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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I don't know how to hide images, but since everyone else is posting their truck i figured i'd post my jeep ;)


  • IMAG0218.jpg
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Phew. Caught up. Good morning!

I want to try an experiment. Let's all join hands and pray asking God to make them free our Nexus. :p

We're averaging one a day of these, huh?

well... considering that this forum The Lounge - Android Forums is two clicks away from where you are reading this post, do you not consider it unfair for the majority of readers of this thread have to wade through this stuff to find info pertinent to the this threads title? if you do not, just ignore this post (i don't want this thread to get even more off topic than it already is).

i included steve's post above to show that he has to "phew"... "catch up".

i went ahead and purchased premium membership before posting this so it doesn't seem like i'm just complaining without contributing (not sure how long it takes for the title change from "junior" to whatever).

thanks, android forums. :)
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I'm late to the part but I thought I'd show you my ride since others are :)

LOVE my 2010 2500! This is the day I bought it. It looks the same minus the goofy red bow-tie on the hood and the official vehicle stuff down the door.

Also out of courtesy of those who aren't interested it's hidden ;)

Nice...is that officially yours :D
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That's the other thing I noticed. Weight and dimensions are not the same as what Google has told us about the LTE version of the device.

Also looks like they're expecting 10 of them?
Master Pack Qty: 10
Inner Pack Qty: 1

To me that means 1 phone per master pack, and they're getting 10 master packs... Isn't that a really low amount?
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I'll jump on the off topic subject of the day because I am more obsessed with cars than anything. This is my baby, off to wash her so please have some good gnex news when I return. :p

Nice! I thought if we were changing our nicks to reference cars, I would have to go for Lexus-Nexus. :D Drive a white LS430 that I adore.
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Off topic:

Has anyone seen "Homeland"? I've got 8 or 9 episodes Tivo'd and my wife just texted me that we're running out of space, and that she's going to delete them if we aren't going to watch them. Is it good?

On topic:

Um, Nexus!!!

RE: Homeland

It's an interesting show. Admittedly, I though it started out kinda slow picks up a bit more towards Ep. 4 or 5. As someone who worked in intelligence and was in the military; some of the story is kinda absurd and off-putting. Much like military aviators who don't like Top Gun. OTOH, the DW really likes it. But to be sure, it's no Dexter.
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Hello all. Been following this forum for a while now, but just signed up, so I thought I'd introduce myself to the community. Anywho, just like the rest of you, the anticipation of waiting for the phone, or hearing anything from Verizon is killing me, lol. Imho, Verizon keeping tight lipped is bad from a marketing point of view. At least keep customers updated on any delays or at least provide a solid ETA. Here's to hoping for some news today.
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Off topic (cars):

Am I the only one that sees a truck/SUV as a gas guzzler???

I drive a 2009 Corolla and recently convinced my wife to trade in her 2002 Jetta for a 2011 Prius. Granted, our daily round-trip commutes to work are likely a lot longer than most, but with gas prices I can't help but of vehicles with low MPG ratings as burning money.

Note: I do understand the idea of a "work truck" or if off-roading is your thing, a "play truck". It just boggles my mind as a daily driver... What do most trucks average for MPGs nowadays? 15-20 MPG?

Ya my SUV is getting 14.8 mpg right now with it getting colder out. But I never have to worry about getting stuck on a snow drift with all the snow we get here and gets me to places a car cannot. On a side note I am looking for a new daily driver for the summer/after snows plowed on the roads. Been thinking of a Honda CRZ.
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Coming from a military aviation enthusiast, Top Gun was an abomination. I stood up in the theater and yelled, "Those aren't MiGs! They are F-5s painted black!!" My wife, horrified, just rolled her eyes, gently patted me on the shoulder, and said, "That's nice sweetie... just sit down and watch the movie." She's used to it, so she sounded like she was talking with a mental patient. In some ways, she was. :)

Even though I love the movie I have had similar episodes with the movie Rounders.

I also take great issue with any movie were the hero fires 60 rounds through a Beretta without reloading or I here a hammer cocking on a Glock.
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RE: Homeland

It's an interesting show. Admittedly, I though it started out kinda slow picks up a bit more towards Ep. 4 or 5. As someone who worked in intelligence and was in the military; some of the story is kinda absurd and off-putting. Much like military aviators who don't like Top Gun. OTOH, the DW really likes it. But to be sure, it's no Dexter.

Ugh. I can't even watch SVU because of how the lawyer stuff is portrayed. It's too distracting.
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