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Help 3G Data Connectivity Issues

You don't want to sound like a fan girl?.. but you sound every bit of a fan girl. Stop defending the phone for a minute, take a step back and accept that for some of us, quite a few.. it's a piece of $hite. We don't want it to be $hite we want it to work we want to enjoy it and sign it's praises too. I don't expect perfection for what we get but I expect it to work. I wouldn't by a low priced new car then just accept that it won't start every other day?

All other VM phones I've had including the blackberry have worked perfectly. I expect this phone to perform the same. I'd accept this if it were an "occasional" issue or 3G drop but it's not.

I too had a Blackberry, was it perfect? Nope. Is this phone perfect? Nope.

Maybe you should read more of what I have written.
I experienced pretty much every problem with this phone that others have, don't think I've been immune. Drops, failures to reconnect, mine was even bricked at one point.

Here's the thing, I work with computers day in, day out. They all have flaws. My job is to fix, or work around those flaws. It's not that I have a lower expectation, or that I'm a fan girl, or even that I have some miraculous phone that seems to work. Trust me, it's not perfect, I have never claimed it to be, but I have it working well enough to where it's not a fight and is actually running quite well just by using the same techniques I use daily at work.

I put in a lot of hours to get my phone working as well as it does, so don't sit there acting like it was handed to me, or that I'm singing it's praises. I busted my butt to figure out what was happening and was causing my issues. I'm sorry yours isn't, and there are times I'm even more sorry I even bothered trying to help anyone with theirs.

And exactly where did I ever say you should accept a phone like this?
You put an awful lot of blame and words in my mouth.
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So, I never heard anything back from VM cs within the 24-72 hours, and just called them. Got the usual "3G outage" run-around from the first girl until I complained more vigorously about this being my 3rd call, then she escalated it up to another person. That girl started to do the run-around thing, but after I complained some more, she "read" the notes on my previous calls, then said that she had "reset" my account, and I should wait about 2 hours and then try to connect again. And if the problem is still there, to call them and they will replace my phone with a new one, which she confirmed would be a new one and not a previously used one. Stay tuned............
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X-posted from Facebook:

Called the Tier 3 Tech Support (877-600-8065) and tried to get in touch with Stephanie (in regards to what others have said on FB regarding her being quite helpful with the issue, resetting their plan/month/whatever and making their 3G start working), but no luck (she was busy). Jasmine dealt with me. I found out that even though I called on Monday the 21st, everything was said to be documented and escalated on the 22nd for some reason, and I was asked to wait the rest of the period (including a new suggestion of 3-5 days) for a response. Asked about compensation, and she said that because so many customers are experiencing this, she wouldn't be able to compensate me for ___ when another rep could compensate someone else a different amount. That would have to be cleared by a supervisor. So, I asked for one, he also has no idea of when the outage will be fixed, and that they couldn't compensate either. I explained my situation once again to him, and he ended up crediting me $10 for my problems. I'll be waiting till the weekend, if not Monday to call back again if no response (of course there won't be any response).

Also, an interesting point of note. Calling executive escalations marks the account/issue with that tag, therefore Jasmine said engineering should get on that issue a lot faster than anyone else. BS.
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(continuing from here)

Since that last general CS rep (who for a change, was very hard to understand) appeared to be really unhelpful and perhaps just wanted to get me to shut up for another 24 h, I decided not to wait and called the tech support 877 number directly. After waiting no more than a few seconds, I was connected to a very nice woman, who took me through the following steps:

She started by telling me that they'd been having nationwide network problems and it would have been impossible for others not to have problems (see my previous message, where my local Best Buy has been selling lots of phones, but not hearing complaints recently). In any case, the network supposedly went back up this morning. I was skeptical, having heard similar stories before.

The rep promised to try to help me. When I told her the sympton of all browser requests auto-redirecting to m.VMU.com, I could hear her light up over the phone and she proclaimed that she was now sure she'd be able to help me.

