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InviZible Pro


Android Expert
Feb 1, 2019
Ok, so I am testing out an app that I have found.

I tried TOR with the standard fair Tor Browser and Orbot years ago, and periodically do so again to see if it has gotten any better.

Normally, the answer is no.
This time, it is a little bit better.

But, because of the slow speed, constant captchas, and other irritants I always revert back to a firewall.

This always sends me back to NoRoot Firewall.
I have tried others, but none are as simple to use, and I have issues with internet connection with all the others I have tried.

But there is more.
NoRoot was updated a few years back, and the UI was improved.
But there seems to also be something new in there that lets Google or 'someone' turn it off so that the device can receive unwanted updates.

Thankfully, I have the 'Block connections without VPN' setting on, but it is still disconcerting that the ability to disable the firewall exists at all.

Anyway, I saw this app called InviZible Pro on F-Droid and decided to try it out.

This app includes a firewall, TOR, and DNS encryption.

It was easy to set it up, and I have been impressed with it.
Enough so that I made this thread about it.

So far, I really like the firewall.
It is quick and simple to set it up.

And using TOR has never been better.
The speed is twice (or better) what I get with Orbot and TOR Browser (or any other browser).

As far as the DNS encoding, I can only guess, but at least it isn't slowing anything down.

Web speed is a bit slower than using NoRoot Firewall alone, but not real bad.

One thing I did find (and this was expected) is that VOIP calls are not really good over TOR.

Messaging with Telegram and other apps has been decent, but any files sent will take more time than usual.
This is also something to be expected with TOR.

But all in all, this seems like a promising app that can serve multiple purposes.

I am anxious for others to check it out and tell me what they think about it.

I tried it...
...and it gave exactly what I was expecting, TOR failed to connect to server.. But then any apps using the TOR protocol have been blocked in this country for many years(since 2014). I've also seen some reports that Russia is now blocking TOR as well, following recent events.

When it comes to circumventing firewalls and other internet blocks, I've been using Astrill VPN and Express VPN for a few years now, and still happy with them.
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