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Message to All Eris Lurkers!!


Former Heavyweight Champion of AF-Early Bird Club
Feb 19, 2010
Message to all Eris Lurkers:

I want to tell you I'm glad you're here. Moreover, I have a question for you. Why not sign up and contribute? You don't have to be a geeky rocket scientist! We welcome your questions, your comments and your shmoozing!

Don't be afraid! Do it today!

If you need any help, just PM me and I'll be glad to help you get around in here!

Message to all Eris Lurkers:

I want to tell you I'm glad you're here. Moreover, I have a question for you. Why not sign up and contribute? You don't have to be a geeky rocket scientist! We welcome your questions, your comments and your shmoozing!

Don't be afraid! Do it today!

If you need any help, just PM me and I'll be glad to help you get around in here!



Thank you! Good to see you on the Eris forums too! Love your avatar pic.

I lurked here on the Eris threads from mid-November '09 when I got my Eris until I signed-up in March. After my first, hesitant post, I was hooked! This site rocks, mainly because of the great folks such as yourself that are around helping people out. I keep reading from new members and first time posters saying how nice we are compared to other sites :).

Live Steven said, don't be shy! Tell us what's on your mind.

Cheers from a not-really-so-scary-alien ;).
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This currently does seem to be a very friendly, helpful place. I almost joined a number of times as I followed this forum for news on what was coming but during the wait for 2.1, this forum was filled with nasty and negative people and posts. Thankfully it seems most of those people have moved on.


Welcome to the forums (officially :D)...yeah, it was interesting watching all of the hype and hysteria back when everyone was expecting Eclair to be released. Then the leaks started popping-up and things got pretty crazy. I just wanted to wait until the dust settled before I stuck my head in here. It was fun to watch, but I didn't want to get caught in the crossfire either.

Glad you finally signed-up...let us know if you have any questions.

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I only wish I could get Fios. Comcast has my town locked up due to some crooked politician I think. But it's just so rare to see a crooked politician these days. Yes, this place is friendly and I've.. err... the nasty people are mostly gone, although not totally forgotten.[/QUOTE
I would be glad to have comcast but all I have is two tin cans and a string in a state full of crooked politicians.
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this place is probably one of the friendliest forums I've been in to date. cheers. I'd like to think I have something to contribute, but I mainly just whine about widgets and opera fanboism.

free martinis and fios for everyone!

Friendliest phone forum for sure. Some 'other' forums seem to take pleasure out of being non-helpful and smart-assey. This place is great.
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this place is probably one of the friendliest forums I've been in to date. cheers. I'd like to think I have something to contribute, but I mainly just whine about widgets and opera fanboism.

free martinis and fios for everyone!

I've checked the umpire rule book. Whining qualifies as contributing, especially if it has sarcasm linked to it. Whiiiiiiiiiiiine away! :D

But lurking is fun! Anytime I see something I' like to post about I see it's already been done.. we Eris users are quick with the intel. :)

thrawn.. I work fios tech support. It would have to be free for me to get it! lol

Steven shakes his head in disapproval. YOU ARE A TECHIE! You should be helping newbies by answering their question! tsk. tsk. ;) :p

This currently does seem to be a very friendly, helpful place. I almost joined a number of times as I followed this forum for news on what was coming but during the wait for 2.1, this forum was filled with nasty and negative people and posts. Thankfully it seems most of those people have moved on.

I only wish I could get Fios. Comcast has my town locked up due to some crooked politician I think. But it's just so rare to see a crooked politician these days. Yes, this place is friendly and I've.. err... the nasty people are mostly gone, although not totally forgotten.

I can be nasty. I have a nasty side. Just ask Mrs 58. We've been married 31 years! :eek::p

We better not hijack this thread with all the heavy hitters on it. This might be a sticky shortly too.

YEAH. BETTER NOT! (Steven pounds his chest like a gorilla! ;))

Fear not...I am here to bump it down a "few" notches. :D

Feel free.

I am tied for the lowest post count in here, and the newest regdate :(

That' makes you the most special! Newbies are treated specially and kindly. NOW GET TO WORK AND START POSTING! :p
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I guess I'll use this space as an introduction. I signed up here two weeks ago I think...

