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Eris owners: R U switching? (incredible due 4/29!!)

I have an NE2 sitting on my account just waiting, but I think it will stay there until we start seeing 4G phones.

Thanks for posting this OTD! I've actually been wondering what your opinion is on the Eris/Droid/Incredible debate but wasn't sure how to ask you. I thought of starting a thread called "Hey, OTD! What Is Your Opinion?" but then decided against it. Probably not proper forum

I'm about to return my Eris because it's become so frustrating to use lately. I was considering a Motorola Droid as a replacement since the Incredible isn't actually out yet . . .

After reading the Official Incredible threads and lurking on the Eris forums, I still have no idea what to do. Argh.

Sorry if this is OT.
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I would love to say I'll wait. Oh I know I'll try. But to succeed I will have to ignore the Incredible news as it comes out. Though I do love my Eris, I am a sucker for shiny new toys that I can spend oodles of time customizing to just the way I like it, only to have it stop working, get all buggy, and die on me, then breathe new life into it after hours of research online and start the whole process again.
Yeah I'll be sticking with my lil pet Eris for a while.
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No, I will not be switching. I am one of those people who are satisfied with what they have. I even feel guilty for begging VZW to let me upgrade early when I got my Eris. But that was going from the Chocolate, so it was a huge upgrade.

My Eris does everything I need and more, PLUS I love the size and form factor. I don't think I'd ever want a phone that was bigger, it would just seem awkward. It seems they just keep making them bigger and bigger.
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OMG! You're so, like, into spelling and stuff! ;)

;) I very seldom point out spelling in a serious manner. But since you brought it up...

People who habitually misspell are certain to spell their own family name correctly, as well as any nickname they want to be known by; that is important to them and that's about it.

Take a look at "view>source" on any website you go to. If just one character is missing or typed incorrectly, "spelled wrong," that page will not render correctly and maybe not at all.

Spelling is important. Punctuation, as well. My belief is that if we lower the educational standards then we're lower as people in this world that we claim is civilized.

And now, back to your regular programming.

An b 4 u go b shure 2 spel rite. :D
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My Source at Verizon told me he heard that the SUPERDUPERPHONE is slated to be out on 08/2011. Just when my new every 2 is going to be available.

Cant wait :cool:

Yea, I was told that Verizon always saves their best phones for the Fall such as when the Droids came out.

But I think I'll still be getting the Incredible when it comes out. Root for Eris seems impossible for us that upgraded to the 2.1 leak. My Eris was free so that helps in justifying spending the money for a new incredible. Also, with a spare Eris that I still dig, i will have a good backup phone and get to skip on shelling out 6.99 a month for insurance. In that instance, I would simply have to wait a few more months to pay for a new phone at an upgrade price. Maybe it'll be for a low priced Inc or that superduperphone that is slated for Fall.

HTC Inc + Eris as backup + upgrade available in Oct + Flagship releasing in Fall = a good phone year for me. Last year was phone hell for me, having had a samsung glyde for the entire year!
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I would love to switch from Eris> Incredible. If money weren't an issue, I'd be down there the day it's released to get one. But I can't afford a new phone, and the Eris gets the job done well (except for calling every now and then- much better after 2.1b).
So for all you people getting the Incredible, I will be jealous until the next best thing comes out.
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I bought my Eris used, knowing well I would be upgrading to a 1Ghz Android when one came to Verizon. I love my Eris, and love the Android OS, and if an iPhone came to Verizon tomorrow, I would still be looking at the Androids! So my plan is to wait a few weeks, see how the Incredible performs...battery life, bugs, pros & cons, etc. When the price drops a little, I'll probably get it on a one year contract, sell my Eris on Craigslist, and be ready to upgrade to a 4G Android next year. That's the plan!
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I bought my Eris used, knowing well I would be upgrading to a 1Ghz Android when one came to Verizon. I love my Eris, and love the Android OS, and if an iPhone came to Verizon tomorrow, I would still be looking at the Androids! So my plan is to wait a few weeks, see how the Incredible performs...battery life, bugs, pros & cons, etc. When the price drops a little, I'll probably get it on a one year contract, sell my Eris on Craigslist, and be ready to upgrade to a 4G Android next year. That's the plan!

