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Help Sprint: Android 2.1 coming to Moment first half of next year

I'm with most of you on this one the update to 2.0 while nice is not my major concern, I would much rather they give as an update to fix the numerous problems with the phone. I really like my moment but the fact that i can hardly ever get my weather app to work correctly because my phone thinks i am in Shanghai is a little frustrating.
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First off, the cell towers do not have "GPS coordinates". They just have "coordinates". They are fixed. They don't move. That value(coordinates) is not arbitrary and it never changes. I know you know this but since you are giving a tutorial, we may as well use correct terminology. Also, aGPS uses Wifi signals to augment position data as well. I learned this in the GPS thread. Somebody had a link that explained it well. There is a database of surveyed wifi hotspots to provide a network to allow additional data to get a position fix....just a little FYI.

Edit:....and as a test, I just turned "everything" ON EXCEPT GPS(repeat...GPS OFF) and google maps found my location within about 100m in seconds....likely thru Wifi if we assume it can't do it thru the celltowers. So to say aGPS does not work, is incorrect. It may not work thru the celltowers but it does work thru wifi.....or maybe I just got a ringer of a phone(pardon the pun). With wifi OFF, it could not find my location. Are we off topic yet???

First of all.. Wifi augmentation is only available if A) you turn on wifi (eats battery faster) and B) are in a location that has an open wifi.. I work for the government dealing with sensitive information and trust me.. there is no open wifi signals in my office so when i am at my office, it uses IP traceroute to attempt to figure out my location (hense why most people find their location nowhere near where they are)

Second... Yes.. the cell towers have fixed coordinates.. but they also have GPS coordinates.. They use this to calculate GPS drift and relay that to your aGPS device to make the signal more accurate (GPS drift is calculated based upon atmospheric ionization along with other factors)
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And again, to be technically correct.....The phone works perfectly normal at 15%. It is when it goes BELOW 15%(the next step would be 5%) is when you get the power saving mode mentioned above.

Well I think the confusion is that the warning screen pops up, saying less than 15% of the battery remains, so I think that's why people refer to it as 15%.

I don't think it's down to 5%. It just says less than 15%, which could be 14.99, so the start of the screen dimming/keyboard lights out might as well be 15.
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I beg to differ.

The battery issue imho is a non-issue. So what if the battery meter is wrong? I'm still able to use the phone for a full day on 15% battery indicator. Doesn't change how I use it at all.

The aGPS fix may or may not be something that will drastically change the functionality. I have a couple of TT and Garmin Nuvi units that sometimes take just as long to lock on to a signal.

All in all I'm very very pleased to hear of the 2.0 update. The urgency in fixing some of these other minor issues I think are overblown.

That is nonsense. The battery issues are very real for others. I am on my third Moment. I have done all the tricks listed on this forum. I can not get to the late afternoon with moderate usage with the Moment. Nothing like my Hero which is NO battery king.
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First of all.. Wifi augmentation is only available if A) you turn on wifi (eats battery faster) and B) are in a location that has an open wifi.. I work for the government dealing with sensitive information and trust me.. there is no open wifi signals in my office so when i am at my office, it uses IP traceroute to attempt to figure out my location (hense why most people find their location nowhere near where they are)

Second... Yes.. the cell towers have fixed coordinates.. but they also have GPS coordinates.. They use this to calculate GPS drift and relay that to your aGPS device to make the signal more accurate (GPS drift is calculated based upon atmospheric ionization along with other factors)

I replied to this in a PM since I did not want to clutter the board with this off topic stuff. Check yo PM! And I enjoy talking about this stuff.
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Well that announcement is worthless.. Why not announce that a friggen patch will be done sometime this month to fix the battery issues and agps issue? Who cares about 2.0 in the next 6 months vs fixing the damn problems that plague us now.. If they said 1.6 would be out this month and 2.0 sometime in the damn future i would be happier then them just saying 2.0 sometime in the next 6 months

I am glad I handed mine back after the first day!! Samsung should be ashamed of releasing this phone with all the problems. IMHO. It should not be up to the customer to figure all the BS of a new phone. Thats what the engineers for Samsung should be doing prior to release. Maybe Samsung needs to fire a few who worked on the Moment?:mad:
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I am glad I handed mine back after the first day!! Samsung should be ashamed of releasing this phone with all the problems. IMHO. It should not be up to the customer to figure all the BS of a new phone. Thats what the engineers for Samsung should be doing prior to release. Maybe Samsung needs to fire a few who worked on thie Moment?:mad:

This is one of the sentiments that bothers me about new Android users. Android can be frustrating when you first get it. It is because the phone is a blank slate waiting to be customized by whoever buys is. Does this phone have issues???....sure, basically, the battery issue is the only one that bothers me but I have adapted. Anyway, back to my original point, I always tell my friends that if they are going to an Android phone not to freak out. It can be overwhelming because you are somewhat responsible for building the interface through certain apps. There are many things you don't like on the phone. But you can change almost anything. Anyway, if you are looking for a closed platform out-of-the box turnkey phone, Android is not for you. AT&T might have a phone for you.
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This is one of the sentiments that bothers me about new Android users. Android can be frustrating when you first get it. It is because the phone is a blank slate waiting to be customized by whoever buys is. Does this phone have issues???....sure, basically, the battery issue is the only one that bothers me but I have adapted. Anyway, back to my original point, I always tell my friends that if they are going to an Android phone not to freak out. It can be overwhelming because you are somewhat responsible for building the interface through certain apps. There are many things you don't like on the phone. But you can change almost anything. Anyway, if you are looking for a closed platform out-of-the box turnkey phone, Android is not for you. AT&T might have a phone for you.

