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  1. PeteCress

    Phone calls w/Bluetooth earbuds: unable to reduce volume

    When I am listening to music thru Bluetooth earbuds and a phone call comes in, the volume is deafening - no matter how low the music volume is. Pressing VolumeDown throws the volume control dialog and the indicator tries to move downward - but it keeps spontaneously popping back to max volume...
  2. PeteCress

    Date format keeps reverting to 12-hr

    I will set the Date Format (Settings | General Management | Date and Time | Use 24-hour format = True) to 24 -hour and it works for a day or three - and then spontaneously reverts to 12-hour/AM-PM format. This has happened a half-dozen times so far and I know I'm not fat-fingering it. Am I the...
  3. PeteCress

    Options available in window shade when phone locked?

    I get the part about being able to drop the WindowShade list when the phone is locked - so I can view messages from apps and other notifications. But it doesn't seem right that the top part of the WindowShade can be expanded, allowing access to various System settings/functions while the phone...
  4. PeteCress

    Challenge/Response App for Phone?

    NoMoRobo has been pretty good but, what with spammers more-and-more spoofing CallerID on a call-by-call basis, it seems like the end is in sight for crowd-sourced call screening. That being the case, Challenge-Response comes to mind. Somebody whose number is not in my phone's Contacts DB...
  5. PeteCress

    Will any of the Samsung Notes work with both GSM and CDMA?

    I am currently a tMob legacy prepaid user with an SM-910C Note 4. Need data and better/more reliable signal strengths, so I am looking into switching providers. Signal strengths with tMob run around -107 to -113 dBm, which Phone Signal 4.0 calls Low" to "Very Low". I get breaking up and miss...
  6. PeteCress

    GeekBench4: Relevance to casual user?

    Specifically: if a Samsung Note 8's Geekbench 4 "Compute" score is 7,500 will I perceive a significant increase in speed of switching between/loading applications compared to my Note 4, whose score is 2,500? We are not talking gaming or videos here - mainly loading and switching between...
  7. PeteCress

    Galaxy 8: Selfie-Stick Recommendation?

    Has anybody found a selfie stick that works for them on a Galaxy 8? Must be triggered at the handle end, not the phone end Videos a nice-to-have, but lack thereof not a deal-breaker - all we really need are still pix Lack of batteries another nice-to-have, but not essential Have been searching...
  8. PeteCress

    Mystery App Opens Videos ?

    Screenhot at https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMHDERDPAS7ZNjkd4SjIYEMJIXqtp_qKXEC3olBWOaR3vTHjLy8Ej0Zj0Nhs99Ubw/photo/AF1QipO2P_hH-OD5lxmnFzjhONUXTOmr_JzPaAV9nbjE?key=WDdSdm4wSG90UkNwMG1FMVdSQ2p0NEFRQThPRVJ3 Can't find it in Settings |Apps Has hijacked my default Open With = MX Player for...
  9. PeteCress

    On-Demand Car Tracker via Android Phone?

    There are many dedicated car trackers out there... typically $100-200 purchase price plus $20-30 per month for the network subscription. The task at hand, though, is quite modest compared to the scenarios that dedicated trackers seem to be designed for. The task at hand being being able to...
  10. PeteCress

    Compass Apps: Horizontal Motion Only?

    I want something to give me a numeric heading when sailing - so I can watch how speed varies as heading changes at a given mainsail setting. But all the Compass apps I have tried are sensitive to tilting of the phone - as opposed to just rotation. This becomes problematic in a boat as small as...
  11. PeteCress

    WiFi Manager's Connection Speed Varies?

    WiFi Manager 3.0.6 by Kostya Vasilyev, Android 5.0.1. The Mbps numbers are all over the place from minute-to-minute.... same WAP - e.g. 6 Mbps one minute, 81Mbps a few minutes later..... maybe 400 some other time. Would the app be using the API of the same name? Is that degree of variation...
  12. PeteCress

    EverNote: Opinions ?

    Looks tempting to me - mainly the auto-synch feature. Besides the proprietary format and the lack of hierarchical lists, does anybody have reservations about the product?
  13. PeteCress

    Music Player App: Seeking a New One

    Currently using DoubleTwist. Problem is that DoubleTwist looks all through all the device storage and gathers everything up - podcasts, phone recordings.... the whole nine yards. ..... You're on the treadmill or something - doing a Shuffle All Songs - and it keeps stumbling into podcasts and...
  14. PeteCress

    Cannot Write To SD Card ?

