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Transferring browser tabs


Well-Known Member
Thread starter
May 6, 2010
I have a new Pixel to replace my old Pixel. All has gone well except for transferring the open tabs in Edge and Chrome. All of my lookup so far suggests that as along as I'm signed into the same account in the browsers and have sync enabled and tabs selected, then they will sync.
Unfortunately this does not happen so I'm thinking that only works for computers but not phones. There are only a few in Chrome but I have a bunch open in Edge on the old phone. So far my only workaround is to go to each tabs webpage and save it to a Collection. That syncs. But with as many tabs as I have, it's going to take a very long time to do that.

So I'm hoping someone knows of a way to get the tabs to sync. Both phones are connected to my home wi-fi at 5GHz so speed or connectivity isn't an issue.

You shouldn't open too many tabs or else your browser will slow down and hang. A while back my wife was complaining about her chrome browser hanging. When i checked her browser she had 128 tabs open. I closed them all and she was back to normal.
I agree 100% with a desktop browser but I've not had any problem with my mobile browser which is Edge.
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I agree 100% with a desktop browser but I've not had any problem with my mobile browser which is Edge.

Interesting you mentioned the Edge browser. I haven't had Windows or used the Edge browser in a long time. Yesterday I was over in the Linux Mint Forum and there was a thread about testing and tweaking the Edge browser for Linux.
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I tried your suggestion and verified that syncing History is enabled on both phones (has been for some time) but on the new phone after opening Edge and tapping Tabs (at the bottom), I don't see anywhere to tap "Recent Tabs From Other Devices". Across the top of the app are what looks like 3 tabs labeled Tabs, InPrivate, and Recent. Recent is divided into sections that it says last synced from <device name>. But it hasn't synced all of the open tabs from the old phone. So I'm still at an impasse.
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Yes both connected via home wi-fi. I found that your method is supposed to work for Chrome but it appears it only works for tabs open on a PC to sync to a phone. So it's looking more and more like I'm out of luck for get these tabs synced the easy way and will have to do it the hard way. I do appreciate you chiming in.
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