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Root I think I may have bricked my phone

Josh 443

Jul 16, 2012
I think I may have bricked my phone. I tried installing Awesome Android, and when I rebooted, it hung up at the boost mobile logo. When I tried getting into recovery, it loaded the stock recovery, not CWM. Is there any way to fix it?

EDIT: Reading around I noticed something about an FTM mode. If I do power and volume up, it goes into a black screen with a grey/white square with FTM in the middle. I should also probably mention that I only installed update 2 of AA, not the other ones, which seems to be the reason why it looks like or is a brick.
well, i dont know how you managed to have stock recovery after installing a rom, it wouldnt have installed through stock recovery so you had to have been using cwm at some point. as far as the getting stuck at the boost mobile logo, yea thats because you just installed an update, not the whole rom, which will screw up your phone, thats why it always pays to read carefully before attempting things like this.
now, on the subject of fixing it, well unless someone has pulled the official zip zte put out, you can try the upgrade tool, may or may not work, if it doesnt though and no one has the official update, well im sorry to say youre kinda screwed
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the upgrade option in stock recovery wont work with anything we have out. you are free to try it if you like but it requires stuff thats signed, how it went back to stock recovery though i dont understand at all. your only option is the upgrade tool from the zte site or if someone posts the official update zip
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well basically all you need to do is get an official update.zip, sadly i dont have access to one, if someone can get you the update.zip file from their phone when it tries to do the ota then you can flash that, otherwise youre screwed unless of course you can manage to get an adb connection, you might be able to connect to adb while stuck at the logo or in recovery though that is less likely, then do a reboot bootloader through adb, that will boot you into fastboot mode which is a way to install cwm again which in turn will allow you to install roms and what not again and save your phone, if you cant adb in and do that command you cant do much of anything but return it or hope someone posts the update.zip soon
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Ok. So I tried the update tool again. When I tried restarting it, if I didn't end the process, it would say "ZTE Handset software update has been running now!" If I do end it, is says that there are no new updates again. In device manager when I do normal boot, I have located my phone, and it's called "Linux File-CD Gadget USB Device." When I put it in FTM mode, it's under com ports as ZTE diagnostic something or other. In the recovery menu, it doesn't register at all. Unless I can get into adb in a way that I don't know about, I guess I will need the update zip. And like you said, you don't have one available to you. I've tried looking, but I'm probably not looking hard enough, or no one has it. Hopefully someone does.
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unfortunately, it did not work. It said
-- Install /sdcard ...
Finding update package...
Opening update package...
Verifying update package...
Installing update...
VErifying current system...
assert failed: apply_patch_check("/system/app/ApplicationsProvider.apk". "[hex string that I won't try to copy]", "[hex string that I won't try to copy]")
E:Error in /sdcard/update.zip
(status 7)
Installation aborted.
I checked inside the update zip, and it has in the carrier folder, a file named subscriber.xml, which has information that looks specific to the phone it was dumped on. I'm assuming that I will need to change that to my info to make it work correctly?
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Thank you to everyone that has helped me. I ended up going to get it returned because of extreme impatience. I'm fairly certain that if I waited a while longer, that update file would be signed for all people to use. Now I should probably ask for the "I'm a complete idiot and have no idea as to what I am doing" guide on how to install a custom ROM.
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