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Official EVO Rumors and Speculation thread

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Well, what was told to me was that there is not mechanism set-up, at least not YET, for Sprint to charge differently for just using 4G data vs for tethering (aka hotspot).

So based on that info, there are two options - to include both 4G and tethering in Everything Plus (I really hope so!!!), or sadly, charge extra for 4G, but include tethering in that price.

Also, just as a heads up, all voice (so for calls) will be going over EV-DO, as 4G has only so far been set-up for data. Later when the network is more fleshed out, will they be able to do VoIP on 4G.

Another point - this phone has been in internal testing since October(!) so it better be stable...unlike the Incredible turning off!
Well, there's some conflicts with what you're saying and what we've learned already. For me, the most troubling part is Hesse said during his keynote that they'd be no extra charge for using 4G as in going from 3G to 4G, but he went on to say in the future, we'll be talking about GB of data and not minutes. Since sprint charges for the 4G hub, we're under the impression the same would apply to the EVO when it's used as a 4G hub.

Right now, I'm too tired to look for some of those posts. We already knew 4G is for data only, but there's been some speculation about VoIP down the road. I think we'll have to wait until the phone is released before we can learn more details.
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Well, there's some conflicts with what you're saying and what we've learned already. For me, the most troubling part is Hesse said during his keynote that they'd be no extra charge for using 4G as in going from 3G to 4G, but he went on to say in the future, we'll be talking about GB of data and not minutes. Since sprint charges for the 4G hub, we're under the impression the same would apply to the EVO when it's used as a 4G hub.

Right now, I'm too tired to look for some of those posts. We already knew 4G is for data only, but there's been some speculation about VoIP down the road. I think we'll have to wait until the phone is released before we can learn more details.

Yeah I agree the Hesse definitely said that (watched that live online). So maybe, they just won't charge for 4G OR tethering, which would be awesome, and a HUGE incentive for business customers, which are the bread and butter of Sprint.

Or, they may go on a honor system...but I doubt it since you could probably just root the device and tether anyway if you really wanted to.
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I personally think having that faulty touch sensor in the Nexus One really killed its chances of still being in the upper echelon of today's droid phones. Until that part gets replaced with the Atmel MaxTouch, I don't see why anyone would want the nexus one knowing its touch sensor does not perform as well as the Incredible or the EVO. Even *if* they made the Nexus One a 4G phone, that one faulty touch sensor and how it handles multi touch just totally kills it for me
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Yeah I agree the Hesse definitely said that (watched that live online). So maybe, they just won't charge for 4G OR tethering, which would be awesome, and a HUGE incentive for business customers, which are the bread and butter of Sprint.

Or, they may go on a honor system...but I doubt it since you could probably just root the device and tether anyway if you really wanted to.
I have to call it a day, but if you want to come back another time, I'll look into it and we can discuss this further.


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Yeah I agree the Hesse definitely said that (watched that live online). So maybe, they just won't charge for 4G OR tethering, which would be awesome, and a HUGE incentive for business customers, which are the bread and butter of Sprint.

Or, they may go on a honor system...but I doubt it since you could probably just root the device and tether anyway if you really wanted to.

i'm PRAYING for free mobile hotspot but am willing to pay $10 bucks amonth for it even though i don't really have a reason to have it other than show off to my friends with iphones hehe. if i ever get a laptop i'd probably activate it though. dan did say there wouldn't be any additional charge for 4g so i'll be pissed if they do charge extra for it.
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Dan did say there wouldn't be any additional charge for 4g so i'll be pissed if they do charge extra for it.
No. He didn't.

He said they can offer more for free. He said a gigabyte of data is cheaper for them on 4g. It all can be interpreted many ways.

4g = 3g + $x, but we're giving you a free hotspot app, HQ youtube and a bunch of other apps that will only work over 4g?

The internet is like that whisper game we all played as kids. Hesse said one thing - and now we get to the end of the line and people think he said something completely different.

