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Can LauncherPro get any more awesome?

The power widget is actually a Android Widget which is why it works. I love LauncherPro I'm sticking with it and just hoping they adapt Sense Widgets cause honestly thats the only thing it's got going for it and really the only ones Icare about are Mobile Network and GPS those are the only ones that don't work the way I'd like to or at all
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How do you use Bettercut with the icons you have in the dock? Whenever I create a shortcut by long pressing on the dock icon I want to change, go to Bettercut, create the icon and save it, the icon just shows up with my other apps and not in the dock. That is the one thing holding me back right now. Being able to use Sense widgets would be a deal maker for me as well.
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I use the weather and toggle widget to look like the stock HTC clock and just turn off the backround around the numbers and it looks great.

BTW why can't one of these add (either LauncherPro or ADW) the ability to chage the damn middle dock button? I don't want it stuck on the app draw (that's worthless when you have all your apps already on 7 screens) I want to have five choices down below instead of 4.

use fancy widget, its great. Looks like the weather/clock that came stock with htc incredible.
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I love LauncherPro tried to go back to Sense and couldn't stand it . The only thing I really need is a Mobile Network Toggle that actually works. I have tried a ton of them and none of them do anything. The mobile Network sense toggle is fantastic but not enough for me to use sense. Launcher Pro all the way

Preach on brother, wish it had that mobile network toggle, a real battery saver if you know your in a an area where your 3g is in and out, nice to turn off at night too to save battry! let me know if you ever find one!
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Preach on brother, wish it had that mobile network toggle, a real battery saver if you know your in a an area where your 3g is in and out, nice to turn off at night too to save battry! let me know if you ever find one!

Ya know what I am doing now, it's kind of a pain but really only takes like 15 seconds . I have home switcher on one of my front screens I click it and and it takes me to a blank sense that has the mobile widget on it, I can click the widget to turn off mobile network then when I hit home it takes me back to launcher pro. It's extrmely fast if you have sense blank with just the one toggle widget.

I just started doing it last night when I'm at work and I shut off my mobile network I usually get a good amount of extra battery at the end of the day enought to be worth the 15seconds
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The power widget is actually a Android Widget which is why it works. I love LauncherPro I'm sticking with it and just hoping they adapt Sense Widgets cause honestly thats the only thing it's got going for it and really the only ones Icare about are Mobile Network and GPS those are the only ones that don't work the way I'd like to or at all

What's so great about it? Why is it better than sense? What the heck is it?

I'm clueless with this stuff. If anyone has a page that describes why it's better or can summarize why you would use it over sense - I'd reallllly appreciate it. +Thanks
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Thats awesome but a guy just replied with an even easier idea!!!!!!

Hold power button, then you have a option to turn 3g on and off right there, freekin excellent,

just setup my black slate with one widget tho, but this way i dont need sense running in the background!

hahahah wow I'm frickin ******ed , that's much easier . Right when I was reading that I was thinking to myself "you've seen that before way to guy genius"
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What's so great about it? Why is it better than sense? What the heck is it?

I'm clueless with this stuff. If anyone has a page that describes why it's better or can summarize why you would use it over sense - I'd reallllly appreciate it. +Thanks

I don't know , it's just cleaner. There are app drawers on the bottom that make it much more convient . I have it set to 5 screens but only use 3 . It can be used in landscape and just looks better IMO .

It's not necessarly better, it just fits me better. That's the beauty of Android you make the phone your own
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The dock ALL BY ITSELF is worth the switch. I also love the five rows of icons plus being able to hide the icon labels. Makes the whole thing a lot cleaner.

Also, and I can't give anything but anecdotal evidence here, it seems like it's less of a battery hog. Since installing it (and making sure eBuddy's been able to sleep) my Seidio lasts from 7am to 3pm and only uses about 45-50% of my battery, which is a HUGE drop.
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