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HTC Incredible VS. Droid X

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Thanks Vihzel, I'm new to this forum and didn't realize there was another section for droid x. I've been on forums before and all the people were really nice, I was caught off guard by how rude some people can be.

On the internet, you need to have thicker skin! I'm glad to help. You'll find all you need over there.
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I'm merging these two "Incredible or Droid X" threads with the main one that was made first and has been active. Please keep this to ONE thread so there is not too much repetition in the topic discussions. Also, for those that made those two new threads, PLEASE READ this thread as your questions/concerns may have been answered/discussed. Thank you.
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The new video of the Droid X at engadget has actually abated my fears of jumping on the Dinc too early. It clearly comes down to taste. I don't like the Motoblur skin, and it's still jerky. The phone build looks like it's from the 80s and i dislike the hard buttons. I also fear the phone i simply too big for my jean pockets (a fear I had even for my Dinc).

Nothing about the Droid X convinces me it's a better phone; nor am I convinced it's a worse one. It's just a different one.
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Well until it's released their isn't a lot of info on it. But we do know the omap requires a lot less energy than snapdragon and the X comes with a 1530mah compared to the incredibles 1300. A tester said he was using it very heavily for 7 1/2 hours downloading on wifi and his battery was at 50%. And the X comes with some kind of battery management software. But as most of us know that battery life "mileage may vary".

what kills me is that my 2 year old omnia has a 1440 in it, what gives on them stiffin us on the battery??
anyone know off hand what battery on evo and original droid is?
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I may just make my GF get the X to have both worlds.
Now there's an idea, good call player

I dont understand it. We have 8gb internal memory and a 1ghz processor. I have minimal problems if any with my incredible and its the perfect size. Why upgrade again? Every moto I've had has been garbage. I'm happy with my phone.

+1 on moto's being shit, love the screen but that's not enough for me, honestly if the evo was a verizon phone i probably would have gone with that, as is i'll be happy w/ my incredible
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This shaped into a very civil comparison thread, keep it up.

I may just make my GF get the X to have both worlds.

I had the same thought. Sadly I'm not sure she'll go for it (it'd probably be bigger than she'd want to carry, and she'll probably want a real keyboard...though I might try and get he addicted to swype before she picks out a phone :) ).
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and whats wrong with the Inc??

AMOLED screen. I am not sold on it. In fact, I am very, very annoyed with our screens when I compare it with other phones. The old Droid is better. The new iPhone 4 is waaay better. The Droid X has a LCD screen. Since I am stuck on Verizon, I want the smartphone w/ the best screen I can get.

Also, the Droid X has a GPU which aides in playing games and playing video.

I would keep my DINC if it has a LCD screen and the ability to play/record 720p video.
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I do have to admit I am a bit surprised ,based on your avatar, that you would have a problem with the weight of the device :eek: Maybe we can find you a sling or a nice purse? :p

lol, you gonna take that steven?

So your saying its ok to buy a vista laptop and then make pirated copies of the OS and hand out to all your friends because its yours to do with as you please? WRONG!
why would you even wanna do that to friends, go w/ windows 7:D

Is sense really the only thing that makes the DI better? If you need sense so you can pinch zoom your home screen it's probably too cluttered.

pretty sure they meant you can pinch home screen to pick between all 7 of your main screens. its a sense feature

The last day of my 30 day return is the 14th... so I have the option to switch basically for free to the Droid X - but I will have to do it without ever seeing the X in person most likely as I would have to take the DInc back on the 14th and then go pick up the X the next day.

What to do? **sigh** I don't want to be that bleeding edge nerd who goes crazy for every phone... but if the battery life is a bit better and it's more than double the memory... that's enough to switch for FREE I think... but I'm so indecisive on this.

