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CyanogenMod vs anthrax-kernels.us

I saw that this morning too

I'm not sure what will come out of it (if anything), but since charges have been filed you've got to let the legal system work it out.

He didnt name the "high ranking member", but unless its someone whos currently with cyanogen inc I doubt a whole lot will come out of it.
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Love the extreme anti-CM hate there. I must say, CM has always been hte LEAST buggy of any ROM I've downloaded. AOKP, Paranoid, and otehrs have all sorts of things that have never worked on my NEXUS device, or required obscure workarounds (referring to all the people calling it out on being 'buggy'). I'd be interested in seeing how this plays out and if CM itself is responsible, or rogue elements within (which is more likely the case).
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If you're familiar with the full chad/anthrax/xda story its not hard to see where all the the hate comes from.

With that said, I've been an anthrax supporter since his work was open source on XDA. His kernels have always outperformed the other ones available on my devices, and many times they've got features you can't find elsewhere. I'm running one on my cm based ROM now.

I just really wish the drama would end and they could both go on their merry way :rolleyes:
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Tbh i dont know enough about the politics involved in this but its making a good geekopera.
It is worrying though because although i prefer the hybrid roms, theyre based on CM and it amazed me how stable the 1st experimental CM 10.2 build was in such a short time.
Im sure though that all the 100s of CM contributors will still contribute to building roms for us and the android modding community will survive without the big CM names :beer:

@RX yeah, same as with apple/google, its the users who end up suffering from the drama.
I hadnt heard of anthrax tbh
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If you're familiar with the full chad/anthrax/xda story its not hard to see where all the the hate comes from.

With that said, I've been an anthrax supporter since his work was open source on XDA. His kernels have always outperformed the other ones available on my devices, and many times they've got features you can't find elsewhere. I'm running one on my cm based ROM now.

I just really wish the drama would end and they could both go on their merry way :rolleyes:

Is there somewhere I can read this story? Bearing in mind that Anthrax-Kernels.us has been down since June or so.

EDIT: http://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1elyoq/anthrax_kernels_remains_defiant_towards_multiple/

This is ALL I can find about Anthrax when googling Cyanogenmod and Anthrax together.
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Is there somewhere I can read this story? Bearing in mind that Anthrax-Kernels.us has been down since June or so.

EDIT: http://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1elyoq/anthrax_kernels_remains_defiant_towards_multiple/

This is ALL I can find about Anthrax when googling Cyanogenmod and Anthrax together.

The Anthrax website had been online until earlier this week when the hack mentioned in the first post occurred.

Chad makes pretty regular postings to the public portion of that website, but naturally your only going to get one side of the story there.

As for the other side, you won't see discussion from them about it. Discussion of chad or his work is banned on XDA

Edit: just remembered chads on Google + and twitter, you might be able to piece together some things from those feeds
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The Anthrax website had been online until earlier this week when the hack mentioned in the first post occurred.

Chad makes pretty regular postings to the public portion of that website, but naturally your only going to get one side of the story there.

As for the other side, you won't see discussion from them about it. Discussion of chad or his work is banned on XDA

Is it for reasons similar to that Thunder guy's work on the Acer a500? He violated GPL a lot and they banned him and his work, as well.

It'd also explain why I've never heard of Anthrax before now.
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If you look back to https://plus.google.com/115556873499158641618/posts/JmRDzu8gmxS

User "Eric D" just posted his story down in the comments when someone else asked about it.

You can also view chads g+ here

If its all true as stated, that's unfortunate. CM is the most stable ROM I've tried so far.

I can't recall his exact name, but the guy who did the Acer Recovery Manager WAS banned for confirmed GPL violations re: the Acer a500.
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Why do comments keep being disabled in threads like that? Can only the author (or community owner/mod) disable comments on a g+ thread?
I loved the bit about Chad only using donations to pay his cat's vet bills :)

What id love to know is.... these people who are coming out against CM and XDA, did they know that this "corruption" has been going on and only decide to whistle blow once their nose was put out of joint?
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I'd like to see more hard evidence beyond a gerrit flaw, though

His websites got a lot more public postings, but like you said... its down for the moment.

The gerrit thing is a recent complaint a lot are having...But thats all separate from the original kang accusations

What id love to know is.... these people who are coming out against CM and XDA, did they know that this "corruption" has been going on and only decide to whistle blow once their nose was put out of joint?

I'm not sure I'm following what your asking :thinking:

Can you expand? :)
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Yeah i know what you mean. CM are obviously gona stay very quiet and proffesional about this so we'll never know.
I dont like CM roms but i love what the devs who use CM source do with it so im on the fence. Its just kinda interesting to watch unfold. The thing about having got $7m in donations is an eye opener to me and tbh id never really thought about CM and XDA being profit making. I kinda just thought people donated enough to buy a dev a phone they wanted supported. Im so nieve lol :beer:
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Interestingly, CM is firing back on several of the posts. Well, members are. They haven't issued any official retorts.

Curious, though, I've seen a few posts where Chad himself forgot his own admin passwords to the site. I'd like to see hard facts here, because I have a feeling that it may turn out that some people are letting their animosity get in the way of objectivity.

EDIT: I find it hilarious, personally, that they'll use CM kernels because Anthrax can't do something, then bash it for even existing. My argument is, don't like it, don't use it. Its entitled as hell to use it while insulting the person who created it.
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