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Jealous of Nexus One

I am jealous, but not enough to change phones AND networks. If I could put that 1GHz Snapdragon processor in the ERIS, I probably wouldn't buy a new phone ever again. The lag that happens sometimes in the ERIS doesn't even bother me. Heck, the browser is seamless. The only complaint I have, I'm not even going to mention because the forum would kill me.
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I am jealous, but not enough to change phones AND networks. If I could put that 1GHz Snapdragon processor in the ERIS, I probably wouldn't buy a new phone ever again. The lag that happens sometimes in the ERIS doesn't even bother me. Heck, the browser is seamless. The only complaint I have, I'm not even going to mention because the forum would kill me.

Oh come on. We won't hurt you ;)
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The Eris is a DREAM compared to the Omnia that I used for half a year. That was the most laggy thing I've ever messed with. I mean, I didn't even know that the Eris had lag till I read it here. I'm still saying, "What lag?" And one battery pull per week? Sheesh! The only cool thing about the Omnia is that you could hack the sh** out of it but that was dependent on cooks who used superhuman powers to get ROM's out AND support them.
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The Eris is a DREAM compared to the Omnia that I used for half a year. That was the most laggy thing I've ever messed with. I mean, I didn't even know that the Eris had lag till I read it here. I'm still saying, "What lag?" And one battery pull per week? Sheesh! The only cool thing about the Omnia is that you could hack the sh** out of it but that was dependent on cooks who used superhuman powers to get ROM's out AND support them.
My previous phone was the Omnia, too. I don't really see lag except in the place that I'm not going to mention because the forum members would kill me for mentioning it.
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My previous phone was the Omnia, too. I don't really see lag except in the place that I'm not going to mention because the forum members would kill me for mentioning it.

For those of you who say "I don't see lag" please see my post on performance issues. My phone was so laggy that I was ready to go and get a Droid! :eek: (this is my second Eris). Until, that is, that I removed Startup Manager. Now I have the phone I SHOULD have. I'm talking lag as in not annoying lag, but cripple the phone lag....Sense re-starting, taking 20-30 seconds to open the people app, screen freezing mid way through change for about 10 seconds, etc. It was so bad that even my wife noticed. :D

But now that I've got it running right again, I'm VERY happy.

So do not dismiss those who say they have lag. It is just likely that your setup / applications have not caused it.
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For those of you who say "I don't see lag" please see my post on performance issues. My phone was so laggy that I was ready to go and get a Droid! :eek: (this is my second Eris). Until, that is, that I removed Startup Manager. Now I have the phone I SHOULD have. I'm talking lag as in not annoying lag, but cripple the phone lag....Sense re-starting, taking 20-30 seconds to open the people app, screen freezing mid way through change for about 10 seconds, etc. It was so bad that even my wife noticed. :D

But now that I've got it running right again, I'm VERY happy.

So do not dismiss those who say they have lag. It is just likely that your setup / applications have not caused it.

Is Startup Manager a d/l app? If so I dont have that. I d/l Adv Task Manager and feel like it has helped a little.
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I agree.

Jealous was not the word that I would probably use. Mad that the phone I really want came out so soon after my phone is out would better describe it.

Having said that, now that my phone is working as it should! I am MUCH happier with my Eris. The only reason I would want the N1 would be the larger screen.
More like mad that an amazing, beautiful phone came out for the 2nd worse carrier.. for me at least. They don't even deserve the Cliq, let alone the Nexus. Good job Google, I hope this phone does as wonderfully as you are hoping it will, since, you know, T-Mobile is just the MOST popular carrier.. :rolleyes:
How much more fail can ya get?
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Bear in mind that most people aren't as up on the latest and greatest phones as those of us who really keep up on it. In my experience, most people still know the iPhone as king, maybe know about the Moto Droid, and don't look into it much further than that. Many people I have talked to hadn't heard of the Eris, let alone knew much about HTC or SenseUI... or even Android for that matter.

My point is that a phone should really do what you want, rather than necessarily being the absolute latest and greatest. Think about it... you'd be upgrading your phone every couple of months just to have the newest thing out. To the credit of the iPhone, the original is around three years old (an eternity for smartphones these days), and it is still considered the "cutting-edge".

Another great advantage, as some have mentioned, is software updates. Remember that you are only really limited by what is built into your phone's hardware. It definitely seems that Google is consistently putting out updates and improvements on Android, and HTC is right there with them trying to bring their Sense UI along with it.

All of that being said... I have a question:
Would it be impossible to use an unlocked Nexus One on Verizon because they are on different networks?
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Okay, so it was just announced today. Says Verizon is on board too, but says "spring".
Google hopes to change wireless retail game with Nexus One : Ben Patterson : Yahoo! Tech

I'm not jealous, but I'm a little upset. HTC made our Eris and they made the Nexus. However, we got a crappy software update and they neglect us to keep working on the Nexus. I've had pretty good luck with my Eris, but I'd like my upgrade to 2.1, just like the Nexus has now. They keep neglecting us that have already paid. I guess they care more about getting Google's money since they already have ours.
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Okay, so it was just announced today. Says Verizon is on board too, but says "spring".
Google hopes to change wireless retail game with Nexus One : Ben Patterson : Yahoo! Tech

I'm not jealous, but I'm a little upset. HTC made our Eris and they made the Nexus. However, we got a crappy software update and they neglect us to keep working on the Nexus. I've had pretty good luck with my Eris, but I'd like my upgrade to 2.1, just like the Nexus has now. They keep neglecting us that have already paid. I guess they care more about getting Google's money since they already have ours.

