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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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I really see no reason it WOULDN'T be stuff for the Incredible. Red and Black SCREAM incredible. So much that they have branded the phone (to the best of our knowledge) in red and black. HTC + Red and Black = Incredible. I don't see a phone branding obvious special material (like special tape) to sell a company (Verizon) to its own employees, since employees would be the only one's who would really see it aside from us forum/tech freaks.

Exactly what I was thinking!!!! "HTC + Red and Black = Incredible." Perfect thought process!
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I texted my VZW friend a few minutes ago:

ME: I forgot to take a picture of the box.

HIM: Why would you want a picture of the box?

ME: No reason, just curious.

HIM: The HTC rep is supposed to stop by next week anyway.

ME: Really? What day?

HIM: Tues or Wed.

ME: Where's he out of?

HIM: Bellevue, WA

ME: How often does he stop by?

HIM: I haven't seen him since last fall.

ME: Will you call me when he shows up so I can be there if he opens the box?

HIM: No problem.

You might forward these to your email and take pictures of your text messages for some to believe you on here.:D

Plus add a sign written with Montana Man and 3/21/2010 written on it....lol
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I think the general consensus here is that the DROID name is not continuing onto brand new models other than the DROID & Eris successors....

Actually since it's a Verizon exclusive phone it will probably be Verizon something. And seeing how awesome Verizon is with naming phones I'd say we are looking at the newest addition to Verizon....

The XV6300 (this is based on my current HTC phone from Verizon the XV6800).
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I texted my VZW friend a few minutes ago:

ME: I forgot to take a picture of the box.

HIM: Why would you want a picture of the box?

ME: No reason, just curious.

HIM: The HTC rep is supposed to stop by next week anyway.

ME: Really? What day?

HIM: Tues or Wed.

ME: Where's he out of?

HIM: Bellevue, WA

ME: How often does he stop by?

HIM: I haven't seen him since last fall.

ME: Will you call me when he shows up so I can be there if he opens the box?

HIM: No problem.

Just curious when he said next week does he mean the week beginning March 28th?
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apang, did you ever get your spec sheet from overseas?

Yeah, it was the specs from the prototype with the red back. It is pretty cool, It has a pic of the proto with the red back and all the tech specs.

I would post it but all it would do is cause this forum to go another 200 pages of people wondering what happen to the current specs and why it changed again:D.
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CRAP! I had totally spaced-out on the red/black Verizon association. :( All that was going through my mind was "The Incredible is black with red accents!" And, of course, it didn't help my thought process as I was freaking out at the time. :eek:

Devil's advocate time: If it was simple and ordinary VZW promo materials, then why the "top secret-secret agent" tape? Hmmm??? Answer me that one, mister! :p
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