I'm not saying they are charging more for 4g or charging for the hotspot or whatever; I'm saying he didn't confirm anything.
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it makes no sense. why would they be setting up an EVO display unit with signage, erect power supply, and tethered security and everything anywhere in a Sprint retail store in central friggin Florida this early?

No. He didn't.

He said they can offer more for free. He said a gigabyte of data is cheaper for them on 4g. It all can be interpreted many ways.

4g = 3g + $x, but we're giving you a free hotspot app, HQ youtube and a bunch of other apps that will only work over 4g?

The internet is like that whisper game we all played as kids. Hesse said one thing - and now we get to the end of the line and people think he said something completely different.

I'm not saying they are charging more for 4g or charging for the hotspot or whatever; I'm saying he didn't confirm anything.

3G+4G on EVO = Same Price as 3G
3G+4G via EVO hot spot = Additional $10-$20/month

perhaps however you may need to subscribe to a minimum monthly plan in terms of dollar amount in order to get 4G access.
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This post is very spot on, but let me touch up on the Bold. June dates are not a red herring, as Sprint never announced the official date for the device. A lot of dates were being thrown, till they finally reached a tentative date for the device. Hint: It isn't May 22nd.

4G did play another reason to why this phone haven't released yet, but software was the main reason. Final production will have the silver grill with no circles as Jackson stated already. The red grill device with no circles is another pre-production device, as well as some of the silver grilled ones you've seen out in public. Final production is what you, the customers will have. Every device out has a serial number on it, including the one Oprah used. It is not final production. The ones that the Sprint stores are receiving is completed, but they will need to be updated. On second thought, looking at the Engadget/PPCGeeks post, that EVO is another pre-production device.

Device is complete but it isn't gold yet. Testing is still being done. It doesn't stop like that, completed or not. The little ray of hope is that Release Dates change all the time. There is no way I could guarantee that this phone drops on such and such day months ago, because it changes all the time. Late May can happen, but from what I know, it's not even a option yet. This is not speculation or me BS'n you. It's just not there, and l could see the heartbreaks already. I've requested to be temp banned a few times already, with my responses being ignored. I just had to make my final piece.

EVO will not be shipped with Froyo. I'll just leave it as that. It will get a upgrade just like the other devices who are 2.1 capable. Another thing is that the Nexus One with Froyo, will make it a great device. Rooted will still be a icing on the cake. Sprint's version shouldn't be dissed, because of the better Incredible and EVO.

4G: No additional charge. Mobile Hotspot: Additional/3G 5GB capped/4G Unlimited It's being talked that in the future, it may be offered for free.

Conclusion: May 22nd release date doesn't exist. Phone is completed but production is awaiting to be gold. Depending on what happens this early month, Sprint could release the device two weeks after the events, as everything will be done before June. They will need major marketing, but it could wait after the phone is released. Official word is all Sprint need, and it's a wrap. Media will take it from there.

Speculation Post by me

NY and LA are lit up and probably on track for the dates of the Premieres.

The June dates I think where read herrings to throw the competition off

The specs listed are partially true but will be much better than advertised

The device released to stores are not complete devices with full specs, but demos for training and the real specs will be revealed on launch date.

4g is a must for this device to shine.. Yeah the specs are good but it shines on 4g..

4g roll out is going better than expected. (Very Correct)

The I-Phone.. The fake dates are so competitors get relaxed or try to plan an offense/defensive..

I have heard from two sources the phone is complete and ready to ship, but they wanted to be prepared for demand and not be sold out. So the units on hand will be staggering..

No BB advance notice, everyone will get it at the same time to avoid leaks to the public..

I have know for a fact that the 4g coverage is greater than advertised.. It might not all be turned on at one time but the roll out is further along than advertised.

As much as the consumer/you guys want this phone.. Business and industries have been pre-sold on this device and wimax services..

Wimax is going to be huge.. LTE is more hype right now.. Wimax is a home run..


