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Official EVO Rumors and Speculation thread

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HTC reps told me. I said this from the very beggining. The reps came to our store and showed us the phone and told us the launch date. I am not changing anything I said. Get off my back please EIEIO. I am at the point that we will be hearing lots more shortly in the training and I feel that I don't wish to share any more information as I am always attacked when I do. I am out.
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Drex baby I still believe May 22ish launch date.

But you see were I preface it as speculation..

June 6 has neeeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvvvvverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr been, mention to me by anyone. never, never, never ever..

Could I be wrong and it drops on June 6th? sure, but that date has never been mention to me..

If it drops on June 6th I will man up and say I was dead wrong..

I tell you who I think had good Intel was SP and I am sorry he left the forum
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rabella, you're probably gonna end up like jackson....he had good info despite what anybody says, but because of impatient people they just dismissed it...i dont care what people say or what happens, but yal did jackson wrong....im out.

In all sincerity, can you or someone else explain to me what exactly Jackson had that was such great information? I mostly read his condescending, no info comments, and was only warmed by the "love" he had for each of us and would repeatedly tell us.

I'm not trying to pick a fight or cause problems, but between Jackson and one other joker (can't remember his name, but he would cry all the time about posting info 2 or 10 pages before and not getting any "credit" for it), I had almost had enough of this forum. I seriously thought this should have been renamed the 17 and under "EVO Lounge".

Glad to see they took the drama club over to Bill's new site.

Seems to me that Rebella is giving the best info she has and I am grateful for it.

Eieio, I enjoy reading your posts as well, but I don't recall seeing any proof of any of your speculation either? Mostly innuendo and supposition not backed up by any proof or fact.

I guess if we get the information 10 minutes before someone else, that is great, but I don't understand the Gestapo like interogation of people when they speculate or report something they have heard.

Hopefully we'll get some info tomorrow night, but who knows. Sprint doesn't have a great track record to go on and there is usually a reason for that. Until they earn the respect they desire, people are going to have a hard time taking them serious. If they are releasing the phone on the 6th of June or earlier, they have a lot of work cut out for themselves.
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rebella... I mentioned the Qik app a few pages ago, I tried it on my Hero using 3g and via wi-fi and the app just didn't work as I had hoped... what and how would the EVO do any better?!?

Better processor and Qik is creating a program specifically for the Evo. It will come pre-installed as a native app. After the launch they will release a Video Call app.

Should be pretty cool.
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This pro VZW website posted this garbage about LTE and used EVO's good name to get the message out. I think VZW is starting to feel the pressure and advertising false truths.

Linky time:

Verizon’s 4G LTE: iPhone 4G and HTC EVO 4G preparations : Product Reviews Net

POS Youtube video of a CEO belonging back in the 90's.

YouTube - Peek at the Future: Verizon Wireless Boston 4G LTE Trial

I had to post a response to this dribble, because it was a direct slap in the face to all of us. I wish these supposed tech people would realize that Iphone 4g has nothing to do with WiMax/LTE periode.

I posted a response for them trying to package technology poopoo and putting a pretty bow on it on there site.

(My post)
I don't think I have read a worst piece of dribble with respect to technology. The CEO in the Youtube video sounded like a transplant from the Dot com era, when the catch phrase in those days was "Integration". Integration was the word used in the 90's saying appliances and everything else was going to be "integrated" via internet or wireless (Wifi). Dot com's went belly up, so did Integration. I being a person in the know of technology, this LTE technology is at least 2yrs off, before consumers will even get a peak of LTE in US markets. The final point here: Comparing Iphone 4G, which really means 4th update to Iphone. aka 4th Generation and HTC EVO 4G is all propaganda like the word "Integration". The 4th Gen Iphone has no built in radio to receive a 4g or that matter an LTE broadband signal. HTC EVO wil be released with a 4g radio built into it's infrastructure. Sprint/Clear has already built out 4g towers and done so over the last 2 years and 4g is functioning for consumers now. Engineers perspective LTE requires a room the same size as 3g to transmit there signal (small house) and 4g requires the space of a cabinet (closet size) cost wise 4g is already much cheaper to build out, resulting in 4g ability to easily expand to markets. I am not sure who VZW got to play in the Youtube video, but I call BS on LTE in US markets anytime soon. EVO for the foreseeable future will be the only mobile phone capable of using 4g wireless broadband speeds. I know that EVO will be able to act like a Hotspot device and Iphones can us 4g via Wifi provided by a EVO mobile phone. The fact is there is nothing 4g on any mobile phones to date other than Sprint/HTC EVO's..fact not speculation.


