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How you know your boss is _________________


Android Expert
Aug 11, 2014
Crazyville, CA
Fill in the blank and then tell a tale, could be current or former.

Now I know when you read the fill in the blank part all sorts of things come to mind, but please try and keep it clean. :D :D

* Afraid of confrontation

So we have a piece of enterprise software with a module that allows employees to look internally at things that are published to the public as well as things that are not yet published -- but are not confidential. Permissions in this module also allow them to do one thing, specifically to create an item that might ultimately (after lots of rounds and workflows) be one of those things that is pending for publication. However, as soon as it is created, the manager would know (as the first step in the flow) and could just kill it, and no one else would be the wiser.

Rather than simply telling the employee "don't do that" (or killing at item so created), the manager wants to pay the software vendor money to recode the module so that those who can see the "things" can't create them.

This when we're in a budget crunch and seriously understaffed with no relief in sight...

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I've mentioned some of the mismanagement that I endure before...

My supervisor spends as much time working on the bench or in the hangar as he does actually doing supervisor stuff because we are understaffed.

His boss, the manager, will grumble about our numbers but then refuses to hire another worker... He expects 24/7 manning in our shop, but then sends one of our two swing-shifters off to other locations for a week or more at a time; leaving the shop empty for five or six hours three days a week.
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I maintain that people are often promoted to their lowest level of incompetence. Simply put, a great floor-level employee will be rewarded with a management position for which they are ill-fitted.

I firmly believe that engineers make absolutely awful managers. This is primarily because they are unable to get away from the technical details (because that's what they enjoy doing after all), and the following problems can occur:-

a) Get too involved in the implementation aspects
b) Are unable to delegate
c) Impose their own ideas on team members, and crush any alternative ideas
d) Expect people to read their minds on 'the right way' of doing things
e) Have no idea how to resolve inter-personal differences between team members
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Yeaaaaah... well... it's not my boss that angers me... it's this ****ing company!

Cutting waaaaaaaaaaay too many costs because they never employing enough people to do the project in the correct specified time frame... to conform to industry standards and procedures... rather they employ too little people for too big a task... and THEN the shit hits the fan!

For the one project... there was an incorrect torque setting in I think it was plant 56 near the one catalyst cracker... and that day I had no idea if we were all going to live or not or all be blown up... looked through the window and saw flames and smoke everywhere near plant 56.. yes I think it was 56 now... started coughing like cray... must have also been hydrogen sulphide / H2S in the air as I could hardly breathe... I feared it was over...

"Game over" I thought...

Alarm went off and emergency procedures took place... luckily everything was shutdown before we all got annihilated and obliterated in a huge explosion... would have wiped out everything for km's around us and killed 1000's and tons of people...

One of the scariest days of my life... didn't know if I was going to make or not...

Company is waaaay too ****ing obsessed with CUTTING COSTS and saving "money" so they don't want to hire enough people to do the work correctly and SAFELY with in the appropriate amount of people required for the job...

****ing idiots trying to save too much money by cutting costs and then they screw it all up because it can't be done with only a hand full of people when compared to the scale of the project at hand...... my poor blood pressure...

****ing morons!

I may be getting a huge salary... but that doesn't mean I want to die due to a stupid cheap ass mentality...



I don't like people that put a higher emphasis on money... they want to cut so many costs... that it causes hell...



....but don't be around to pay the ultimate price! ...
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...Incapable of respecting logic (regardless of which perverse form it is delivered in); Or accepting fault.

In my left hand, I hold the drawing which you generated and gave to me.
In my right, I hold the part which I made from that drawing.
In my upper hand, I hold the standard which will verify the accuracy of the micrometer I am holding in my middle hand.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, be prepared to be thoroughly amazed and amused; As I sit before you, perched upon my unicycle, six flaming bowling pins in the air at once, and squeezing my big red rubber nose with my seventh hand......Allow me now, to measure the part, check with your drawing, and see if I can suss out why the part doesn't fit the sub-assembly.

Oh no, no, no!......Don't just turn your back and walk away; Either stroll over to the lion's cage, pull your head out, and then stick it in........Or walk back and pay me. Just lay the money right in the palm of my outstretched eighth hand, keeping one eye, all the time, on the middle finger of my ninth.

At this circus freak show, one of us is a mutant clown, with no sense of humor about themself; That's for sure.

Now excuse me, I must put on my big floppy shoes, take my medication, and get back to the rant thread.;)

Edit: @Stinky Stinky ; Scary story I can relate to, glad UROK.
News is only a few hours old, and many details as yet unknown to me, but.....After several meetings earlier in the day, including heated disagreements with superiors about best procedure, in which my brother got shouted down.....He was sent out to shut a valve at the water treatment facility, against his better judgement. Catastrophic component failure, and the next thing he knew, he was looking up, flat on his back, on a pile of rocks ten feet away. Not as much to do with MONEY, but thought you and others might like the clip:D
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