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Finally got my evo design, now for the help questions


Android Expert
Nov 19, 2009
So yeah I got my Evo Design 4G finallyand coming from the warp (original, not the sequent) this is by far a better phone, both in quality and durability and functionality. I should have got this Evo Design to begin with but I talked myself into the "bigger screen is better" thing, boy was I mistaken. Bigger screen is cool and all, but that's not all a phone consists of.

That aside, now the questions.
-I am trying to like condition the battery to the phone since it's new, so I need to drain it completely till it shuts off, leave it off and plugged in overnight until it is full again. The question is two part 1: do I need to clear battery stats via the recovery console? and 2: if yes to #1 then how do you get to the recovery console, IE: what keys to use. On the warp is was vol down+camera key+power

-I am currently using the default stock browser, and when I type there is a vibrate to the phone. I personally don't prefer the vibrate feature other than when IN vibrate mode such as a call coming in and set on vibrate, other than that I turn the vibrate off. So while the rest of the phone doesn't do the vibrate, while in the browser it does vibrate.
So is this a setting in the phone or is it a setting in the browser itself, and can it even be shut off at all??

Just to note, I am used to Gingerbread and froyo, so this is a totally NEW experience with ICS, so I'm still in learning phase just yet, so appologize if the questions seem rather stupid.

For now that's all I can recall I can"t figure out how to set.

Thanks ahead of time for any and all help, just in case of forget to thank afterwards.
Um no you do not have to clear battery stats, and really if you've had an android phone you should be alright with getting used to ics there are really no major differences from the previous android versions. Just the look and feel, also to take a screenshot (I didn't know this) hold the sleep button and press the home key. There arent really any huge differences, I would like to note that sense 3.6 comes with a few features itself like the movable widgets and such. You'll figure it out bro. I hope you like the.new phone.
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I love this phone. only REAL thing I miss is the battery life. I bought a 3500mah battery for my Zte Warp, so I am used to it. I could pull a good 12+ hours with it, but this one has noticably lower time frame.

That's why I was asking about the battery stats.

I have gps and WiFi disabled, and all visual effects disabled, and I'm sure there are a few other things I missed, but I still can't seem to stretch but about 6 hrs or so out of it.

Using juice defender, it seems to not shut the data part off like it did on the warp. It has quite a delay time before it actually shuts off the data. Not sure if that's due to ICS or what. I can shut data off via a widget in htc and when I toggle that my battery life seems to last longer.

Other than that, I really LOVE the phone. Out of the box, no home replacement, no ROM, or anything, and it just works like it should. I like the stuff htc has done, really handy with the widgets and stuff you can do with it.

I tried Holo launcher ics, and it seemed a bit laggy and just the responsiveness was laggy and sputtery.

Maybe I'm missing something I dunno, so if anyone has any ideas or suggestions for battery life, I'm all ears.
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If you are trying to stop vibrate while typing go to settings, language & keyboard, Touch input, text input, then check off vibrate when typing.. that was driving me crazy!!! :)

Awesome, thank you!!!!!

Yeah it was driving me nuts too, but thanks, that fixed it.

Now all I need is to figure out how to stretch more battery life out of it and I'll be set :)
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