The problem is I KNOW I'll be mad at myself if the X is significantly better... and that will make for a couple years of pain. I was reading this thread hoping someone was going to make an impassioned argument that the DInc is actually better than the X. Anyone?

howdy somo, how could you even think of giving up on the inc after all that tim =e you spent in the insane asylum that is the date ordered/date received thread?? (i'm still stuck there)
pure madness
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AMOLED screen. I am not sold on it. In fact, I am very, very annoyed with our screens when I compare it with other phones. The old Droid is better. The new iPhone 4 is waaay better. The Droid X has a LCD screen. Since I am stuck on Verizon, I want the smartphone w/ the best screen I can get.

Also, the Droid X has a GPU which aides in playing games and playing video.

I would keep my DINC if it has a LCD screen and the ability to play/record 720p video.

are you kidding? LCD screens are so washed out compared to AMOLED. Maybe you use it in daylight a lot? That's the only reason I can imagine you'd want to downgrade from quality -- for the sake of direct sunlight visibility. cause that's the only advantage of an LCD.
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are you kidding? LCD screens are so washed out compared to AMOLED. Maybe you use it in daylight a lot? That's the only reason I can imagine you'd want to downgrade from quality -- for the sake of direct sunlight visibility. cause that's the only advantage of an LCD.

Not just the out-door advantage. I have nothing against AMOLED. I have something against HTC's implementation using Pentile Matrix sub-rendering. We are not getting 800x480 as promised. Pentile Matrix is horrible for text. There are a thousands of topics on it if you care to google "Pentile Matrix"

Problem for me is the black text on white. I do a lot of browsing and reading on my phone and it gives me a headache because of the outline artifacts. I WILL NEVER buy another screen that uses Pentile Matrix. AMOLED's only advantage is the higher contrast, saturation which is great for video/pictures but completely useless for a guy who depends on his work phone to real tons of emails.

I was getting severe headaches from all that reading on a small screen until I compared it with an older Droid which uses LCD. Then when I saw the iPhone 4 (yes, I've seen it in person) and it literally made me want to puke over my DINC. Comparing them side-by-side, there was no comparison. The text was so sharp despite being 3.5 vs 3.7 inches. Don't believe me, got to the Apple store when the whole launch rush is over. Compare them side-by-side on a web site which is text heavy.

Since I am on Verizon, my only other choice is to get a Motorola Droid or a Blackberry. AMOLED screens are a no-go for me.
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Not just the out-door advantage. I have nothing against AMOLED. I have something against HTC's implementation using Pentile Matrix sub-rendering. We are not getting 800x480 as promised. Pentile Matrix is horrible for text. There are a thousands of topics on it if you care to google "Pentile Matrix"

Problem for me is the black text on white. I do a lot of browsing and reading on my phone and it gives me a headache because of the outline artifacts. I WILL NEVER buy another screen that uses Pentile Matrix. AMOLED's only advantage is the higher contrast, saturation which is great for video/pictures but completely useless for a guy who depends on his work phone to real tons of emails.

I was getting severe headaches from all that reading on a small screen until I compared it with an older Droid which uses LCD. Then when I saw the iPhone 4 (yes, I've seen it in person) and it literally made me want to puke over my DINC. Comparing them side-by-side, there was no comparison. The text was so sharp despite being 3.5 vs 3.7 inches. Don't believe me, got to the Apple store when the whole launch rush is over. Compare them side-by-side on a web site which is text heavy.

Since I am on Verizon, my only other choice is to get a Motorola Droid or a Blackberry. AMOLED screens are a no-go for me.

i can understand that, has been a concern for me because i read a 600 page book a week on average on my phone, still pimping my omnia w/ an ereader that uses white text w/ black backround. seems it will be only thing my omnia does better. still waiting on my inc so will know soon enough how much of a problem this will be.
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100% correct!

Modifying something you own is your right!
Stealing something that costs money is illegal!
Period, end of sentence!

EDIT: I should also mention, modifying software you own to access something, whether that something is intended or not is not the same as piracy!

define:piracy - Google Search

Read the fourth one.

