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Post your Screenshots and Wallpaper!

Here is mine using...

-Digital Clock Widget (Boca Weather Skin/Myriad Clock -Skin)
-Live Wallpaper
-Custom made Icons/Dock (PM me if you want them)



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I got bored of haloween and went looking for a new wallpaper when I realized I didn't have to look so far... I have dozens, maybe hundreds, of pictures that really fit my personality saved in my picasa account. Like my sig says, I'm a fiber artist- why not use some photos of my own yarns and fibers. :)

can't quite decider which is best yet, so I'll post a few...







they all have good and bad points, most importantly that i think i need the large versions instead of the trimmed web store versions to really make them pop. but really, this is an endless goldmine of wallpaper choices for me... I'm always making more, so I'll always have more pictures to choose from.

What kind of Calendar widget is that? I've been looking everywhere for something just like it!
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OK so technically this is not a wallpaper. But I think it isn't out of place here since it is kinda a screenshot. Its not fancy but its mine. Took me all of 10 minutes to do this.
Again, nothing like the real experts are putting out but it works for me.

On a related note someone, [TSD maybe?] said something about making you tube videos and posting them here. Honestly, thats a pretty damn good idea. I created a second account on you tube. I'm not claiming to be an expert on the SF. However, I know a thing or two about a thing or two. So potentially if it would benefit others, I'd be willing to make some this is how you vids. After this first one I think I'd have to do one on the bootanimation.zip. Seems so many people try to do this and get it wrong i.e. blank, black boot screen. This would naturally lead to a Root Explorer Walk Thru and then away we could go from there. I see so many people who cannot put the words on the screen into mental imagery. They do say a picture is worth a thousand words. By all means any of the other vets in here might wanna jump on this train. We could eventually have an entire thread of just how to vids. There's some things I know but some things I dont. For instance, a lot of you in here have really spectacular wallpapers/themes/etc. I dont at all. So if you have a niche, post a vid of it. What seems special about the SF section is the quality and quantity of really helpful people. We'll see where this goes.
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FWIW, if you want this same shutdown sequence its linked below along with detailed instructions for installation. Should not take more than 5 minutes, provided you have Root Explorer [$4 in Market]. RE truly is one of my top five apps. Heck I have it in my LP+ dock. Its invaluable for this kind of tinkering. Because no you cannot just use Astro to do this.
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