well the samsung moment does have it share of problems that should not even be happening. this is the first phone i ever owned that had so much issues. its like sprint and samsung rushed this phone out too early and didn't quite test this phone out properly. perhaps they did it to coincide with the release of verizons android offerings? i love the moments hardware and freedom of android but i feel like i have a cripple phone that could be a really awesome phone. im happy they announced that 2.0 is coming, but what about the other issues. agps, battery meter, random airplane mode, bt, 5% reboots, wacky cmda/evdo glitches? do we have to wait months for a fix? i passed my 30 days return to sprint but everytime my phone glitches im seriously thinking of getting the hero or going verizon droid.
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Had sprint but their lack of english speaking intelligent csa's not to mention dropped calls, no service. WAIT sprint leave the droid market alone you will just bring the name down. Being last in everything, you should learn to crawl before you decide to run in life with the rest.
Funny, i have only ever had american Tech support from sprint when i call them... As for sprint being the last in everything? You obviously don't really know what you are talking about... This is a forum about them updating a OS for a sprint forum.. if you want to flame sprint do it in your own device/carrier forum..
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A lot of whining. I complain about the battery a bit, but I'm waiting it out. This is a gen 1 device running on a patched version of the OS to make it play nice with cdma. There are going to be glitches and some of them glaring. If you can't wait out the maintenance release that will tide us over till 2.x is released, you probably should have thought twice about buying the device. The Pre, the iPhone, and pretty much every gen 1 smartphone has been released with a plethora of issues. There just simply isn't a way for beta testing to cover every possible situation and problem.

If I had a real issue it's that the Droid already got an updateband the phone has been out half as long. The Hero had it's first update, though it's been out longer. Yet, it created a few more glitches while fixing some others.

If you want perfect out of the box, go buy more mature tech or a dumbphone.

If you think the grass is greener elsewhere then jump ship and pay more.
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A lot of whining. I complain about the battery a bit, but I'm waiting it out. This is a gen 1 device running on a patched version of the OS to make it play nice with cdma. There are going to be glitches and some of them glaring. If you can't wait out the maintenance release that will tide us over till 2.x is released, you probably should have thought twice about buying the device. The Pre, the iPhone, and pretty much every gen 1 smartphone has been released with a plethora of issues. There just simply isn't a way for beta testing to cover every possible situation and problem.

If I had a real issue it's that the Droid already got an updateband the phone has been out half as long. The Hero had it's first update, though it's been out longer. Yet, it created a few more glitches while fixing some others.

If you want perfect out of the box, go buy more mature tech or a dumbphone.

If you think the grass is greener elsewhere then jump ship and pay more.

Thats exactly how i feel about smartphones ive had 4 of them in the last 5 years, they pretty much always have errors the 1st month or 2 of release before the problems are worked & there updated. Thats exactly how it is i agree with your statement all the way. People need to understand when you buy 1 so close to release pretty much 99% of em have problems like you said if you dont want to deal with that then wait till the phones been out longer or buy a phone thats older and were all the quirks have ben worked out already.
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well with sprint making the new changes to the contract , I will take the chance to dump sprint and the 3 moment phones I have, Move on to the Verizon Droid that works so much better and with 3 times the battery life
byby Sprint

When the Moment gets Android 2.0 and its capabilities and battery life exceed the Droid's, remember this post. :rolleyes:

The Droid is a joke. It's entire ad campaign boils down to "Droid Does (everything even a vanilla android phone does)."
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and I'm guilty of some complaining. Get a day where my battery craps out because I thought I could hang in the yellow zone a bit longer. Then my reps start complaining about the battery and the iphone owners are close by to give some ribbing (though their long term memory sucks). It's easy to pop on here and vent.

And the Droid isn't a joke. Get over the petty jealousies of my phone is better than your phone. Both phones have their merits and both phones leave a bit to be desired as well. The only jokes are the petty posts on that particular topic.
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HTC Said this on twitter:

Did you know your Sprint Hero will be getting Eclair early next year? Well...now you do! Happy Friday ladies and gents :)"

So...early next year = ? My definition of early would be Jan/Feb not sometime in the first half.

On December tenth I got an email from a Samsung Senior Division Manager (I had sent out a few emails to people on the 9th, seeing if I could get any info on updates, since I was about to buy the phone) that said:

"The Samsung Moment will have a 2.0 firmware upgrade in early 2010. All current Moment handsets will be able to upgrade to that firmware once released."
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I haven't been complaining about the issues that plague the phone (i expected them and knew it would happen).. it is the way sprint and samsung wouldn't even acknowledge the phone had any issues and kept saying they are not aware of any problems (making it sound like it was an isolated few of us)... now that they have finally acknowledged the issue, i wish they would say something more then "sometime in the next 6 months we will get around to fixing the phone"... they haven't even acknowledged a service patch is even being worked on (other sprint techs have hinted at this tho)... They are keeping us in the dark about any development with the phones... I know the goal is 2.0, but why cant they quickly whip out a 1.6 (the first version of android MENT for CDMA isn't it?) then work on the 2.0 transition.. From the reading i have been doing, it seems like the code revision between 1.5 and 1.6 isn't that much (vs 2.0 where a major revision was done)
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was sprint getting tired of people calling / chatting / emailing asking if/when we are getting an update? i think they got tired of it and thought "we're going to do it anyway, lets just give them something to shut them up". i mean they gave us a 6 month window. if we continue to call and ask and complain we may get a more narrowed down window or even get the update out sooner. so i say call and ask if it will be OTA or an update by computer.

I know that I emailed samsung and sprint about the update I even called asking if I'm going to get a 2.0 or do I need to switch to verizon and buy a droid.

I'm one of the lucky users who hasn't had a problem with the phone so I'm going to buy a 16gb card as a Christmas present for my Moment
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