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how many are using live wallpapers

No live wallpapers. I'm 25 already.. Live wallpapers are for the teenagers mostly.

Very vibrant coral reef picture with a turtle swimming though. Even better. Probably eats up battery just as much!

Are you serious? While I will admit that live wallpapers are more of a gimmick than anything, I think a nice elegant one adds to the phone's aesthetic value. It has nothing to do with age. I use Nexusmod with grey tones over a the darkest background, and it looks nice. It has a very subdued elegance about it.

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NNK - EXACTLY! I love my nexus mod background, and I use different colors depending on which case I have on it that day.

Doesn't use enough of my battery to slow me down! And I love showing people just tap the screen all over, yeah look how responsive!! :) Quit hating on the live wallpapers, if you are killing your battery, don't blame it on the wallpapers.
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NNK - EXACTLY! I love my nexus mod background, and I use different colors depending on which case I have on it that day.

Doesn't use enough of my battery to slow me down! And I love showing people just tap the screen all over, yeah look how responsive!! :) Quit hating on the live wallpapers, if you are killing your battery, don't blame it on the wallpapers.


Nexus one mod is my favorite
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i like to think of myself as the king of live wallpapers. i have about 25 of them on my phone and about 20 were for frizzle! my top ones would have to be circles, nexus revamped pro, and the 5 live wallpapers from the new samsung phones which can be found over at XDA fourms. and the whole battery life thing is minimal. the most ive gotten from running all day is 2% usage.
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I tried Mario Live (brought back memories of early Nintendo) and lost all my shortcuts, widgets and bookmarks on all of my screens. Is this right? It's like I was starting from scratch. The guy at the Verizon store that was "normal" that a new wallpaper is like a whole new set up. That doesn't make sense; I've changed wallpapers on other phones and computers (who hasn't) and nothing changes except the background. I'm afraid to try it again as it was a pain re-doing the screens.

BTW, almost 50, but feel younger. If you're 25, you should definitely be using live wallpapers (at least sometimes and assuming you don't have the problem I did). Imho, of course!
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yes around 2% of battery life is what a good live wallpaper uses. Live wallpaper doesn't have anything to do with age, the type of live wallpaper sure. i mean if you are a teenager you probably have hello kity live wallpaper but i am 32, why would i have an awsome beach picture as wallpaper when i can have a awsome moving ocean live wallpaper. when live wallpapers are coded correctly they won't cause any lag and over a day will be < 2% of battery which is less than if you fire up google maps for 5 minutes.

live wallpaers is just a nice feature of the phone, and if the live wallpaper is cool one i am more than willing to shovel out .99 for since it something i look at alot every day.
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I've used live wallpapers almost exclusively since I got the phone. My favorites:

aCircuit Board
Digital Rain (Droid red matrix looks awesome)
Nexus Revamped (current)
Pixel Zombies (with my property as the background, snagged from Google Maps)
Starfield (probably the one I use most)

In my experience it's been rare for the wallpaper to even show up on the battery use list. The only one I recall is Mario and it was something like 2%, no big deal.
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