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IS Evo getting the latest Sense UI?

I completely agree...

I think HTC is well on the way to becoming THE standard Android manufacturer, and I hope your predictions are right.

Hey, I just want to give a shout out to the independent devs on this one, too.

That new Sense vid I posted above - running on an Evo today, courtesy of an independent dev. (Bugs as the guy said, but so what for an alpha.)

I won't hypothesize how the magic might've happened without them - I can't. They've been a part of our collective Android success with this platform and have made pioneering contributions that I believe have positively impacted us all, whether you're rooted and use alternative roms - or not.

So - just wanted to spread that credit around a little, thanks for reading and considering this.
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HTC says it wants to sell 60 mil phones next year. The only way they can do that is to offer a choice of with and without Sense. The best bet would be to have Sense that can be turned on/off. 60 mil is three times what their 2010 sales target was.

Thanks, compadre, I did not know that.

The source for that number is Digitimes - not being a subscriber, I had to look at other reports. The first link gives a bit of interesting analysis, the second is strongly suggesting that their main paragraph is a Digitimes quote. Enjoy -

HTC may triple smartphone sales to 60 million in 2011 | Electronista

HTC Pegged To Produce 60 Million Phones in 2011


As to whether they offer them with and without Sense - very interesting.

At one time, I had the public htc-phones-in-production list linked here in AF. Naturally, I can't find it now, and want to, because it gave some rough numbers of units sold, so far as I recall - and I could be wrong on that.

Point is - I wondered what HTC might sell on the global market to skew that 20 million number - how many were feature phones or something they move a lot of outside of our market?

Turns out, not so much - according this, they moved about 5 million _smartphones_ in Q2 of this year, so 20 mm for the year seems to hold water.

HTC Commands 7.6% Share of Global Market for Smartphones in Q2 | CENS.com - The Taiwan Economic News

I don't want to argue with your idea - I re-iterate that it's an intriguing one.

I think it's interesting because I don't know how they (not us) would characterize the demand to make that decision. They're seeing growth - why mess with it?

OTOH - speculation abounds that despite being a big player for the Win7 phone, HTC will ship a lot more Androids (and while we're all fans of Android, I'll be the first to emphasize that's speculation - while I think Win phones are dead end, Microsoft has surprised us way more than once - so - we don't know yet).

Sense is more than a UI - it's an integrating concept. I kept saying I'd drop it after seeing screen shots of other great roms and comparing with my buds - but - I'm sold on Sense. I only know that at first, I hated it and wanted stock Android (I'd had that before).

Still - I'm intrigued. When you say turn off Sense - how so? Launcher? Other?

And - this thread has a lot of lurkers - so - for those not 100% clear -

This is HTC Sense - (9 minutes, from last year - not the new Sense, above - but it is the Sense concept)

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It's the next Android update. Right now, we're all running froyo (2.2). Gingerbread is 2.3. It's basically the naming convention for Android versions:

1.5 - Cupcake
1.6 - Donut
2.1 - Eclair
2.2 - Froyo
2.3 - Gingerbread

The update after that is apparently Honeycomb and will probably be 3.0, but people said the same about Gingerbread, so who knows. As you can see, Google likes dessert.

EDIT: by "all", I meant Evo users. Not everyone has froyo, yet.

Well not all of us are running 2.2

*cough cough* GALAXY S!

EDIT: Didnt see the edit...lol
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Im sure Myn's Warm TwoPointTwo rom will incorporate 2.3 and the new Sense quite nicely. ;)

I hope so too, I may consider going back to warm, Fresh seems a little stagnant, may be a bit busy which is fine. Plus my data is running super slow, not sure if its a Rom problem or what but i may make the change sooner than later. Only thing is that Fresh has amazing battery life for me compared to others.
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but .. not new sense...
but .. still getting updates from HTC!!!!

Well - again, I'm speculating - if it's true that the new mini-Evo (3.7" w/slide-out keyboard) is coming from Sprint on Jan 9 - and if it's true that they're naming it the HTC EVO Shift 4G - then it seems to me that it would be marketing suicide to stop updating the older sister.

So far with their new approach to things - I don't see them practicing that sort of lunacy anytime soon. ;)
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I hope so too, I may consider going back to warm, Fresh seems a little stagnant, may be a bit busy which is fine. Plus my data is running super slow, not sure if its a Rom problem or what but i may make the change sooner than later. Only thing is that Fresh has amazing battery life for me compared to others.

You should RLS4 is awesome. Myn is doing some great work. He is on top of things.
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Bloatware + Swype for those that like it - and one user reported that he was called by htc tech to inform him to take this update, it would address his stability/reboot issues.

Bummed about it missing the new Sense... so far.

IMO I feel that any app whether its good or not that is forced upon us by the carriers or the OEM's in the form of a update is plain crapware. They are also including some Nova game (never heard of it) in it and its just a demo. Thats BS. Kind of reminds me what Verizon did by pushing out madden in a stub app without the users consent. To top it off it was just a demo that wanted you to fork over 10$ to buy the full game, and you cant get rid of it unless you are rooted of course. WTF we purchased this hardware leave it alone. End Rant LOL.

About the Evo getting the new Sense. Doesnt the Desire HD have more rom and internal storage. I thought I heard somewhere that the Evo might not be capable of running it due to it being limited in that regard. I hope not! :(
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I dunno - the vid on the previous page of this thread shows a hacked (therefore buggy) version of it running on the Evo right now.

We're speculating as per usual, but that does establish a decent foundation for it.

Never know.

At the rate these awesome devs at xda work. They would have already incorporated the new sense in their roms if it were plausible. Hate to be negative but dont count on the Evo getting the new Sense. Just a hunch.
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Interesting... I wish it included Netflix instead of Blockbuster though..
Taking it a step further... I would rather have nothing than have Blockbuster. The first thing I am surely going to be getting rid of is Blockbuster.
F Blockbuster, I don't want their bankrupt, corrupt, BS disrupting my phone.

But yeah, Netflix would've been sweet!
C'MON HTC!!! As the most prominent, successful, and best integrated Android provider, you can get the jump on early exclusivity through dealings with Netflix! Provide some special accommodations for Netflix and make it happen!
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