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Have the TB now, should I get the Charge or...


Android Expert
Apr 18, 2010
San Diego
Hey guys and gals, here is my situation. My smartphone history is as follows....HTC Touch, HTC Droid Incredible, HTC Thunderbolt.

Let me start off by saying that I love HTC Sense. I think it's the best of the bunch. But since my Incredible, I have been using GoLauncher EX and Beautiful Widgets for my home screen clock/weather. So I'm really not "seeing" much of Sense.

With that being said, I'm open to changing to a different brand/UI.

Let me also say that I really do like the Thunderbolt. It looks good, it's super fast without lag and the browser is awesome. But I am starting to get frustrated with its cons. And I won't go into detail since most of you know about them (battery life, data connectivity issues, random reboots, etc.).

I am well past my 14 day return window as I've had my TB for a couple of months now. So if I change, I think I will have to just sell my TB and buy the Charge (or other phone) at full retail.

Do you think I should make the switch? Or do you think I should wait for the Bionic since that phones seems to have resurfaced and is looking good?

Please give me any input possible, I appreciate it!
I would wait. As frustrating as it can be, there will probably be a new phone or 2 out before Christmas. Can you go back to your dinc in the meantime?
I like the charge. It does not have near the same quadrant scores and there is a bit of hesitation in the operation but I would recommend it. Quadrant scores sucked on the Dinc also but I would never call it slow. It is butter smooth with launcher pro or go launcher. I would recommend a different launcher than stock and K9 for email.

Great screen, actually somewhat visable in sunlight

Good solid battery life
Solid operation (so far, no reboots)

Not as quick at start up (although you would probably get used to it in a few days)
No Led notifications
Activating GPS has a warning every time.

Thats about it so far
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Hey guys and gals, here is my situation. My smartphone history is as follows....HTC Touch, HTC Droid Incredible, HTC Thunderbolt.

Let me start off by saying that I love HTC Sense. I think it's the best of the bunch. But since my Incredible, I have been using GoLauncher EX and Beautiful Widgets for my home screen clock/weather. So I'm really not "seeing" much of Sense.

With that being said, I'm open to changing to a different brand/UI.

Let me also say that I really do like the Thunderbolt. It looks good, it's super fast without lag and the browser is awesome. But I am starting to get frustrated with its cons. And I won't go into detail since most of you know about them (battery life, data connectivity issues, random reboots, etc.).

I am well past my 14 day return window as I've had my TB for a couple of months now. So if I change, I think I will have to just sell my TB and buy the Charge (or other phone) at full retail.

Do you think I should make the switch? Or do you think I should wait for the Bionic since that phones seems to have resurfaced and is looking good?

Please give me any input possible, I appreciate it!

I would not dump TB for Charge at full retail, wait until fall and see what comes out, I supect Moto Bionic will be here by then.
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I would not dump TB for Charge at full retail, wait until fall and see what comes out, I supect Moto Bionic will be here by then.

The bionic from what if heard isnt coming out at all...IMO go for the charge...i use to have TB had good quadrant scores(not like those matter) but now im rooted with the charge and doing 1500+ on quadrant plus battery life is amazing..go for it its worth every dime
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The bionic from what if heard isnt coming out at all...IMO go for the charge...i use to have TB had good quadrant scores(not like those matter) but now im rooted with the charge and doing 1500+ on quadrant plus battery life is amazing..go for it its worth every dime

The original Bionic design was cancelled but it's coming by Fall in revamped form with 4.5" qHD screen, OMAP4 dual core plus LTE. GSII Function is also coming on Verizon by Fall. I think you better wait more with your Tbolt.
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If you dislike the HTC TB so much, call VZW, explain your plight, make sure you document all that is wrong with the phone, and they will usually bump you to Tier 2, let them know how dissatisfied you are as a customer and usually Big Red will say take the phone back... That is if the TB drives you that crazy. I believe better phones may be on the horizon, this summer will mark the end of unlimited as we know it, if you are in a 4G area and can use it, get the Charge. Those better phones will be limited... VZW knows that many are holding out for the Iphone 5, and when it is released, the bandwidth pipe will shrink as fruit clogs up the pipe, so data tiering like AT&T is the answer... So you better get the 4G unlimited locked and stay there a while @ $29.99. My 2 cents.
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If you dislike the HTC TB so much, call VZW, explain your plight, make sure you document all that is wrong with the phone, and they will usually bump you to Tier 2, let them know how dissatisfied you are as a customer and usually Big Red will say take the phone back... That is if the TB drives you that crazy. I believe better phones may be on the horizon, this summer will mark the end of unlimited as we know it, if you are in a 4G area and can use it, get the Charge. Those better phones will be limited... VZW knows that many are holding out for the Iphone 5, and when it is released, the bandwidth pipe will shrink as fruit clogs up the pipe, so data tiering like AT&T is the answer... So you better get the 4G unlimited locked and stay there a while @ $29.99. My 2 cents.

Thanks GunnerJim, I did just that last night before I left work. I sent an email to their HQ team or whatever it is. It's the same email that I've had other issues resolved through in the past.

I know there will be better phones by the Fall, but I figured I could just get the Charge now and then decide in the Fall what I wanted to do. I will let you know what they say.

Also, I saw a video on Youtube with a Charge running the Altered Beast rom. Is there a tutorial on how to root the Charge and install that rom? I've never rooted before, but I am very computer literate and technically saavy. I think I can do it with some good instructions. Thanks!
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I just upgraded to the tbolt last week and i think it sucks as a phone. I went from the original D1. I saw no difference in any speeds (besides the 4g). I also was getting the reboot issue. I took that phucker back to the store and now have a droid charge. In 1 day i noticed a huge difference in battery life and the phone is way better imho. Im glad i swapped it out. The Sense UI is crap it should be blown up
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How do you really feel? Lol. I'm in the same boat. I really like HTC (mostly because sponsor a cycling team) but I have had tb since release and agree. It has more issues than acceptable for what I do/need. My charge will be here tomorrow! Hoping it is what everyone is saying.
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Just as an update, Verizon called me regarding my email that complained about the TB and they said that they needed me to call tech support to do trouble shooting with my TB. She wouldn't switch me to a Charge.

I don't want to deal with tech support, because they will probably act like nothing is wrong or will just want to swap me with a new TB.

Anyone have any ideas on how to score a Charge from customer service without having to sell my TB and buy a Charge at full retail? Do I just keep complaining until they give in?
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WiseGuy, I would just keep the complaining up, write a list of grievances, talk to tier 2 tech support, tell them that the problem is inherently the TB. No matter what you do, explain all your beefs, do it about 3 times a day for two-three days. i would also ask them if they value you as a customer of x-Years. Usually Big Red wants to keep a customer...
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