Similar to my plan , I'm really not too worried about the Incredible not performing well. So I'll probably be getting it the day it comes out as I have an upgrade now .. Pretty excited for it to come out and hope the rumors of this motnh are ture
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I plan to make the switch via my lovely girlfriend who's up for her NE2, but doesn't want to spend any money, plus I told her she could have my Eris for free... I still plan to play with "my eris", it's a great phone and she's not tech savoy! Hope it gets the 2.1 OTA before I pawn it off on her, I feel guilty giving her the slightly buggy 2.1v2 leak..

FYI: Best Buy trade in value on the Eris is $117(gift card) or $77 (mail check)... I paid less than that when I purchsed in November! If you purchased from Best Buy, you can do this trade in store, if purchased elsewhere, you have to go through the online process.
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I bought the Eris when it first came out on a 1 year contract which allows me an upgrade 10 months from purchase. I'll definitely be getting the Incredible in August when I'm up for a new phone. I love the Eris but I'm ready for a faster/more powerful phone.

There are too many great phones that keep coming out. I'll never get stuck in a 2 year contract like I used to.
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I bought my Eris used, knowing well I would be upgrading to a 1Ghz Android when one came to Verizon. I love my Eris, and love the Android OS, and if an iPhone came to Verizon tomorrow, I would still be looking at the Androids! So my plan is to wait a few weeks, see how the Incredible performs...battery life, bugs, pros & cons, etc. When the price drops a little, I'll probably get it on a one year contract, sell my Eris on Craigslist, and be ready to upgrade to a 4G Android next year. That's the plan!

I'm going to hang on to my Eris until I feel the same way about it that I felt about my Samsung Instinct last year: It's a fine device, but there's a step up to be made and it's a step that I now need to take.
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I would love to switch from Eris> Incredible. If money weren't an issue, I'd be down there the day it's released to get one. But I can't afford a new phone, and the Eris gets the job done well (except for calling every now and then- much better after 2.1b).
So for all you people getting the Incredible, I will be jealous until the next best thing comes out.

I'm in the same boat. I really wish I had waited for the Incredible. I like my Eris but the problems I've had with it just annoy me.
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I was really wanting the Incredible, but I just bought an Eris two DAYS ago (bought it from someone local without resetting contract). I'm still on a very good Alltel plan so I'm going to try to hold out as long as I can. I still might sell the Eris and go ahead and upgrade my contract for the Incred... but so far I'm really impressed with the Eris after using an HTC Touch for 1.5 years (last few months on Android). It does everything I want. An led flash would have been nice but that's what I have 3 digital cameras for... Looking forward to the 2.1 official Eris update.
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Tempted to put the Eris on eBay and get the Incredible....really tempted.

The Nexus One has a ridiculous amount of faults, especially for being the "flagship" Android device. The Incredible is built by the same people (HTC) so I'm actually expecting nothing too different. The components for the screen may be the same and give the Incredible the same problems the N1 has. And that's permanent. No OTA will fix that.

Be patient with this sudden flurry of new devices VZW is promising. Wait for the guinea pigs to find the faults, then get on it.
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The Nexus One has a ridiculous amount of faults, especially for being the "flagship" Android device. The Incredible is built by the same people (HTC) so I'm actually expecting nothing too different. The components for the screen may be the same and give the Incredible the same problems the N1 has. And that's permanent. No OTA will fix that.

Be patient with this sudden flurry of new devices VZW is promising. Wait for the guinea pigs to find the faults, then get on it.

Agreed. Let them find all the problems and let them be worked out. The Incredible looks very enticing but I never like to jump on something that is just coming out either.
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