I will be out next 2 weeks (posting from time to time) on a much needed vacation. I will be checking in from time to time from my SM. I will try to scoop ya guys when I get back to work. (I still have a job btw), but as far as my earlier post everything still stands. I will be as happy as everyone else here when we can start posting from our EVO's and not our current phones in a few weeks.


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You're not missing much. I get emails from one of those guys and they have gotten increasingly messianic in tone...kinda annoying.

This forum and Android Central have much better content and aren't as concerned with who the true leader of inside info is, etc.

As for content, I ran across this but am not sure if it is more Ozcar-caliber rumor-mongering.

HTC EVO possibly coming sooner than June 6th | DroidedUp

That's actually pretty old, it was in that one article that had pictures taken from the EVO of a Dell Mouse. Wish i can find it, i'll still look.

Edit: Well I couldn't find it in the forum, but a simple google search helped me find an older article:


by Jeffry McDowell on April 4, 2010

Edit: wow the article I was trying to find was actually sourced in that one:


Dam I was really late in replying lol, so many pages to catch up -_-.
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can't i just hand them my credit card and tell them to leave the phone in the box and i'll activate it myself? i hate shopping. i want to get in and out.

yes u can

I tried doing this at BB with the PRE and they had every reason in the book, why I could not do do that. In case it did not work, blah, blah, they said it was 'policy' any idea how to get around that?
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Hey bud,
Hahahahahaha, Nice video. You mention the 90's era dot com CTO. Was it just me or did the whole video feel like it was from the 90's? It just felt like something cheesy that they would show in school during the early 90's.

He talks about the integration ideas you mention, and also the "New functionality that we haven't even thought of yet". He makes it sound like they don't even know what they are doing. That seems like a great business plan. Lets jump in head first without even fleshing out any of the details.

I also like how they feel like they have to prove how great it is by using "real" people off the street in a pizzeria.

The kicker is that they are building a specific special building to somehow represent that they "are doing something different here". Because you know when you look at buildings, that's exactly what you are going to think about it...hahahahahahahaha.

Glad to see you poking your head back out from under that rock of yours ;)
Nice to have a vacation huh? Good thing it is a temporary, voluntary vacation and not a vacation of the permanent variety. :D
I hope your vacation is far away and isolated so that you can't be bothered easily.
You'll be back in time for the big launch right?

I work out of Portland, OR. I am chilling in the Keys w/team members. I guess that is about as far as one can get and still be in the US :p A perk for delivering 4g gold copy not only on time, but 4 days early!
I just want to say&#8221; Quickly" information provided "Speculation/Fact" during March/April was creepy accurate. I don't know where Jackson/TS/Bill and the "old timers" got there info, but they were almost dead on. I gave my last bit of info to Pyro to share with others on here. I am trying to get approval to let me post a video from the meeting minutes mentioned in my earlier posts. I can show video of an EVO display showing Eclair build 2.2 and audio with Fryo being OTA in 6 weeks from Google rep. I am also in the process of trying out how to blur faces in the video during the Vo4G demo on EVO. I will restate 4G software was gold copied to Sprint on 6th of May and delivered from Intel. (Confirmed) In time for the show.

I know the rumor mill on my end is May 21st early orders at Shack & BB.

