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Apps Android OpenGL live wallpaper texture problems

I'm having a problem with textures in my live wallpaper. I don't think its a code problem, I think its something I'm doing or not doing in blender when I bake my UV images... I get the app running just fine. But the textures are scrambled up on my model in the live wallpaper app... Here's a tester live wallpaper I built to show the problem I'm having... Three UV sphere the top one is post to be blue, the middle green, and the bottom is red inside blender. But after baking, this is what they turn out like in my live wallpaper... Here's a link to snap shots to the live wallpaper with the three sphere's... Please help...

Are you sure that your texture coordinates are correct? You said that you baked the texture, so I assume that you created the spheres and baked the texture in an external modeling tool and then exported it. Am I correct? If so, what format did you export as? Are you certain that the texture coordinates are being read in properly?

There really is too little information to say for certain at this point.
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I'm using Blender to build my model, I join all my objects together and bake my UV image. I export the model as a obj file, and the texture is png... After exporting both, I then use Gimp to flip my uv image vertically... I'm new to this. I've been at this for about 5 months. I have built a app before... But live wallpaper is one of the mean things I'm wanting to do. Its my niche area... I fallowed this tutorial to do this...

Android Live Wallpaper OpenGL Tutorial 3 - YouTube

I do everything this guy does... I do believe its something I'm not doing in blender... Something he doesn't explain in this tutorial... I'm most likely going to have to find some videos on how to properly bake uv images...
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I think I figured out the problem... I'm not marking my seams right in blender... I tryed one...still some miss matching going on between the three sphere's. But it showing a full half of each sphere...





If you have anything to add, please let me know... Thanks for trying to help!!!
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If it's something to do with Blender, I am afraid that I won't be much help as I have almost no experience with 3D Modeling. I have played with it a little bit, but quickly decided that it wasn't my cup of tea and left it alone. Never even touched texturing. You might try hitting up the Blender forums or even GameDev.net might be able to help. Not really sure what else to say.
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I kinda figured it out. I'm having trouble with multiple textures now... But I'm getting there... I did try Blender forms... The problem is, I'm dealing with a cross program problem. They know nothing about using it to make Android Live wallpapers, and Android forms knows nothing about blender...lol But I think its best to deal with Android forms for the most part... Thanks for trying to help tho!!!
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