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Galaxy S20 Ultra
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  • Mar 26, 2008
    It's hard to believe that AndroidForums.com has been around since early 2008!

    I'd love to collect a list of member-favorite "Greatest Moments" from our history to look back on as we prepare for the next evolution of our community.

    For me, nothing matches the hype, excitement, and energy that I experienced here at the launch of the HTC Droid Incredible!

    What are your favorite moments in AF/Android history?
    The HTC Droid Incredible launch gets my vote. And after all of the hype and everyone waiting to get the phone, it lived up to and was more than anyone dreamed. I spent my first month here sharing the misery with everyone waiting to get their Dink. It was the friends I made while waiting that cemented my love for these forums. It was that foundation and the wonderful members that followed that has kept me here.
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