I work in tech support as the supervisor of an IT Help Desk at a university and this Eris that i have owned for less than a month is my first Android phone. I was using a Touch Pro 2 i unlocked and loaded ROM's onto every other week or so but after my wife got a Droid 2, I couldn't wait until May for my upgrade. An Eris off ebay was the best/most affordable I could do. I know this little Eris isn't the most powerful thing out there, but after all of your help rooting, and ROMing, and GScripting, I have a decent little phone here with better battery life than my TP2 ever had.

Anyway thanks for all the help so far, and yes, compared to a lot of other phone forums, this is by far the most laid back, helpful and friendly.

P.S. - Please forgive my habit of overusing commas.
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Most of us try. There are a few mischievous folks, but this place is well moderated. :)

It's the mischievous mods we have to watch out for...

I guess I'll use this space as an introduction. I signed up here two weeks ago I think...

I work in tech support as the supervisor of an IT Help Desk at a university and this Eris that i have owned for less than a month is my first Android phone. I was using a Touch Pro 2 i unlocked and loaded ROM's onto every other week or so but after my wife got a Droid 2, I couldn't wait until May for my upgrade. An Eris off ebay was the best/most affordable I could do. I know this little Eris isn't the most powerful thing out there, but after all of your help rooting, and ROMing, and GScripting, I have a decent little phone here with better battery life than my TP2 ever had.

Anyway thanks for all the help so far, and yes, compared to a lot of other phone forums, this is by far the most laid back, helpful and friendly.

P.S. - Please forgive my habit of overusing commas.

WAAAYYY back when I was in school being taught grammar and such, it was taught to me that a comma is a pause. Most of us put those pauses in when speaking, but they are often missing in writing, especially in this type of informal missive. I think it's quite refreshing to see, and it gives us a much better idea of the pattern of your speech, which in turn makes your messages more easily understood. Personally, I think your grammar teacher would be proud. :)
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How are you fine folks doing? Well, I signed up way back when I first got my Eris and just lurked past the chaos of the 2.1 update and now that it's official that we aren't getting Froyo, I've been really thinking of rooting. Thought about the 1-click but read somewhere that to select things you'll need a trackball that's functional, mine first stopped going left and recently cannot go down, tried cleaning it with a clean paper and that was a no-go, so I'll probably just use the for dummies manner.
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I lurked here for a long time, signed up a few days ago, rooted my phone and have never had to post because all of my questions have been answered here already. I want to thank all the people like Frisco, Of The Damned and Scary Alien for answering all my questions before I asked them.

And this is officially my first post...

I rooted and flashed KaosFroyo v34, and love my phone so much more now.. To any lurkers reading this still sitting on the fence about rooting.... DO IT!!
Upvote 0
I guess I'll use this space as an introduction. I signed up here two weeks ago I think...

I work in tech support as the supervisor of an IT Help Desk at a university and this Eris that i have owned for less than a month is my first Android phone. I was using a Touch Pro 2 i unlocked and loaded ROM's onto every other week or so but after my wife got a Droid 2, I couldn't wait until May for my upgrade. An Eris off ebay was the best/most affordable I could do. I know this little Eris isn't the most powerful thing out there, but after all of your help rooting, and ROMing, and GScripting, I have a decent little phone here with better battery life than my TP2 ever had.

Anyway thanks for all the help so far, and yes, compared to a lot of other phone forums, this is by far the most laid back, helpful and friendly.

P.S. - Please forgive my habit of overusing commas.

Welcome!! Glad you signed up! Honestly? The older I get, the more about punctuation, especially commas, I forget!

How are you fine folks doing? Well, I signed up way back when I first got my Eris and just lurked past the chaos of the 2.1 update and now that it's official that we aren't getting Froyo, I've been really thinking of rooting. Thought about the 1-click but read somewhere that to select things you'll need a trackball that's functional, mine first stopped going left and recently cannot go down, tried cleaning it with a clean paper and that was a no-go, so I'll probably just use the for dummies manner.

I'm rooted for dummies and love it! Welcome! Glad you posted!

I lurked here for a long time, signed up a few days ago, rooted my phone and have never had to post because all of my questions have been answered here already. I want to thank all the people like Frisco, Of The Damned and Scary Alien for answering all my questions before I asked them.

And this is officially my first post...

I rooted and flashed KaosFroyo v34, and love my phone so much more now.. To any lurkers reading this still sitting on the fence about rooting.... DO IT!!

I'm glad that you posted! May it be the first of many! :D
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