She then proceeded to
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In the next installment of "As the 3G Turns," I wrote an e-mail to Dan Hesse, dan@sprint.com. I've edited some personal things out.

Dear Mr. Hesse,

I have been a Virgin Mobile customer since July 2010, and my VM phone number is ********** (associated account pin **********). I switched from my Blackberry Curve 8530 at $35/month to the new LG Optimus V at $25/month. My plans were to sell the Curve to recoup the cost of the new phone, but those plans have been put on hold for now due to the fact that I cannot use all of the services that I'm paying for with the new Optimus, and may soon return the phone before the return policy expires. I'm writing to you because I cannot seem to get a clear answer from anyone else.

I purchased the new Optimus V on March 18, 2011 from Best Buy. That evening, I activated the phone and successfully (as per the automated VM e-mail) swapped service. I waited and waited for the text message that was supposed to tell me everything was set up properly, but never received it. The next morning, I noticed that I was unable to use the browser or any data-related services or applications. I waited until Monday the 21st to call Virgin Mobile, and as per suggestions from others having the same issues, contacted your Executive Escalations Department at 866-553-9810. That morning, the representative there forwarded my issue to Tech Support, and another employee asked me to remove the battery from the phone for 1-2 hours.

After the 1-2 hours had passed (at 11:00 am CDT 3/21), I still had no data, so once again I called the Executive Escalations number and reached an Antoinette. She explained that whatever was done may have not fully taken, so she asked me to remove the battery once again for 4 hours. I called back again at 3pm that same day when I still had no data, and reached a Melody or Melanie in the Executive Escalations department. She tried to reprovision my services, which did not work, so she escalated my issue to Network Operations, and told me I would hear back in 24-72 hours from then.

As I had been paying attention to the Virgin Mobile Facebook page, I noticed that several people had mentioned a Stephanie on your Tier 3 Tech Support number (877-600-8065) who had been able to help them get their 3G data services back by resetting their entire account. Today (3/24) at 1:15 pm CDT, I first called this Tier 3 number to inquire about whether they had heard back from Network Operations, and found out that they had not, and would e-mail them to figure out what was going on. This person told me that I would hear back within an hour.

At 2:15 pm CDT (3/24), I called the Tier 3 number once again and asked for the Stephanie at that number, in hopes that she would be able to help. However, she was busy at the time, and I reached a Jasmine. She explained that she saw I had contacted Executive Escalations, and that Engineering should have gotten my ticket resolved much faster than by any other method. She reiterated what I have heard all along regarding the 3G outage (no known cause, no date for resolution), and explained that I would not be able to be compensated for loss of service until my support ticket has been resolved.

She also told me that the notes on my account said the provisioning and the resulting support ticket escalation to Network Operations had occurred on Tuesday 3/22 rather than Monday 3/21, even though I know for sure that I called on 3/21. That surprised me, as I feel I was lied to by Melody/Melanie that she would escalate my problem that same day. Jasmine explained that I may have to wait 3-5 days for a response now, which was quite frustrating.

I inquired about compensation once again, and she stated that because so many people were experiencing the same problem, it wouldn't be possible to compensate me without the approval of a supervisor. In hopes that a supervisor might know more about this issue, I asked to speak with one, and was indeed able to. I didn't catch the supervisor's name, but he was a male. He explained to me that there is no known cause or resolution timeline for the issue, but did say he would compensate me $10 for my frustrations (which he did).

I just wanted to write to you in hopes of being able to get a clear sense of what's going on, and when I can expect the services I paid for to be delivered. I have until the middle of next month before I absolutely have to return my phone, and I hope you can give me some sort of assurance that the problem will be fixed by then, and tell me what the current status of the outage and repairs of the issue is. If not, perhaps you could work out a plan reduction if I were to switch back to the Blackberry so that I could only have to pay $25/month. I don't want to leave Virgin Mobile, as I cannot afford any other service with this kind of value.