I'm upset too...I just purchased this new Droid Eris thinking that the Google Nexus One would only be for T-Mobile. But now that it's been announced that the Nexus One will be available for Verizon in the spring, I don't know what to do. My phone is still under the 30 day return policy. I'm not sure what to do... When in the Spring is this phone coming out?
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I'm upset too...I just purchased this new Droid Eris thinking that the Google Nexus One would only be for Verizon. But now that it's been announced that the Nexus One will be available for Verizon in the spring, I don't know what to do. My phone is still under the 30 day return policy. I'm not sure what to do... When in the Spring is this phone coming out?

i know i would! not mention the nexus one was rooted before it came out!!
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Okay, so it was just announced today. Says Verizon is on board too, but says "spring".
Google hopes to change wireless retail game with Nexus One : Ben Patterson : Yahoo! Tech

I'm not jealous, but I'm a little upset. HTC made our Eris and they made the Nexus. However, we got a crappy software update and they neglect us to keep working on the Nexus. I've had pretty good luck with my Eris, but I'd like my upgrade to 2.1, just like the Nexus has now. They keep neglecting us that have already paid. I guess they care more about getting Google's money since they already have ours.

Patience, grasshopper. It is nothing but a good thing for Eris owners (or anybody else who owns a HTC device) that the same people who made our phone are the hardware designers most intricately involved with creating the most current Android phone.

From the looks of the demos during Google's press conference, the N1 isn't going to have HTC's Sense UI on it (or at least they aren't going to be pimping it, as it's more of a "Google" phone than just an Android phone). We've been told all along that we can't have 2.X on the Eris until HTC gets Sense working with the upgrade. If they're working so closely with Google on the newest OS versions, I feel we're pretty safe assuming that we're going to get a bump up in the near future... hopefully they have a bit more of an insight into things than others who are still waiting for 2.1 to get released.

It's understandable to be a little impatient, I'm really starting to drool over the thought of having the updated OS on my Eris... but feeling "neglected" is going a bit too far, my friend. I'd much prefer they work as many bugs out and optimize everything for our phone (which is, after all, severely underpowered compared to the Droid and the N1) than release a snazzy OS to us that's going to constantly crash our devices.
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It seems the Nexus One is everything I wanted my Eris to be. I had the eris for 1 month and already feel outdated.

Nexus one has:
1. bigger screen 3.7" same size as moto doid.
2. keyboardless
3. snapdragon processor. probably less laggy than eris.

I didn't go with the moto droid because of the bigger size. The verizon network probably won't be getting any new droid phones until Summer 2010.

Screen isn't bigger. Yeah, it's 3.7", but it's missing about 26K pixels compared to the DROID. But the N1 is supposed to be at VZW by Spring 2010. That's the new Android phone fore VZW.

As far as Sense is concerned, according to Peter and Rubin, 2.1 is for the pure Google Experience for now. So don't expect Sense + 2.1. Maybe Sense + 2.0x, but not 2.1... yet.
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I'm upset too...I just purchased this new Droid Eris thinking that the Google Nexus One would only be for Verizon. But now that it's been announced that the Nexus One will be available for Verizon in the spring, I don't know what to do. My phone is still under the 30 day return policy. I'm not sure what to do... When in the Spring is this phone coming out?
For those of you who are jealous of this new phone I'm guessing you haven't read the live blogs because if you did you would know:
1. Nexus does NOT have multitouch.
2.It currently only has 512mb ram, which means only 512 mb of apps on your phone.
3. They announced that in a few days Android 2.1 will be open source so it is HIGHLY likely that your Eris's will have 2.1 before the Nexus is even on Verizon.
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Really, I'm not jealous about the phone. I picked the Eris because I liked the size better. The Moto is too big. They said this new Nexus is the same bigger size. My phone is really good, but I'd like:

2.1, the google navigation/GPS, a missed call reminder (come on my 6 year old phones have this), the app names to have a name and not com.android.programname, I'd like the weather to work with "Current Location" (for the past week it says I'm in Albuquerque, New Mexico and it doesn't work with New Mexico, it only works with NM, TX, CA two letter states), I'd like my signal meter to work, it always says I have 0db but I can make phone calls, but the 3g download is pretty slow, I would like a way to toggle the lock so you don't have to swipe when you wake the phone back up (I use ScreenModeWidget for that), I'd like youtube app to play videos on 3g like it used to, I'd like the Exchange mail to work with PIN and other security features(I bought Touchdown for Exchange which is really nice, I got it at their sale price and actually I'm glad I have it, it is really nice, but the phone says "Works with Exchange"), I wish the gmail app worked with attachments(not just pictures). haha I guess I found a few things that I wish were better. I really do like this phone though, it's my first "smartphone". But, it's my opinion that HTC is probably working on the Google phone instead of fixing the existing customers.
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For those of you who are jealous of this new phone I'm guessing you haven't read the live blogs because if you did you would know:
1. Nexus does NOT have multitouch.
2.It currently only has 512mb ram, which means only 512 mb of apps on your phone.
3. They announced that in a few days Android 2.1 will be open source so it is HIGHLY likely that your Eris's will have 2.1 before the Nexus is even on Verizon.

While those are good things, the N1 also has:

- a bigger, OLED screen
- a 1 GHz processor
- LED Flash
- Tri-color clickable trackball
- Second microphone for active noise cancellation

among other things...
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