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Toss the iPhone 5 for a Galaxy S3??

A lot depends on what you use your iPhone for. I tend to view the iPhone as a better enterprise device. So, if you use the iPhone to connect to your corporate email server, I think this remains a better choice than the Samsung. Also, the iPhone works well with Google's cloud. The same cannot be said of the S3 when it comes to Apple's cloud. If you have a big investment in DRM protected iTunes music, transferring this to the S3 is not impossible (you'd have to burn it to CD first - that's the legal way :D) but a PITA to do.
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A lot depends on what you use your iPhone for. I tend to view the iPhone as a better enterprise device. So, if you use the iPhone to connect to your corporate email server, I think this remains a better choice than the Samsung. Also, the iPhone works well with Google's cloud. The same cannot be said of the S3 when it comes to Apple's cloud. If you have a big investment in DRM protected iTunes music, transferring this to the S3 is not impossible (you'd have to burn it to CD first - that's the legal way :D) but a PITA to do.

To me, all of that is just more reason to get out of apples restrictive ecosystem sooner rather than later.
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A lot depends on what you use your iPhone for. I tend to view the iPhone as a better enterprise device. So, if you use the iPhone to connect to your corporate email server, I think this remains a better choice than the Samsung. Also, the iPhone works well with Google's cloud. The same cannot be said of the S3 when it comes to Apple's cloud. If you have a big investment in DRM protected iTunes music, transferring this to the S3 is not impossible (you'd have to burn it to CD first - that's the legal way :D) but a PITA to do.

Believe it or not its illegal to burn CDs over here not that anyone could find out.
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Believe it or not its illegal to burn CDs over here not that anyone could find out.

Oh..... iTunes gives you the facility to burn a limited number of CDs from DRM protected music purchased from the iTunes store. I think this would make it legal. If you then transfer those CDs to a Google Music account owned by you, it should still be fine. The main thing, if ever questioned about music held on Google is to be able to produce the CD you burned and demonstrate that you burned it legally, in line with Apple's terms and conditions (and agreed between Apple and their partners in the media industry).

If OTOH you find a utility that strips the protection from DRM protected iTunes music, and then transfer that music to Google Music, you would be substantially in breach of the Digital Millenium Copyright act which forbids circumventing copyright measures. Daft, I know.
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Ive recently changed to Android after having an iphone for around 3 years, i had the 3GS and 4S.

I'm not regretting it one bit, the Galaxy S3 seems to be a great phone, its lightening fast and the screen is amazing really.

The things i like about Android and the Galaxy S3 are as follows, apart from it being lightening fast with a great screen i like how customisable the phone is. With the iphone your stuck with the memory you buy, with the S3 its great how you can add a micro SD card upto 64GB and thats on top of the internal memory that the phones comes with.

You can set your own email and sms tones as well as ringtones, with an iphone it has a sealed back so you can't get inside the phone easily if you need too, with the Galaxy S3 the back cover pops off really easily allowing you to change the battery if you want too, i carry a spare around which isn't an option with an iphone.

The android app market is now a lot bigger than when i used to remember it when i had a HTC Desire, its great and the apps are a doddle to install. Their is much to the phone and android, ive just skimmed over the surface really.

I'm more than happy making the move back to android and the Galaxy S3 seems to be a great phone so far.
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I was in a very similar position to you having a mac desktop, ipad and having had an iphone 4 (and other various iphones since the original in 2007). I got a great deal on a refurbished S3 in November so I took the plunge.

I will be honest with you, the first month or so wasn't easy. Until I learned the ins and outs (somewhat) of Android I had some frustrating times. I consider myself fairly intermediate when it comes to tech stuff and it took me a bit to get the phone the way I like it, and it's an ongoing evolution.

Lately everything's been working great. Partially because of this forum and being able to come here for advice and read the experiences of others. Now I love my phone and when I pick up and play with an iPhone I immediately miss many of the features of my SIII. Iphones are pretty and generally easier for novice users to get up and running, but the experience is like a walled garden unless you jailbreak.

I also echo a previous poster who urged you to wait and see. One thing I love about the android environment is I don't have to feel like a slave to one OS, carrier or manufacturer. A lot of great new devices will be coming soon this year, including very likely a galaxy sIV if the rumors are true.
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OP, unfortunately you are not tech savvy... you are far from tech savvy. A tech savvy girl would be using Linux on desktop, rooted Android on their phone and posting on XDA instead here...

Is that necessary why insult someone looking for advice. So you have to be using Linux to be tech savvy and posting on XDA those are the requirements good to know. Try being a little nicer.

Anyway I don't think you'll regreat if you get an S3 its a great phone and like most android devices you can customize it alot. Just remember if you root it make a back up immediately there are tons if sources on how to do backups and plenty of them or in this forum. Good luck and let us know what you decide on.
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@Stuntman - exactly what I want to do...change everything about the phone. Customize to my likings and preferences. With my iPhone you can change the background..YEEHAA!

I had the Epic before my iPhone 4s and loved it but then decided my world should be Apple. Now, I'm regretting it.

If you had the Epic before, then you are already familiar with Android. I personally own a Galaxy S3 and love it. An Epic is a CDMA phone, so you may be somewhat limited in your selection, depending on your carrier. If you are not opposed to changing carriers, you will have more selection.

If you do plan to make the switch, welcome back. Anything holding you back?
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