If you need to reach me by phone, you can call my home phone at ****, or my Virgin Mobile phone at the number listed at the beginning of the letter.


And, as I was posting this, I received this automated e-mail back:

Thank you for taking the time to write. We'll be looking through all the
ideas and feedback we receive.

This will, of course, take some time. I appreciate your patience until
we can get you a response. A representative from my office will be
contacting you in about a week.

In the meantime, I encourage you to visit www.sprint.com to learn more
about the significant savings available to individuals and families
through Sprint's Simply Everything and Sprint's Everything Family plans.
Or, through our Ready Now program, make an appointment with a store
representative to learn more about how to use your device.

Once again, from all of us at Sprint, thank you.

Dan Hesse


Great, so 1 week... At least I'll still be within my return period. Yay...
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Greg, what about calling his office, that apparently reaches a Prudence as per a couple-day-old post (deleted, yet saved) from someone on VMUSA's Facebook page?

Dan Hesse CEO of Sprint. email him at dan@sprint.com with any concerns or complaints you have concerning the outage thats been going on. Send any e-mail that you have recieved between you and VM to the dan@sprint.com with description of what your problems are.
Also Call
Prudence H in Dan Hesse's office
Monday through Thursday
9am to 6pm EST
Friday 9am to 1pm EST
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I'm still not understanding what you guys mean when you say they "RESET YOUR PLAN".
Did they explain EXACTLY what this meant? Some folks say they were changed to the "android data plan", others say that's bogus.

Did you get specifics of what "resetting your plan" does specifically?

I'm game to try another phone, just wanna know specifics of what they are doing for people who have regained data use.

(continuing from here)

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Congrats on that working out for you. Any good buzzwords to say to get them to do what they did for you? Would simply restarting my plan month (like I plan to do on the 1st, rather than the 2nd on autopay, so I can use what's in my balance from a credit) take care of it? The couple people I talked to said my 3G services had already been reset once, and I tried to explain what I'd heard but failed at doing so, I guess... Or didn't get a knowledgeable rep.
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Haha. I don't understand why everyone I've talked to hasn't thought of the plan reset, unless it automatically applies to only those having SOME 3G yet the redirect of death issue. I guess when they've got someone trying to be knowledgeable and saying to reset the plan, they just look right over that person. They know soooo much more than I do.
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Contacted Executive Escalations once again, a Byron (Brian?) went through another reset/provisioning procedure that almost made me jump out of my chair. I HAD DATA! ...But no, I realized after trying another page other than VM's My Account shortcut that it was giving me the "redirect of death." In order to let the provisioning complete, I'm giving my phone a rest for 3-4 hours, then seeing what's up. I have hope again!
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I've still not heard enough success stories to make me want to go out and buy another one.
If more people were stating their data had been restored, i'd be inclined.

Also, people are stating they've seen a new "batch"/packaging. Is this a new wave/batch of production phones? BETTER OR WORSE?

From what I could see in regards to packaging, there was confusing as to whether the one with the silver piece stuck in the packaging was new or old. Seems like they're mixing them in (across many stores, not just at one), and without knowing more about the serial numbers I can't really say. I had the silver shiny piece myself.
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the ones with the SILVER INSERT the say "hello" are the new packaging.
these didn't start appearing until about 2 weeks ago, and the ESN's are higher than the first "batch".

Question is.....Are these phones the same? same firmware, etc???

From what I could see in regards to packaging, there was confusing as to whether the one with the silver piece stuck in the packaging was new or old. Seems like they're mixing them in (across many stores, not just at one), and without knowing more about the serial numbers I can't really say. I had the silver shiny piece myself.
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the ones with the SILVER INSERT the say "hello" are the new packaging.
these didn't start appearing until about 2 weeks ago, and the ESN's are higher than the first "batch".

Question is.....Are these phones the same? same firmware, etc???

No idea... I know some people who bought the phones early ended up having 3G issues as well, correct? The non-silver insert ones. I'm not 100% sure there's a notable difference.
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