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Official EVO Rumors and Speculation thread

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Galaxy S coming to all carriers?

Will the Samsung Galaxy S Arrive at All Major US Carriers by End of Year? | Android Phone Fans

That's interesting to me. Isn't the Galaxy S supposed to be a competitor to the EVO?


See you have to pay close attention to my posts :) No way it's coming out in June though.

Also, people are being confused on Sprint having prototypes, based on what is being said in the forums. There are pre-production devices, which you're seeing out in the wild, and post-production, which will be the final device. The EVO 4G has already been completed, hardware wise. Reason you're seeing some with a red speaker grill, is because it's a pre-production device (testing). Software and internal testing is what being done now. Final production is very close, but it's not there yet, regardless of the videos you're seeing posted.
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yea that screen is a killer . but screen alone doesnt make the phone perform just a pretty face that's all . the performance is the persona of the phone to me . the evo already has good looks so im definitely feeling the persona of the previews they show us what it can do . dont get me wrong the S is a great phone im sure .

and yea the S has a unique processor but i just know what i want . evo hands down .

and yea drex that was a real nice find though . and i found that not convincing myself when they had it as number one .

and i highly doubt that it's going to be 1000 ! probably a place holder until it actually hits carriers . just like the screen shot of the evo was 5,500 ! its going to change
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Bill, that article about FroYo is a left over April Fool's joke...

Um if you remember last week I posted that I had spoken with I guy at Sprint World Headquarters in Overland Park (I live like 5 miles from there and quite a few folks around here work there) and he has had hands on with the EVO (says it's awesome by the way) anyway he sated that unit had 2.1 on it but the production models would have a more advanced OS when it is released. <<<<<<long run on sentence. I think it kind of blew right over everyone because of the bickering and speculation. Call it Froyo, 2.5 or what have you but it'll have something more advanced than 2.1.
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See you have to pay close attention to my posts :) No way it's coming out in June though.

Also, people are being confused on Sprint having prototypes, based on what is being said in the forums. There are pre-production devices, which you're seeing out in the wild, and post-production, which will be the final device. The EVO 4G has already been completed, hardware wise. Reason you're seeing some with a red speaker grill, is because it's a pre-production device (testing). Software and internal testing is what being done now. Final production is very close, but it's not there yet, regardless of the videos you're seeing posted.

My bad, Self Praise. Your last sentance in that post COMPLETELY flew over my head...LOL. I guess I was more intrigued about the Motorola device. Good stuff.
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Even if it is priced at 1000 dollars do you think a carrier would make you pay that for a device? They have to compete I see this device in the same price range as the Evo/Incredible (aka every new smartphone on the market) probably 200-250 with new contract or upgrade.

Guys, I didn't write the article... Just posted it.

And I know the price would drop with carriers, but unlocked, or buying it without an upgrade will be steep, if according the article, the price stays...
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a little off topic but i can't wait to see the leak on the c40 and hear a little more info on the moto phone that sprint will get . i just want sprint to have a good selection choice and variety of phones for customers . since i am a sprint customer i just want them having nice mid level phones , superphones , entry and all . just a good choice to target all kind of users

oh its cool keatre . i know you didnt . i'm sure it's a place holder until then . shoot the evo is 5,500 on a screen shot . it's a place holder .
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Guys, I didn't write the article... Just posted it.

And I know the price would drop with carriers, but unlocked, or buying it without an upgrade will be steep, if according the article, the price stays...

Very true but try buying an Evo without a contract I'd bet they'd gouge your eyes out and charge 800 at least. Point I was making is no one would buy these things as unlocked devices because they's basically have to re-mortgage their house. It would however one way or another have to drop to a competing price for it to survive on a carrier's shelf. I think the device is sexy and the lack of SenseUI is a very little donwer since I can nearly replicate the entire SenseUI experience with 3rd party Android widgets currently available on the market. However the lack of 4G on a network that is building infrastructure in my area would lean me towards the Evo because I don't want a device that in a year would become obsolete because of the new service offered.
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well, multiple people are saying bestbuy told them the evo can be preordered there 30 days before launch. sprints facebook event is the 12th. at first by looking at the calendar, i got june 6th (may 12 +30 days) but i added wrong. its actually june 4, which, sadly is a friday
Dylan, I went to my local Best Buy yesterday. They told me in a week or two weeks we can pre order the evo. Hope that helps. And I really really hope they aren't lying to me.:)
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galaxy s may not be 4g but has one of the most powerful processors oyu can put in a smart phone I may have to look into it if its true about it coming out in june.

Boy - am I happy I can't (legitimately) upgrade until September 1. The EVO is my 1st choice. But, at my age, the physical keyboard could be a BIG PLUS. But - then again - my typing with a KB sucks - so, maybe it doesn't matter! LOL

Competition is good!
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Ok so i was watching the video Drex posted earlier by CNN money. Do you guys see the space a 4G netwrok base station takes up? It is less than the size of a file cabinet because everything is stored "up in a cloud" as opposed to that huge 3G storage rooom. This is the exact reason why Sprint and walmart are teaming up to increase the amounts of 4G markets because it is easy to install and won;t take up much space at all.


What a minute. You mean that rumor a while back that Sprint was joining Walmart to use their stores to set up a WiMax everywhere is true? If so, then there is no way Verizon and AT&T would catch up.

Please tell me I read that correctly.

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Well considering if you don't live in a 4G area (or if Sprint charges for 4G [which they better not!]) and you don't want to use, wireless N is faster and has a greater range than G. All routers coming out these days are wireless N, along with most wifi cards.

Does the Evo NEED it? No, of course not. G is fine. Is N faster? Yes.
Sprint already said they won't charge for 4g only for the hot spot. But I don't live in a 4g area. My area is 3g which is fine. Sounds like they will try to get 4g nation wide. I hope they do.
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Dylan, I went to my local Best Buy yesterday. They told me in a week or two weeks we can pre order the evo. Hope that helps. And I really really hope they aren't lying to me.:)

Lying would be intentionally not telling the truth...chances are those guys don't know the truth and just said what they thought sounded good/they were speculating.
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life is too short for screen protectors, cases, holsters, pouches, skins, and belt clips.

i like my phones naked.

I agree, except if there's a special screen protector that is finger print resistant.

yea i think sprint is very comfortable and wont get to comfortable . but it looks like the evo and incredible will have some nice touch : HTC Incredible and EVO 4G to feature new maXTouch sensors – Android and Me

Yep - I mentioned that back on 4/2:


nice link though showing more info about it.
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just out of curiosity and without reading through 88 pages for the answer. When you shoot a video it automatically records in 720p i assume so when you go to video message someone will it automatically resize it or do you have to make some sort of changes?

that's a good question . hmm i assume it would convert it or something or whatever device you send it to and if they cant watch it then they just can't . but with all these high quality phones coming and ones already out i wouldn't be surprised if they accept the video message . now idk if they will see it in the quality of what the evo has ...

anybody else know something on this ?
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oh my bad man .. I wasnt around during that time i dont think . i joined a few days ago . but if you see the commercial provided on the link i posted it would be cool if they had the evo doing all them things or showing what it can do . the lady was for sure an attraction so it would of pulled the males in and making the females think maybe i can be stylish like that if i have that phone or technology (evo) the littlest things stand out to people in commercials making them think they will be that way or get that attention by doing such .
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