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Root Development progress on Cyanogenmod7/9/10 Updated: 5/10

Computer is now showing the Elite using 4.0.4. Just looking at the logcat. :D

Note: Still hasn't booted pass bright blackscreen. Working on that.

Update: After trying out newer build a few mins ago (aroma installer,Deodexed, and self-odexing ,and other changes) I begin to wonder if this device will ever boot CM9. Phone is just depressing me everyday with no sign of it booting pass the black screen. Maybe I just need a break from the device just to think. :(


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Computer is now showing the Elite using 4.0.4. Just looking at the logcat. :D

Note: Still hasn't booted pass bright blackscreen. Working on that.

Update: After trying out newer build a few mins ago (aroma installer,Deodexed, and self-odexing ,and other changes) I begin to wonder if this device will ever boot CM9. Phone is just depressing me everyday with no sign of it booting pass the black screen. Maybe I just need a break from the device just to think. :(

You want to give me a log cat, and I can take a look? It sounds like hwcomposer. I don't have an elite, but I have experience.
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i was trying to get the same, along with a dmesg. I think they are using an unmodified gb kernel.

That's entirely possible. I'll look through the cat, I have no experience in kernels, just ROMs.

EDIT: this doesn't look like a full log, but to me it looks like gralloc is failing. I'm bored and sick of working on my evo, so I placed a bid on an elite on eBay. No promises, I already bid my max.
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I have both cm7 and cm9 booting up into the android launcher with our stock kernel, and essentially stock ramdisk (just cleaned up a bit).

Cm7 works well enough to be used as an mp3 player, gps, and a phone. SD card stuff for vold is setup right. With some messing around, bluetooth and wifi work. The camera works, but there's a bug with the overrlay stuff, so you dont get to see a preview of the camera. There's also some messing around with the java code needed, as the cm7 telephony java stuff doesn't talk to our radio right, and it always says it is roaming, even though it isn't.

Cm9 boots up into the android ui with our stock kernel if you setup the most basic boardconfig.mk possible, but it runs like crap. You can enter the settings, fiddle with the lock screen, etc. As soon as I added in the BOARD_QCOM_DERPYDERP options, it stopped booting. It will boot up to the bootanimation, with adb, logcat, and dmesg working fine. Using those logging tools, I went through and corrected every single error, some of which involved upgrading kernel drivers. So my cm9 now just boots up to the boot animation and shows it indefinitely like it is waiting for something to tell it to continue. I have no clue what it is waiting for, and got tired of messing with it months ago.
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There's also some messing around with the java code needed, as the cm7 telephony java stuff doesn't talk to our radio right, and it always says it is roaming, even though it isn't.

Do you mean it says roaming Indicator off in the status bar and on the lock screen?

EDIT: also, just by glancing at the stock ROM I can see LG uses the hardware/msm7k folder instead of hardware/qcom. This would make sense as to why gralloc is failing. that could be another problem. Could you guys get me a full, unaltered log cat please?
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The java crap gets the carrier name from the network, which shows up as something like "SPG". Then a bit later it is supposed to parse the eri list and then read the carrier name from our buildprops. But the java crap in cm7 doesnt talk to the radio like it needs to, so reading that eri list never gets triggered, yada yada yada, and the java thinks it is always roaming. It has the roaming indicator by the clock and it has "SPG" everywhere our phone normally has "Virgin Mobile".
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The java crap gets the carrier name from the network, which shows up as something like "SPG". Then a bit later it is supposed to parse the eri list and then read the carrier name from our buildprops. But the java crap in cm7 doesnt talk to the radio like it needs to, so reading that eri list never gets triggered, yada yada yada, and the java thinks it is always roaming. It has the roaming indicator by the clock and it has "SPG" everywhere our phone normally has "Virgin Mobile".

All this sounds like is an eri.XML edit. Same thing happened on the optimus v when we went from GB to ICS
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After seeing Giantpune post about CM9 for the Elite. I'm basically wasting my time with CM9 since its not going to boot on this device. Guess If I was to work on CM7 I just don't see a point of using it because it is still Gingerbread. See no point of me continuing this project since scheduled is starting to get more busy due to app development and personal life.. :(

LG screw this device over in the CM section. Pulling teeth with this thing.
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After seeing Giantpune post about CM9 for the Elite. I'm basically wasting my time with CM9 since its not going to boot on this device. Guess If I was to work on CM7 I just don't see a point of using it because it is still Gingerbread. See no point of me continuing this project since scheduled is starting to get more busy due to app development and personal life.. :(

LG screw this device over in the CM section. Pulling teeth with this thing.

I wouldn't give up just yet. The same thing was said about the ov, now look at that thing.

We all do appreciate the hard work though thus far.
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Decided to stop updating thread until one of the CM builds decides to boot. Just cluttering this thread up with no good progress yet. Hopefully the new guys can get it to boot up:

Releasing the half bake Alpha build for rom developers. Who wants to inspect the file and get logcats from it to see if they can find away to get it working.


Can be found on front page

Warning Use This At Your Own Risk!

Flashing Instructions
-Backup device ( Important)
-Wipe Cache, Dalvik-Cache, and Factory Restore
-Install Rom

Note: Could put your device in the hospital. :nurse:

Give me some credit if you do manage to get it working if you are working on this build. :D

Source Code: https://github.com/cm-m3s/

Thanks to Rukin for supplying his source code for the build.
CyanogenMod team
Leslie Ann: Deodexed
Hashtag: Self-odexing
Devs of the AromaInstaller
Giantpune The Man ( Started CM for the Elite)

Download Rom: https://www.box.com/s/d3f2hofyv4800yydthrl

Extra: Gapps ICS https://www.box.com/s/45x0ld2v4551uzkikgnu

Update 1: Original Boot.img
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Actually, Leslie Ann did the Deodexing, and Hashtag discovered how to self-odex. I shouldn't be credited for either of those things. So it should actually look like this:

Thanks to Rukin for supplying his source code for the build.
CyanogenMod team
Leslie Ann: Deodexed
Hashtag: Self-odexing
Devs of the AromaInstaller
Giantpune The Man ( Started CM for the Elite)

Much of my work is compiling various things under one roof (because it should be, and yet few do it for reasons unknown to me), and I credit everyone involved. I have done some things on my own in various places (specifically I've done various things independently for Sleipnir, but much of Sleipnir is compiling from other ROMs and taking ideas and integrating them), but there is much that is gathered from elsewhere.
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Its not impossible to get it booting, that's a guarantee. If I win the elite I'll see what I can do. I'm winning, one day 6 hours left :)

There was someone looking to donate his Elite somewhere on here...maybe I'll try to snag one as well.

What is your highest bid? I might just buy one and send it for ya for the hell of it.
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There was someone looking to donate his Elite somewhere on here...maybe I'll try to snag one as well.

What is your highest bid? I might just buy one and send it for ya for the hell of it.

The most I'm willing to go is $25, that includes shipping. I saw that thread, he can't send it anymore. I pretty cheap when I comes to a device I won't use a daily phone for more than a week (to make sure ril is working correctly if I get that far). If you do send me one, just remember that I'm not guaranteeing anything, but I will try.
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