I got more but will do it in stages
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>The device released to stores are not complete devices with full specs, but demos for training and the real specs will be revealed on launch date.

demos for training? i guess that makes sense. have they ever done that before? i thought at the retail level they always got release devices even for training. BUT the red grill kind of makes sense now.
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so much to read, remember, and respond to after being away for a while..

anyways, first off...4g extra charges and tethering.

no way they will charge extra for 4g. extra for tethering? yea. just data? no. because it wouldn't be fair to those that live in areas without 4g and if they travel to a place with 4g, they would get it for free. Oppositely, a person living in a 4g area travels to a place with no 4g. Now, that person is getting screwed. It could so happen you live in a city with 4g, yet your house doesn't get good 4g reception and you're mostly on 3g. Now figure in the 3g 5gb cap. Kinda sucks, right? Or is the 5gb cap only for tethering on 3g? Either way, that's still sucky and wouldn't be fair to the consumer. Definite turn-off and turn-away for Sprint customers. So they don't have a mechanism in place YET. Once the phone is closer to being released, I'm sure something will be in place for it. If not, then perhaps a "surprise" that he didn't mention could be free tethering....or at least free tethering until they figure things out...or free tethering for a year, until things get figured out. But yea, no extra charge for 4g, data only.

Now, release date on May 22? Sure! =) Why not? New blackberry being released next day? So? Still on Sprint, I'm assuming? The more the merrier for Sprint. They are also 2 different beasts and BB still is more on the business side. They could also release both phones on the same day....Bill's prediction is only a day off. Still not bad.

Nexus 1 on Sprint. I remember it being announced too. Still have yet to see something posted on the google webpage. And why would Sprint have it in their store? I thought Google was trying something new. Trying to get people to buy phones directly from the manufacturer. But it seems like they could just be abandoning the Nexus 1 already since they announced they won't make a Verizon version and just push people towards the Incredible if they want vzw. Why won't they just push people towards the Evo if they want Sprint's service? They're not going to update their screens with the better screen found in the Incredible and Evo so there's still gonna be screen issues with the N1. And so, why would they take the time to redesign things for a cdma network if they already got 2 gsm versions if they won't even acknowledge and improve the hardware for the screen issue? Sprint doesn't need the N1.


i really should get some rest now....and perhaps a snack before bed...

see y'all later....
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It will be closed anyway, as soon as the phone's released.

Bill.... how would we close this, we should let it go on for awhile after the release. This is the Official EVO 4G forum and it's riddled with nothing but speculation and fluff with a hint of possible truth's.

Once the EVO does release and we can finally add official data you'll close it? I would have thought this would have been the spot where we could start to share issues and successes and what ever else we could... I'm just say'n :( It's been a good community thus far.
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Bill.... how would we close this, we should let it go on for awhile after the release. This is the Official EVO 4G forum and it's riddled with nothing but speculation and fluff with a hint of possible truth's.

Once the EVO does release and we can finally add official data you'll close it? I would have thought this would have been the spot where we could start to share issues and successes and what ever else we could... I'm just say'n :( It's been a good community thus far.
Just rename this to PreRelease Sprint HTC EVO 4G Info
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Thank you Supersonical and SelfPraise for providing us with the realities of the EVO situation as best you can within the limitations you both are saddled with. I appreciate and respect your efforts. I look forward every day to reading your posts.[/QUOTE

Thanks for what!!!!! They basically just trashed our pipe dreams of having this phone early. Not completely....but almost!!! Just kidding!!! :p

It's great that we have such informed people giving us a bit of the inside scoop. And it doesn't look impossible that the phone drops early...but much less likely....since there is obviously still preparations being made. But I have to think they still have an overall plan.

BTW...I have been searching and can't find posts discussing Sprint employees being blocked from vacation in early June? I Googled it and found a lot of mention about AT&T blocking vacation during June for the new iPhone. So...I may have inadvertently perpetuated a false idea. Perhaps someone can verify if any vacation blocks have been made for Sprint employees. Oh....and just a warning....a lot of the searches bring you back to my posts. So I don't know if I mistook AT&Ts news for Sprints news...but could have sworn Sprint told it's employees not to take off during a certain period of time for the EVO 4G release?
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