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Official EVO Rumors and Speculation thread

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1) HTC Sense UI..it's hardwired into the code on EVO's ROM..You can't fuse with that (you could, but not recommended, cuz it has unique code) I don't know anyone that can code to HTC new Sense UI yet.

If Sense is the issue, it will get solved. No way HTC wouldn't work with Google to bring an end to this madness. HTC has said that Sense isn't the problem so either that's not accurate or there's a requirement by the carrier that had to be addressed.

Either way, Google will get to the bottom of this and soon. No way they're going to let this be something WPS7 or iPhone OS can market against.

I respect your opinion on matters, but I don't think any media outlet in the world has said there is an issue with "Sense UI/Android" I believe there has been nothing but accolades with respect to new Sense UI. I believe that all android/HTC products have been flawless in this regard. I feel the only negative comments ever made were WM6.5/Sense UI.(HD2) That was not so much HTC fault as it was an aging OS.

I know from personal experience with the new Sense UI and fine tuning 4G side of EVO. That the HTC code for Sense is nothing I have ever seen before and felt best left along. I hope you can understand the old saying "If it is not broke, don't fix it" That part of the code was strictly off limits for all team members. I can assure you that everything on our wish list was sent off to Sprint. I think the spec portion of EVO has moved on to more important things, like what the show has to offer tonight.

I hope that helps with the confusion.

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There is nothing illegitimate about installing things on your own phone. This is not Apple and you don't need to break the TOS in order to "jailbreak" anything. You just need to install something as a superuser to do it and that option is not enabled by default for security and stability reasons. Nobody in their right mind operates as root by default ;)

I do realize that, hence the quotes, But are there not ways to tether w/o rooting already?
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I read that too....so is this long list consisting of people who added their email for Info updates to Sprint's site? Or possible contest entries?

Just wondering where the list would come from?

I signed up for Evo info on Sprint.com but never thought it was for any other reason than to blast out some official "it's here now" marketing email and to gauge how many might be interested. If they're smart, they cross-checked it against customer contact info to see how many people are potentially new customers vs existing customer eligible/not eligible for upgrade.
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I do realize that, hence the quotes, But are there not ways to tether w/o rooting already?

Sure. There are methods that use USB, bluetooth, etc. I don't have an Android phone yet so I don't know which applications are free, commercial, require or don't require root access, etc.

I just know there is a variety just like on other platforms. My point was that there is no real reason to discount a particular app if it offers superior performance or functionality just because you need to install it as root.
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I respect your opinion on matters, but I don't think any media outlet in the world has said there is an issue with "Sense UI/Android" I believe there has been nothing but accolades with respect to new Sense UI. I believe that all android/HTC products have been flawless in this regard. I feel the only negative comments ever made were WM6.5/Sense UI.(HD2) That was not so much HTC fault as it was an aging OS.

I know from personal experience with the new Sense UI and fine tuning 4G side of EVO. That the HTC code for Sense is nothing I have ever seen before and felt best left along. I hope you can understand the old saying "If it is not broke, don't fix it" That part of the code was strictly off limits for all team members. I can assure you that everything on our wish list was sent off to Sprint. I think the spec portion of EVO has moved on to more important things, like what the show has to offer tonight.

I hope that helps with the confusion.


I can't recall the specific event, but I know I read HTC's CEO respond to OS delays by saying that it's not a Sense to Android issue. I wasn't blaming HTC then. I was questioning whether the carrier requested tweaks or additions to Sense to address carrier/network requirements or preferences.

I can see where it's possible that HTC's Sense or Android in their plain-vanilla forms aren't problems yet a modification at carrier request might be.

I don't try to punch holes in anyone or their knowledge. Just posing questions so I can better understand.

Thanks for your explanations to date.
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Hmmm, in that article he states that they'll be releasing details on pricing and release dates shortly. Does that mean that those two pieces of information wont be announced at todays event?
The only reason people are going with the june 6th is because of the palm pre was released on the 6th. The 13th is mentioned because it is one week from the 6th. That is the only reason they have any credit. Logic says they want to keep the current customers of the Pre. There is no other logic behind that date.

It maybe right or wrong.

But if it is right then sprint will release the pricing on the 17th not the 12th. Which was done with the Pre.

I truly think that the only people that know about this is sprint and they want to build this thing up to the edge, which is not good in my opinion.

Personally, I am expecting a shocker tonight, but do not know which way.

Now about rebella(sp?), The girl is just trying, leave her alone. So far everything she said has not been repeated anywhere and have passed must of my tests.

