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What's with turkey?

BBC News - Turkey moves to block YouTube access after 'audio leak'

Turkey has moved to block access to YouTube, a day after a court ordered the suspension of a ban on Twitter, which PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan backed.
The telecoms authority (TIB) said it had taken an "administrative measure" against the site but another report suggests that talks are under way.
Some users found access blocked while others could still use the site.
Earlier, what appeared to be a leaked audio recording of Turkish officials discussing Syria appeared on YouTube. It relates to a discussion of possible military operations in Syria, which was apparently attended by Turkey's intelligence chief, its foreign minister and the deputy head of the armed forces.

Reuters news agency, which examined the recording, said it could not verify its authenticity but it was potentially the most damaging purported leak so far as it appeared to have originated from the bugging of a highly confidential and sensitive conversation.
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Latest news this morning is that Turkish ISPs are faking Google's DSN servers as some people were able to use them to access YouTube and Twitter.

This after the Turkish courts ordered the bans lifted.

What is about religion-focused politicians who get elected then tear down democracy behind them? Oh yeah! The religion.
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Latest news this morning is that Turkish ISPs are faking Google's DSN servers as some people were able to use them to access YouTube and Twitter.

This after the Turkish courts ordered the bans lifted.

What is about religion-focused politicians who get elected then tear down democracy behind them? Oh yeah! The religion.

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Saw the title and got all excited...


Oh well..
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Bit longer than that .. arguably since the death of Ataturk in 1938 ;)

The instability has increased noticably over the last 20 years as the Islamic AKP (Justice and Development) party started it's gradually rise to power that culminated in it winning national elections in 2002.

Just like the Islamic Brotherhood in Egypt, once they got power they used it to silence opposition. That is, after all, the way of organised religion: they're generally not keen to allow any one to question their beliefs, no matter how absurd - and unjustifiable, even by own standards - they may be. Think al-Qaeda, the Catholic church and paedophile priests, Copernicus etc, anyone who attempts to reconcile christianity with GOP politics ;) etc etc etc.
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A little OT. I'm in Canada and can't watch Cosmos episodes online. I have to be in the US or a military base according to FOX website. Netflix in the US is far better than the Canadian version as well. Like Turkey, a way to get an "open internet" is to get a VPN service. Now I can get the above sites, and more, plus its encrypted.
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