage of AT&T and T-Mobile in my area, I had to part with it and switch back to Verizon. I used my Moto X4 backup phone for a while and finally decided to give LG a try and picked up a G6 US997U.
It's taken me a little bit to get used to the way LG does things. Hate not having a traditional recovery. Don't like the way they divide the Settings Menu like Samsung.
Haven't had any of the issues you have mentioned and the phone is actually starting to grow on me.
Sounds like you might need to RMA. Should have a year from purchase. I even got a second year free from LG.
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I ended up factory re setting the device, I really don't care for the G6 all that much. However with T-Mobile there really isn't much of an alternative. Today its all about iPhones and the galaxy series its been that way for a few years. My only other choice would be the v30 or what is that other one the moto z2 or moto z+ ? Or perhaps a note 8
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Today I had a nexus 6 flash back on my G6. While waiting for the wife to get off work, I gave my daughter my phone to watch Netflix on. She had been watching something for a few minutes and then handed me phone back. She tells me
Daddy Netflix is gone
Gone it was. I pressed the home button and my screen is white absolutely nothing is on there but the app draw. I am thinking perhaps it didn't go back to the home screen but I had.
So I try the app draw it opens to absolutely nothing , nothing but a white screen.
I figured ok no problem some type of glitch I will do a restart. I pressed on the power button and nothing happens. I keep pressing and pressing and pressing nothing happens.
Ok I will simply take out the battery, oh yeah no removable battery. So I keep pressing and finally my phone shuts down.
I press it again to turn it on. The phone comes on with white screen with spinning circle that is yellow, blue, green and purple. It spins and spins for five minutes maybe ten. Then the phone shuts down. I try to power on nothing happens. I wait a few minutes try again nothing. I wait a little bit longer nothing.
I am thinking battery died (my battery was 98%. The only apps installed are Netflix, Nickjr and pbs kids. And the usual bloatware apps. I have none of the LG Apps installed. I am not to worry being that my wife will be out in a few minutes and if anyone needs to seriously contact me they will call my wife.
I put my phone away.
Roughly ten minutes later I heard it come on. It goes through the regular start up process and everything seems to be back in order.
We are probably going to T-Mobile tomorrow evening and trade it in for either the note 8 or V30 or maybe an S9 really not a fan of Samsung phones I did like my S3 though.
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She had been watching something for a few minutes and then handed me phone back.
Roughly ten minutes later I heard it come on.

That sounds exactly like a heat issue. The protection circuitry wouldn't let the phone boot above a certain temperature.

My best guess is that it's got a bad component or solder joint that heats up excessively under load. No amount of flashing or tweaking can fix a hardware problem. Get it replaced. LG offered G6 owners a two year warranty extension .... I hope you signed up for it.
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That sounds exactly like a heat issue. The protection circuitry wouldn't let the phone boot above a certain temperature.

My best guess is that it's got a bad component or solder joint that heats up excessively under load. No amount of flashing or tweaking can fix a hardware problem. Get it replaced. LG offered G6 owners a two year warranty extension .... I hope you signed up for it.
Unfortunately my kids have run out patience with the G6. They are demanding I get their black phone back. The black phone was the nexus 6. We are supposed to go trade it in. Its coming down to the note 8 or V30 the S9 is a very distant 3rd place contender
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