Pyro~has other details I sent to him..I'm posting atm from my Samsung Moment on it's tiny arse KB and my thumbs about ready to fall off :X

I agree with you..VZW must be affraid of real 4G. I would think VZW copoperate would know better not to put such obvious cheesy 90's style propaganda on the web. I mean that type of advertising is about outdated as the Iphone. :S

I will be in and out time to time on vacation,


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I tried doing this at BB with the PRE and they had every reason in the book, why I could not do do that. In case it did not work, blah, blah, they said it was 'policy' any idea how to get around that?

That probably varies from person to person. She works for Sprint, not Best Buy, so she probably wouldn't be able to give you an exact answer - but if I were you, when I went to pick the phone up, I would just say that you had an appointment in ten minutes and so you "Just want the phone unactivated as I did it last time when I picked up my old phone from BB." Drop in there that you've done it before, though.

Hopefully we'll get some info tomorrow night, but who knows. Sprint doesn't have a great track record to go on and there is usually a reason for that. Until they earn the respect they desire, people are going to have a hard time taking them serious. If they are releasing the phone on the 6th of June or earlier, they have a lot of work cut out for themselves.

At this point, I'm not even too worried about not finding out anything new tonight. All indications are that this phone is going to be coming out in the immediate future. If they don't announce the release date tonight, then at first I'll probably be miffed, but eh. We obviously aren't that far off, regardless; it's just a matter of how much time Sprint wants to give itself to get EVO marketing in there before the airwaves become saturated with iPhone stuff. If they don't announce today, it's gotta just be a matter of days before they do.

In all sincerity, can you or someone else explain to me what exactly Jackson had that was such great information? I mostly read his condescending, no info comments, and was only warmed by the "love" he had for each of us and would repeatedly tell us.

I'm not trying to pick a fight or cause problems, but between Jackson and one other joker (can't remember his name, but he would cry all the time about posting info 2 or 10 pages before and not getting any "credit" for it), I had almost had enough of this forum. I seriously thought this should have been renamed the 17 and under "EVO Lounge".

In my opinion, Jackson had good rudimentary info a few months back, ie release date, 2.1, etc. But after he provided that info, it was pretty much all that he had. Frankly, I think it's pretty cool that he got it at any rate and shared it, and I DO give him full credit because we didn't know much of anything before him. It's too bad that he felt like he got run out of the place, but the attacks on him weren't exactly vicious. Honestly, ever since him and Bill left, you're right - this feels like an actual adult forum. The whole "we're family" and "I love you all" shtick was... telling. Both of those guys had some pretty serious persecution complexes.

Anyhow, the thread now is more or less void of that, the info is still there and you don't have to wade through 30 pages of OT to find it, etc. I'm a fan and really thank the mods for getting the thread back on course and dramz-free. Thanks!
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I am trying to get approval to let me post a video from the meeting minutes mentioned in my earlier posts.

I can show video of an EVO display showing Eclair build 2.2 and audio with Fryo being OTA in 6 weeks from Google rep (Froyo - 2.5).

I will restate 4G software was gold copied to Sprint on 6th of May and delivered from Intel. (Confirmed) In time for the show.

I know the rumor mill on my end is May 21st pre-orders at Shack & BB.



This about sums it all up.
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What I am saying is fact and was in training. What more do you want?

rebella - just catching up with all the posts and all I have to say is please stop defending yourself, just because a couple of jerks don't want to believe you it doens't matter. This is a forum and we greatly appricate your info and any other info you get please do share it as most of us do want to know and trully appriciate it.
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Wow. Trying to keep up with this thread is next to impossible. 221 pages? Yowsah!

Anywho, I'm all set to drop my iPhone and AT&T for Evo and Sprint. My only potential issue is stuff seems to be cropping up again about special pricing plans. Initially that was thought to apply only to the wireless access, but now it's looking like the base plans might be different. That's an issue for me as I'm switching to my sister's Everything Data Family Plan. If I can't get the Evo on that plan, I'll be so sad! I would gladly opt out of 4g (my area doesn't have it yet) and the wireless access if I could cause I still think the phone has lots to offer outside of those two features.