Anyone making use of ROMs falls into this category. Rooting doesn't, but I'll say that half of those who root seek out custom ROMs. Rooting, however, is a violation of the agreement that you made when you purchased the phone. Right or wrong, it doesn't matter. To say that either one is better than another when both are wrong is just silly.

This thread has NOTHING to do with piracy or rooting. Leave the troll posts alone and try to get back on topic. Thanks.
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That's precisely what I say about boobies.

Me too, but REAL boobies :)

This "real" point segs into the words here:

As far as the Apple display, of course it is sharper, since higher res and the amoled display cheats as far as actual resolution. Look at the same res display (Droid) and you will see small text is sharp on the Droid and not on the Inc. Luv mu Inc, but the display tech is not sharp for small text.

Must admit that for the 45nm chipset, nice LCD screen and better antenna array, I would consider getting the X, but the Inc will do for a year :)

BTW, the X does not use the same LCD display as the washed out & pink EVO display. This will be another point to get the EVO fans ruffled up. Well, that and the TRUE hidef output that EVO can not really do.
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I think cases and screen protectors are rather pointless. Besides making the phones bigger for no reason. Unless you are clumsy and drop your phone a lot or for some ungodly reason keep your phone in your pocket with keys there's no real reason to have either. Screen has a high chance of cracking if you drop it whether it has a case/screen protector or not. Get the $8/month warranty and use it.

I think the size of the DX will not be an issue. once it has full flash and you can watch hulu on it you'll be glad you got it.

I am not liking the fact it has no d-pad/joystick. I'm assuming the camera button will be the ctrl key in ConnectBot. But lack of joystick for precision cursor movement will suck.
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I put a case and screen protector on ever nice piece of tech I own that I carry with me i like my stuff kept new and on great shape. I used the invisible shield for cars to make a custom clear skin for my psp (slow day at work). I don't mind the slight bulk increase on the phone plus this red verizon case looks awesome
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I'm confused... I thought one of the big differnces between the Droid X and the Inc was that the X had flash 10.1 But I have been researching it and it looks like the Flash is coming with Froyo and that the Inc will also have this ???
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+1 on moto's being shit, love the screen but that's not enough for me, honestly if the evo was a verizon phone i probably would have gone with that, as is i'll be happy w/ my incredible

I've still yet to get a clear answer on people saying Moto phones are garbage. All I usually get are general, vague blanket statements like this. Can you explain why you think Moto phones are bad? This is a legitimate question as I might potentially be moving on to DX. I've never had a Moto phone, but I know Razrs were kinda bad due to breaking a lot... but from what I've read/heard.. their Droids have been of very excellent and sturdy building quality. I can understand if you're coming purely from an aesthetics standpoint.. because I'll openly admit that the DX will not win any beauty contests - but thats not what I'm too concerned with.
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interesting feedback from cnet on their review of the droid x...

Camera is a bit sluggish. Motoblur software is a lot better but still not quite as refined as HTC Sense. Lacks a front-facing camera.

As for the Droid X's 8-megapixel camera, picture quality was a bit mixed. Despite having autofocus, we weren't always able to get a clear shot, and it doesn't help that there's a bit of shutter lag. With a little patience, you can get some nice pictures, and the flash did a great job of capturing images in darker rooms

The Droid X has a 1GHz TI OMAP processor, and the phone has been quite responsive. It's not quite as lightning-fast as the Droid Incredible, but we were able to open multiple apps with little delay.
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I read that "review" as well
I question that cnet "review"
It should have been clarified that its more of a "first impressions"
The reviewer did admit to not really thoroughly test out the phone. The fact that she mentions OMAP not being as responsive to the Inc might be an unfair direct comparison. I think that has more to do with MotoBlur being inferior to Sense and not really a hardware issue (as benchmark tests have shown).

As far as the camera thing goes.. I've seen equally amount of people who praise it or on the same level as that cnet reviewer... so I don't know what to believe at the time being. I have seen some gorgeous videos and photos taken with the Droid X though.. so atleast no one has been saying it flat-out sucks yet.
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