But to caution you guys. If it is on june 6th, then history says they will not announce until next week. So do not get your hopes up. I think they should give a date today, but not pricing. I also fully expect a soft launch.
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I waTCHED BOTH videos. ummmm I was not impressed. I hope it was not really shot with EVO. Could be number of reasons it did not look 720p at all, I hope.....

Video on Qik is not even close to being 720p. In fact I don't think it would pass for 480...it is ultra compressed so that its file size and bandwidth take up much less space. QIK videos are not anything close to showcasing what the Evo can do.
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Personally, I am expecting a shocker tonight


Seriously though...I remember past events like this for other launches. I remember getting all excited and then in the end it turns out to be just a movie premiere with some device face time and maybe some freebies int he celebrity gift baskets.

I hope for all of our sakes that I am wrong and I still hold out some hope that there will be an actual announcement. Just seems that a movie premiere is going to be more about the movie and the Sprint thing is more like a sponsorship/tie-in to gain exposure.
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Agreed I reread my post and they did seem like attacks and less like questions..

One of the bad things about posting is there is no way to show, sarcasm, skepticism or playful banter.

When I re read the post I sounded like I was being a douche bag and going after her..

There where also a few times I was not even responding to her but to other posters, but the forum moves so fast sometimes it appeared that way..

So I apologize for seeming to attack Rebella and nominate myself for douche bag of the day..

I completely understand. I have followed all the information that you have shared on these forums as much as anybody else that has had "inside" information to share and I've never really viewed your posts as attacks towards a poster.

Nontheless, it ultimately comes down to what many or all of us want and that's simply to purchase the EVO! And I completely agree about being difficult to portray sarcasm in written words. I think, even with all the past heated discussions, the passion for this monster device is what drives everyone crazy! All of us want it, but nobody really knows what to expect with exception to what's put in print (whether on the forums or articles or videos).

Today is hopefully going to be a great night, once the EVO event happens. And even if nothing ground breaking gets announced, let's all keep in mind that the ultimate idea is for our community to relish in the fact that we'll have this great device soon!

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I waTCHED BOTH videos. ummmm I was not impressed. I hope it was not really shot with EVO. Could be number of reasons it did not look 720p at all, I hope.....

they're taken with the front camera, no? 1.3 mp and streaming quality won't be that good (even 8 mp and live, streaming quality would suck, right?

anyways, looks like he got in trouble cuz those 2 videos are gone. they're listed under his name, however, at least as of the time i got this screen cap:

qik on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
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2) Everything else about EVO is hardwired..meaning, camera x2, GPU, CPU, Radio 3g/4g, GPS, GPM, is all incorporated into Snapdragon processor, and interconnected. This is what makes the phone so efficient. The same reason Samsung Galaxy S needed to go AMOLED w/smaller screen because of hummingbirds inefficiencies.

To expand upon this a little bit, did HTC and Verizon do a similar process by using Intel to help with things with the Incredible, or did Sprint only contract you guys to help due to it being 4G? How does what you work on impact battery life? Does what you helped do increase battery performance over a contemporary device like the HTC Incredible?
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they're taken with the front camera, no? 1.3 mp and streaming quality won't be that good (even 8 mp and live, streaming quality would suck, right?

anyways, looks like he got in trouble cuz those 2 videos are gone. they're listed under his name, however, at least as of the time i got this screen cap:

qik on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Awesome! Looks like someone is there where they are setting up for a presentation. I may just have to eat my words from my last post :eek:
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Awesome! Looks like someone is there where they are setting up for a presentation. I may just have to eat my words from my last post :eek:

i actually saw the 2 videos before they got pulled. it said "sprint" and "4G" everywhere. one of the movie screens showed an evo rotating, and the split second you got to see the phone's screen, it appeared (i'm 99.9% certain) to be showing a clip of Prince of Persia.
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Seriously though...I remember past events like this for other launches. I remember getting all excited and then in the end it turns out to be just a movie premiere with some device face time and maybe some freebies int he celebrity gift baskets.

I have been to some of these events. I do not think anyone that know is talking, and I think every few people know.

Holds on to her Star Trek bag and runs away.
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Video on Qik is not even close to being 720p. In fact I don't think it would pass for 480...it is ultra compressed so that its file size and bandwidth take up much less space. QIK videos are not anything close to showcasing what the Evo can do.

Thank God I got nervous. This will be first Andriod. Was a big IPhone fan, they Apple showed me what they think of thier customers. I have been looking for something comparable since, but refuse to give Apple or AT&T a penny of my money. I go and pickup pennies infront of AT&T store so they can't have them!!!!

I have Pre now good phone but everday usable apps are lacking. If WebOs came before Andriod maybe different story. I hope HP makes Webos better but my Pre will go to highiest bidder.
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