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Waze vs Google Maps: what's the difference? - Waze


Galaxy S20 Ultra
News Moderator
  • Mar 26, 2008
    Google owns Waze but it seems like the navigation runs different routes based on traffic conditions. Is this because they are using different algos to determine the fastest route or because Google/Waze split directions across multiple routes - even if one route is slightly longer - to help limit congestion so that overall drive time in aggregate is lower?

    It's be really interesting to get an official response on this, and to know if the two apps share the same data and algos, but maybe this is already public knowledge that I've overlooked?
    They are different apps. They do seem to have different algorithms. They also seem to have different map data. Waze is a crowd sourced app. Users provide input on maps. If there is a new street you know about, you can go into the editor and add the street if you have the right level of access. I don't have a lot of access, so often I have to submit corrections on the forums. Google gets its map data from a different source. I don't know exactly what it is.

    I would think that since both mapping apps get their data from different sources, the algorithm may select different routes. The weight given to different routes may be part of the reason both mapping apps may offer different routes.

    Google and Waze likely get their traffic data from different sources as well. Each will get traffic info from their users. The samples are slightly different, so the fastest route chosen by each app may also be different.
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    My favorite part of Waze is the social navigation aspect: drivers ahead of me report cops and hazards, and I can clear those reports if things change. It's like up to the minute road conditions! Traffic notification is nice, but knowing where the police are ahead of me is priceless!
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    best part of google maps navigation is the real satellite pics. i love the speed and red light trap features of waze. i wish waze would have an option for satellite pics. And i wish it would come loaded in cars. Tired of using my vent phone holder when my car has a giant touch screen....with 3 year old maps and no speed traps. sigh
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    Interesting article follows. Google Maps and Waze claim to be independent and competing apps. They seem to be neck-and-neck on performance. I use Waze because it has speed-trap-warnings but I like Maps better for everything else, especially the UI & integration into the other Google services (like contacts, calendar, Google Now, and my PC's Chrome Browser whereby I can easily send a destination and favorites to my phone). I wish Google Maps would add crowd-sourced speed-trap warnings. http://www.cnbc.com/2016/06/30/test...pple-maps-for-the-fourth-of-july-weekend.html
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    Google Maps has some really nice features. I like how while driving, GM offers alternate routes and lists the driving times for them. I primarily use Waze because it is the most user friendly.

    GM does some things that are really annoying and inconvenient. First, it takes so many taps before I can start navigating. With Waze, at times I can just turn it on and start driving as it remembers my regular drives like my daily commute. When I have to enter a destination, I can start navigating with fewer taps. Second, Waze actually remembers the zoom level I was using the last time. With GM, I have to constantly change the zoom every single drive. Third, in Waze, I can tell it to always avoid toll roads. With GM, I have to tell it to avoid tolls every single time. All of these inconveniences drive me away from GM and to Waze.
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