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Progressive Lenses


Former Heavyweight Champion of AF-Early Bird Club
Feb 19, 2010
I just got my first pair of glasses today, evvvvver. I was wearing multifocal contact lenses for over a decade for reading. Now I need other help. So, I decided to try a pair of progressives. They are Varilux Comfort lenses in a Perry Ellis frame. I have had them on for about an hour and boy are they hard to get used to. Everything bends and warps. I feel like I'm drunk without the alcohol. Fun times. Does anyone else wear them? If so, do you have any suggestions? Like putting them in the dumpster? :)
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You're going to get used to it! It's been a very long time since I experienced what you are now, and I felt exactly the same way--I remember having trouble just walking, because everything kept distorting and bending weird...I, too, literally felt drunk (and I don't drink!). I don't remember exactly how long it took, but I think maybe a week or so. During that time, I remember taking them off sometimes when I had to walk. That was easier than trying to walk with the room spinning!
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I have a love-hater relationship with my progressive lenses.

I like that there is almost always a focus-point for what I am looking at, but that focus-point is always directly ahead.

I hate that I have zero peripheral vision with the progressives, but with the bifocals, I can't see [stuff] at intermediate ranges. Like the dashboard of my car. Or the wire I am trying to work on in the aircraft.
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The sound like what are called "vari-focal" in the UK. I've been wearing them for probably 8 years now, but I never found them very hard to adapt to. My "reading" prescription isn't very strong though (I don't think it gains me more than a cm or so in minimal focal distance), so I mainly use the long and mid part (in fact I often take them off for reading, though I don't need to the way I did with the simple distance prescription).

I do remember being told that there were different types, some with larger focal areas than others - I opted for the type with the largest usable areas.

But as for the "warping" business, the best solution may be to try them for a few days. The brain will probably work out what is going on and compensate for it, just as it does for all of the optical aberrations that the human eye produces, but it will need a little time to figure it out (there are famous psychological experiments where people wear specs that invert your field of view, and given a few days the brain figures it out and flips the image back - with the drawback that things then look upside-down when you take the specs off!).
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I've worn bifocals since I was in my early twenties. I went to progressive lenses as soon as the option was offered. I actually didn't experience any problems with the change from segmented to progressive. However, I well remember the feeling of my first pair of bifocals. I could not see my feet without being dizzy. I was miserable! I recall it taking a few days to adjust. My advice would be to just wear them. Your brain will figure the new glasses out. Don't be like my wife who quickly gave up on her first set of bifocals and went back to her reading glasses when needed. Finally she had to give up and get new bifocals. She hated them... just hated them but resigned herself to the fact she needed them. A few days later the ranting time was over and hasn't been a subject of complaint since. Good luck with the new glasses Steven and I hope that you never need hearing assistance. Hearing aids are far more difficult to adjust to than vision aids.
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Thanks folks.

@olbriar I am used to multifocal contacts where my brain and not my neck make the adjustments. The contacts are good and they are easy. I'll keep up with the glasses though. I do feel my neck goes into funny positions that I don't like. We'll see.
I never wore contacts with the dusty environment I worked in for years. I am so unschooled that I had no idea multifocal contacts were available. I dated a gal that wore contacts but they were single correction and that was many decades ago. Yes, it will take some head movement to make your new glasses work for you. I bet that is way awkward for you coming from your contacts. Good luck my friend.
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I never wore contacts with the dusty environment I worked in for years. I am so unschooled that I had no idea multifocal contacts were available. I dated a gal that wore contacts but they were single correction and that was many decades ago. Yes, it will take some head movement to make your new glasses work for you. I bet that is way awkward for you coming from your contacts. Good luck my friend.
Single correction lenses sound like they are a path to marriage! :D :D
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so 2 years ago i got progressives. still wearing the same ones.....though i think i might need a new subscription. my eyes are getting worse.

but yeah at first it was hard to get used to them....felt a little dizzy. but after a day or so of use, i got used to them. it was the first time that i ever had to wear glasses. never had to growing up......thank god for that. once i got used to them it was like seeing everything in hd when i had them on. and when i took them off, it was like seeing things in sd.....lol

my only gripe is that they set the focal point for things closeup(i am far sighted) was to low. i kept having to tilt my head when i read a book......so right now i mainly use them when i drive. i rarely wear them when i'm at home.
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I've been wearing them since forever. I recently got a new pair/prescription and my brain/eyes took a day to learn the new rx and where to look. I'd forgotten that that happens.
Do give them time, once you get the hang of it you'll probably like them. I never could get used to multi-focus contacts so just got progressives and stuck with them.
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