    This subject has probably been beaten half to death by how.... but I just started building up my new Note 4 and, at first, thought somebody was joking: "Catch-22: You can put an SD card in to your Note 4; but you may not write to it." This thing is not Rooted yet, but Rooting is on the list...
  15. PeteCress

    Note 4: Camera Startup Alternatives?

    I've got a Note 4 coming tomorrow and one feature I like on it is DoublePress Home bringing up the camera. But when I was looking at other phones, I saw something by Motorola called Moto X Pure that was *really* slick: as you draw the device from your pocket, you rotate your wrist back-and...
  16. PeteCress

    Help Samsung Note 5: Wireless Charging Internal?

    I keep seeing references to "Wireless Charging" with the Note 5 - and I see aftermarket kits that make me think that maybe it's an add-on. If it is an add-on, does the receiver part fit inside the case, or does it ride outside the case? If it comes built-in, is a $30.00 charging pad all I need...
  17. PeteCress

    Samsung Note 5: Mind-Boggling Array of Models?

    Somebody suggested that the logical replacement for my Note 1 is a Note 5. Looked at the specs and that seems to be right on the money for me. But now I am shopping and getting confused by all the models. Right away, there are 32GB and 16GB models - but the price diff is consistently $200+...
  18. PeteCress

    ZoomTak T5: Anybody Tried Nova Desktop ?

    Somebody just gave me a ZoomTak T5 (aka "m201"). This is a little black box whose mission in life seems to be aggragating Internet media content (both legal and illegal) and presenting it on the user's TV screen. Since it is Android and I run Nova Desktop on all my other Android devices, it...
  19. PeteCress

    Prey: Works With Data Plan Also ?

    I should post this on a Prey-specific forum, but cannot find one... so here it is..... I cannot find anything that specifically says that Prey can use a cell phone's data plan to make reports. Everything I read is around WiFi. Does anybody know if a cell phone that has a data plan and Prey...
  20. PeteCress

    Suggestions for New Phone: ANT+, SD, Removable Battery ?

    My 1st gen Note (Samsung N7000) seems to be getting flakier and flakier. Tried a Factory Reset, got some improvement, but it's still awfully slow and there are other weirdnesses that make me think maybe the screen is on the way out. Don't have the heart to try installing Cyanogen right now, so...
  21. PeteCress

    Help List Apps Before Factory Reset ?

    My rooted N7000 has gone down the tubes performance/storage wise. Slow as death, and I am unable to install any apps ("Insufficient Storage Available") no matter how many installed apps I uninstall. Currently-available memory per Settings | Storage: Device Memory 245 MB USB Storage 9.47 GB...
  22. PeteCress

    ES File Explorer: Alternatives ?

    Somewhere along the line, my instance of ES File Explorer got ugly. "Junk File Removal", for instance. v4.0.2.8 (Market). I *think* I recall paying for ES - or, at least, the LAN access feature. Can anybody point me to an older version from before the "improvements" ? LAN access is my only...
  23. PeteCress

    Help Note 4 vs Sony Xperia Z3?

    My Samsung N7000 Note is getting old. Feels slow, and it is on it's 3rd USB port - ready for a 4th. My kneejerk reaction was to upgrade to a Note 4, but then it dawned on me that the Sony Xperia Z3 had a similar feature set (micro SD slot, USB hosting...), is touted tb IP68...
  24. PeteCress

    GPS Off, Location Services Off: System (gpsd) Still Using Battery?

    Doesn't seem logical..... Or does it? The only location-relevant app I can find running via Android Assistant is WeatherBug. I am using GSAM Battery Manager Pro to look at battery use. Is there maybe another app that will tell me which apps are is behind "System (gpsd)".
  25. PeteCress

    Imaging (in the Windows sense) Android Device?

    I think I know the answer: "No Way..." But thought I'd check because it seems so obvious now that I'm having to rebuild my tablet from scratch. The Ideal: Fire up a utility and create a bit-by-bit copy of what Samsung calls the tablet's SD card. Analogous to C: or the System drive in...