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So..VZW says ship by 8/03 but how long did it take to get yours?

Called VZW this morning and have a tracking number. Supposed to be delivered on the 26th. Still has not left Memphis yet though.

I also wonder if it matters if you ordered something with the phone. I added a car dock and the CSR in store messed up and ordered it for delivery also rather than just giving me the one on the counter. I figured this might delay my order since now they have to package two things up instead of just the phone.

Ordered in corp store on the 18th. Said it would ship bu 23rd. Still no tracking number as of this morning.
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as i said earlier i'm one of the ones who ordered in store on the 19th.. told the 27.. nothing yet.. no email.. yadda yadda... went to VZW store today, happened to speak wiht a manager as to my order and she said she ordered hers online on the 15th for her son- she hasn't received hers either... maybe its a maine thing LOL

NH here. Ordered my replacement on the 19th, was promised that it would ship by the 27th. Received shipping confirmation from Fed Ex this afternoon that it was shipped out of Ontario,CA, with an expected delivery date of 7/27.

Hopefully yours is next in line. ;-)
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Just ordered mine 45 minutes ago. We shall see how long the turn around is. None of the local stores had any. The Wifes Curve 8530 has already shipped, rofl.

I ordered mine at about the same time as yours and on the 22nd too. I used the online site for my order. i called the 866 number today and my order was accepted and he thought the soonest I would get mine would be the 4th or the 5th of August. I selected the free overnight shipping.
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We ordered on VZW website on 7/19; 2 droid Xs, 5 accessories. Got the VZW email thursday night 7/22 saying 1 phone had been shipped, it too is coming out of Memphis, I am in South Cackalacky. ;)

I am already writing down what apps I want and I don't even have a phone yet! :D

go ahead and set up an account on appbrain. put all the apps you want on a list and then download appbrain when you get your phone. That will make the process much faster
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Weeeeeeeeeeee......I ordered mine online on Friday the 23rd, just received an email stating it will be here tomorrow according to FEDEX....schweeeet!!

See, this is some stupidity. There are people who ordered upwards of a week before you, and they're still waiting on the sidelines as Verizon continues to employ the "hunt and peck" shipping method. It's clear they're not favoring regions to save on shipping costs, because they sent a unit from Ontario, CA, to NH.

I ordered on the 21st, and as far as I'm concerned, they still have a pile of orders to fill before getting to mine (and they should follow that order), but instead they're filling orders that should be near the end of the list at this point.

It doesn't surprise me, though. This is standard MO for Verizon, and I don't understand how they continue to get away with it. The average tech-savvy user is generally pretty willing to provide feedback about this type of thing, and it's quite obvious from reading this forum. It's a bit perplexing to me that, in the nearly two years I've observed this "hunt and peck" strategy, word hasn't gotten back up the ladder to the point that Verizon has said "let's correct this."

Perhaps they ship more early and/or on time than late and/or never and their "metrics" say they're doing fine. Who knows.
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It would be a mistake to think that all orders for the X go to the same place. When you order an X from a store or online it sends that order to a regionally specific warehouse. That is where your order is processed and shipped from. I guy who lives in NY and orders a phone on 7/22 and a guy who lives in Cali orders a phone on 7/25. Who gets theirs first? In a perfect world the guy from NY would because he ordered first. But this isn't the case. If the warehouse that ships to NY has a higher demand and lower stock then the shipment could be delayed 2-5 days, whereas the warehouse for california may have more stock and less demand and ships out the next day.
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It would be a mistake to think that all orders for the X go to the same place. When you order an X from a store or online it sends that order to a regionally specific warehouse. That is where your order is processed and shipped from. I guy who lives in NY and orders a phone on 7/22 and a guy who lives in Cali orders a phone on 7/25. Who gets theirs first? In a perfect world the guy from NY would because he ordered first. But this isn't the case. If the warehouse that ships to NY has a higher demand and lower stock then the shipment could be delayed 2-5 days, whereas the warehouse for california may have more stock and less demand and ships out the next day.

Sure, but that's quite obviously not what they're doing.

Besides, I'm not advocating that they ship from one place. I'm advocating that they pool their sales channels to ensure that someone who orders today through telesales rather than online isn't put in front of the order submitted online yesterday. My work is of a supply chain nature, so believe me- I understand the regional warehouse model and how it works. The fellow whose order shipped from CA to NH is to be the exception, not the norm.

Their warehouses are fairly well integrated from the (limited) information I see. It's their sales channels that aren't. They aren't helped by the loss of orders submitted on the 15th as some have hinted.
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Sure, but that's quite obviously not what they're doing.

Besides, I'm not advocating that they ship from one place. I'm advocating that they pool their sales channels to ensure that someone who orders today through telesales rather than online isn't put in front of the order submitted online yesterday. My work is of a supply chain nature, so believe me- I understand the regional warehouse model and how it works. The fellow whose order shipped from CA to NH is to be the exception, not the norm.

Their warehouses are fairly well integrated from the (limited) information I see. It's their sales channels that aren't. They aren't helped by the loss of orders submitted on the 15th as some have hinted.

If my order got lost I would be justifiably upset myself.
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Ordered 7/20 online, just received my shipping notification. Talked to two different VZW reps on the phone this afternoon who could only tell me that the latest it would ship was 8/3. I'm noticing a trend one these boards of people calling in and questioning the order status and having their orders ship soon afterwards, so you guys should do the same?
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I ordered mine in store after the initial sell out. I was told by a rather unhelpful Verizon employee that my phone would be shipped out on the 27th and that I would most likely get it a couple days later via FedEx. I was very surprised that I got my phone on the 23rd when they said it wouldn't even be mailed until the 27th.
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