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Root stable github for our device


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
what is the most stable git repo to sync from for our device? im trying to build paranoid from source and using the teamjb repo. but im running into a few issues i need help with.

1. the prebuilt kernel, i dunno what the right thing to put there is, i had to replace the boot.img in the zip from the old lens_flare pa for it to get past the htc logo (best i could figure out was it was saying to take the boot.img and rename it to kernel and put another boot.img there with it in out/target/htc/shooter)

2. after getting past the htc logo by changing the boot image, i was stuck on the black screen. so i logcatted and saw an error about egl_bad_parameter. so i merged the old libs folder out of lensflares paranoid into mine and it booted to the nexus logo (dunno what libs im missing or i wouldve just copied what i needed, im still learning and on certain things documentation is nonexistant)

3. then after logcatting again i got a registernatives failed for android/net/networkutils so i copied the vendor folder over from the lensflare pa to mine and it booted (again, dunno, i looked for a folder in the rom with that in it, and reading somewhere for another device they said that that repo was having the issue)

now the only issues seem to be wifi, and adb debugging are broken, data works, brightness works, vibration, sound, calling, proximity etc work.

but i feel that these errors could be fixed by using stable sources, or tell me what i forgot to do,

i would love to get deeper and i appreciate any help.


still not sure on the details about prebuilt kernels and what peices to put where from where, i have the boot.img from lens flare 2.99 put in the right out folder twice, once as "kernel" and once as "boot.img" that fixes the compiler bitchin bout the kernel. i saw in a fourm somwhere you just put the prebuilt kernel in like that, but kernel flashable zips just have that zimage, and lots of other files, rom kitchen cant do jack with it either. and asop cant compile inline, not to mention building a kernel is kinda scary just because of what can go wrong, and there are much better ones.

i didnt have my proprietary files in the right place the first time and forgot to add htc vendor files in my manifest with the ms8660whatever common and shooter repos. that fixed my compiler errors the right way, i also understand where everything is from 4 days of nonstop google. i started over fresh and i am compiling right this minute to see if i can get a successful build, i should know in about 2 hours at most, assuming i hit no new errors... but its likely i will, thats how ya learn.

sorry for writing a book here but the information is like nowhere to be found, so everything i can i try and pass along i will.
further update, since im not gettin any help ill just share my progress. I found out the egl error is because i didnt have the latest adreno drivers. i got it to compile correctly though and it feels good, just the fact that i got it to compile. now if i can get it to boot all that will be left for me is asking permisions and putting a proper kernel in and i would be able to share this baby.. ;)

ill continue to update on my progress...


it boots!!! yay!!!!!!

wifi, 3g, sound, and camera are all broken (well camera is missing anyways.)

error i get on wifi is:
wlan0:Unsupported driver 'wext'
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there are a lot of libs missing, i think the repo im using has issues, but i really have no way of telling. i also saw bitbucket is active, maybe everyone is there... im gonna try a different source at some point, but i still wish i could figure out the kernel thing. i DONT want to build a kernel, thats where things can go wrong, and we have too many good kernel devs for me to start from scratch. im sure the kernel thing if done right would fix a lot of issues... i really wish a dev or mod would nudge me in the right direction. i have the patientce to learn things, but i have spent many hours on google and xda and here looking all over for different information. i have learned quite a bit, and i plan to keep trying, but a little help could jump start my progress.
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i noticed alot of people are on bitbucket, is that the place to be for source? and since so many libs are missing couldnt i sync my folder of libs back to github? i forked the repository i used, still not 100% sure on what that means but i did it.(im 70%sure) also by filling out missing files in the rom zip manually from lens flares (like the whole wimax folder and module folders were missing... why would they be missing?) github seems very confusing, but im sure theres got to be something im missin. also cyanogens wiki is broken to heck, and so is paranoids wiki, ive almost gave up many times but each time i get farther and farther. i spend all night working on learning about these phones every day after i get off work. but im hittin brick walls left and right. its like im playin a video game and i just hit the boss level at the end, a video game thats whuppin my ass.....

sorry i thought it deleted my post so i just spent the past 10 mins writing it over agin...
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well my goal is to build a rom from source with paranoid the right way for our phone, if its better to get a different rom working first for learning purposes im good with that. as stated before i dunno how to build a kernel, and have very little interest in making one if possible, it would be neat but kernels scare me a bit because of what can go wrong with a bad one. i can find no documentation regarding prebuilt kernels. also looking through github for source i see most master branches say will eat your cat... i assume that means that it wont compile without problems or just wont work. i would like to get a reccomendation on what source to build from, and whether its on github, bitbucket or wherever.

also sellers86... what do you mean by patches, can i make one?

i do want to clarify something... i dont expect to be an expert overnight and i am approaching this with the patience of a saint, also i appreciate the help very much.
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