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Ivory Coast


Android Expert
Aug 29, 2010
Cork City, IMF, EU
Obama said:
Instead of guiding principles, we have what appear to be a series of ad hoc decisions, with dubious results. Why invade Iraq[Libya] and not North Korea[Ivory Coast] or Burma[Syria]? Why intervene in Bosnia and not Darfur?... Are we committed to use force wherever there’s a despotic regime that’s terrorizing its people—and if so, how long do we stay to ensure democracy takes root?"

^Obama in 2006

Amazing how much things have flip flopped so fast.
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Oil, Cipher
Its nore important than chocolate

I agree... and if I were president, I would be open about it.

Pretending military action in Libya is about protecting civilians makes getting rid of Qaddafi much harder, and will probably end up turning a quick slaughter and return to stability under Qaddafi, into a long drawn out unconventional urban war, killing and destabilizing more than it would have.


But its interesting how the whole American polictal landscape has flip flopped so quickly.

We now have "war mongering" liberals and Europeans leading the push for military intervention in foreign lands.

Obama launching a war in a country with "no vital interest" to the United States, and the MoveOn.Org and Cindy Sheehan types no where to be seen on the 6 O'clock news.

Qaddafi who was starting to become a Western buddy, (Mariah Carey, 50 Cent and Beyonc
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And Obama himself, doing pretty much everything he chastised Bush for, and no one seems to get that upset, not Bush level upset anyway.

And yet, the press does not seem interested in pointing that out. Then again, those of us that follow the lies and omissions served up by the administration and offered by the press are not surprised one bit.

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Again, I don't think the world is as one sided as the media makes things appear at times.

Ivory Coast massacre: Red Cross reports Ivory Coast massacre in town of Duekoue - latimes.com
Reporting from Johannesburg, South Africa— As forces loyal to Ivory Coast's rival presidents fought pitched battles in the country's biggest city, the Red Cross reported an ominous development in the increasingly brutal struggle for control: the massacre of up to 1,000 civilians in a western town.

The killings in Duekoue reportedly came over the course of three days last week after forces loyal to the internationally recognized winner of last fall's presidential election, Alassane Ouattara, took control of the town.

Ivory Coast: UN presses Ouattara over Duekoue massacre
BBC News - Ivory Coast: UN presses Ouattara over Duekoue massacre
The violence in Duekoue happened last week, when Mr Outtara's fighters moved south ousting Mr Gbagbo's troops from large swathes of the country. Both sides have said the other was responsible.

Our correspondent says there is evidence of looting in the town and many houses have been burnt down, adding that the situation is much worse than if an army had simply moved through it.
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