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What Goeth on in Your neck of the woods?

awesome but i cheated some and had a friend help me with a bash script that uses exiftool

it has a few flaws but does work maybe we can come up with something.
Taking the time to learn bash scripting yourself would be *SO* worth it in the long run. You really can't appreciate the built-in power of *nix until you see what you can do with its basic tools.

At moment filenames with spaces are a no no so i'll have to rename those that have spaces in them.
Want to do them all at once? Like in a few seconds? :D This will change spaces in file names to underscores.


ls > /tmp/current_files
mv /tmp/current_files ./current_files
cat current_files | tr ' ' '_' > current_files_new
FileCount=$(wc -l current_files | awk '{print $1}')
while   [ "$count" -le "$FileCount" ]
do 	ReadAwk="FNR=="$count
	OldName=$(awk $ReadAwk current_files)
	NewName=$(awk $ReadAwk current_files_new)
	mv "$OldName" "$NewName" > /dev/null 2>&1
rm current_files
rm current_files_new
exit 0

DISCLAIMER: I referred to some old notes, wrote this quickly, tested it quickly, didn't waste time documenting or making it elegant--but it works. However, for your own comfort it'd be best to try it in a temporary directory with COPIES of the files you're working with. Then you can verify that it's working as expected, without risking losing anything or messing things up somehow. Also, if you're unsure what any part of it is doing, feel free to ask!

Also as you can see can only do one type at a time
My suggested way (bash scripting plus ImageMagick) wouldn't limit you like that, because IM can determine the file type on its own. But for right now, if it's working out okay, just stick with it.

on the fedora site my signature is Command Line Flunkie Gui Junkie

I wish to change this :D

what is the easiest way to rename files by just removing the spaces in the name?
I was in the process of writing the above, but got distracted and by the time I got back to it, you'd posted your question about the very thing I was going to write about! :)
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That's Kellogg's silly!
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i hope he is not NEKKID of the woods as it is cold on the east coast. he'll freeze:eek:

hope y'all are keeping warm with all the cold fronts the US is getting. here in LA we are getting plenty of rain every few days it seems.

LOL Oceansbreeze! How true! !!! Lets see what argedion sez (he could be jooced up on some korn squeezns and running loose!)

Yup we are sittn pretty here in TX too. no snow but plenty rain. We get LA's weather in a weekly cycle , so if you're still getting rain, then that's what we have to look forward to next week.
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ok so i just had a birthday and i obviously did not work out that day. i also missed working out the previous day as well. so coming into the gymn today i was a little bit worried that i might have lost a step or two.........nope. i always go for running on the eliptical and i keep track of my time and distance. and so today i almost beat my best time. i was off by a second, but that is not bad considering. i felt so good that i might go up one tomorrow on resistance.

on a new note i need to start looking for another job. i work as a line cook for a Hawaiian fusion restaurant. i just need to branch out and try new cuisines and new things. And i need to update my resume as well.....i hate doing those.

anways......hope y'all are keeping warm from the late winters storms some of you are getting.....if it helps, here in LA it has been in the 70's and it might get into the 80's this weekend:p:D
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ok so i just had a birthday
Belated happy birthday! :birthday:

here in LA it has been in the 70's and it might get into the 80's this weekend:p:D
Great, isn't it? :D Here in the lovely San Gabriel Valley, we're supposed to be in the mid 80s in the next few days. My best friend, currently living in North Carolina, gets sick of me rubbing in how great it is here while she's dealing with snow and below freezing temperatures. :)
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