Hopefully, we'll know more in the next couple of weeks.
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It was not an attack at all.. Its called put up or shut up.. I know I am a late comer but I see so much Speculation posted as fact..

For me I don't know why but it rubs me wrong.. if you speculate its all cool but if you post like its fact then it should be questioned..

Like I said a few posters post like it's fact when it is not proven or its fiction..

Believe me I am not trying to cause any friction.. I just want to see good, reliable information posted as fact..

The other information can be posted as Speculation..


There will never be anything that can ever be quoted as solid "FACT" until sprint officially releases the information. Sprint can tell it's employee's one thing and then change there mind at the last minute. Information that people give us can be a fact at that moment and then change the very next day without there knowledge. It's like the nexus one - I never heard Sprint officially announce they were going to get it, but it was said that they were, but now it's looking like they are nixing getting phone. Shit changes. Don't jump on people who are supplying the information they are receiving - except it for it is and move on.

Again -- NOTHING WILL EVER BE A FACT UNTIL SPRINT OFFICIALLY ANNOUNCES IT - untill then everything is speculation.

Here's the facts: EVO is coming sometime in the summer -- Evo is going to be an awesome -- EVO is from HTC -- EVO is coming to SPRINT

Here's speculation - EVERYTHING IN THIS and EVERY FORUM! (besides the info I stated in the fact part) :)
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Dunno if this has been posted or not yet. If so, my apologies.

Screen shots of the Sprint employee training:

Sprint Employees Begin EVO 4G Training; Screenshots a Plenty | AndroidGuys

Aside: Even assuming Rebella IS speculating -- and I don't believe she is -- why are people getting bent out of shape when people speculate, and post rumors, in the "Rumors and Speculation" thread?
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Wow. Trying to keep up with this thread is next to impossible. 221 pages? Yowsah!

Anywho, I'm all set to drop my iPhone and AT&T for Evo and Sprint. My only potential issue is stuff seems to be cropping up again about special pricing plans. Initially that was thought to apply only to the wireless access, but now it's looking like the base plans might be different. That's an issue for me as I'm switching to my sister's Everything Data Family Plan. If I can't get the Evo on that plan, I'll be so sad! I would gladly opt out of 4g (my area doesn't have it yet) and the wireless access if I could cause I still think the phone has lots to offer outside of those two features.

Hopefully, we'll know more in the next couple of weeks.

It wouldn't be a good move for Sprint to try to use a phone to raise it prices, so I don't expect that. In fact if trying to raise prices were the plan, Sprint should have done that long before now so people don't associate it with the introduction of the Evo or any new device.

I'm betting that Evo will work with existing Sprint Everything Data and Simply Everything. I expect the changes be most noticeable for legacy plans that still exist.

If you're on ATT though, it's hard to imagine any of their plans will be as expensive as the iPhone plans with data on the blue network. I think we'll find out this week or next just about everything we want to know as I'm crossing my fingers for a release in May, hopefully May 22/23.

The way I see it as an ATT user, a switch is imminent so I'm glad Sprint has now become a viable option with better pricing and a good device.
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Dunno if this has been posted or not yet. If so, my apologies.

Screen shots of the Sprint employee training:

Sprint Employees Begin EVO 4G Training; Screenshots a Plenty | AndroidGuys

Aside: Even assuming Rebella IS speculating -- and I don't believe she is -- why are people getting bent out of shape when people speculate, and post rumors, in the "Rumors and Speculation" thread?

Agreed. This is the Rumors and Speculation thread. There is a fact thread that gets far less attention and is the proper place for things that become proven. Needless to say, I think it get's so little attention because most of what we're hearing is from information we glean from multiple sources.

I hate so see anyone get tagged with "you don't know" at this point because unless Dan Hesse comes on and makes statements, it's all speculation and rumor.
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